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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Nah unfortunately not, otherwise it would have been the first game booth i would have queued at! And yeah, the sense of believable conversation between enemies as well as the sense of dominance from bigger groups, is really quite an amazing thing. They've really polished that part of the game mechanics from what we've seen here on this video.
  2. I remember someone saying that you could have made it through that entire level without killing one guy..... But this is some of the most intellegent A.I. ive ever seen in a video game. This girl looks like she will be vital for your survival and not just a handicap which is what happen's in most co-op games. I loved how the bad guys interacted physically and vocally with both each other and your character/s. Definitely some of the most dynamic animation and dialog combos we've seen on any game to date.
  3. That was fucking awesome. I need to play this game!
  4. It wasn't too bad in the prison with shotguns. But it's definitely harder on bigger map areas without autoaim.
  5. LOL, pretty funny mate. I like that one the most.
  6. DuPz0r

    Eurogamer Expo

    Nice, i might see you there then I might even go dressed up, i hear there's a load of cosplay organized groups going n there atm. I'll be the one in the pink panther manga outfit I might actually dig out my Big Boss/Naked Snake halloween outfit actually xD ok
  7. I would go by cannon because I like the physics. Seriously though, I like using the vehicles they give you on (some) missions because that's the way they want you to play it.
  8. Who know's we'll have to wait 6 months or so for the next half...
  9. So this years Eurogamer Expo event is being held from the 27th to the 30th of September 2012. I got some tickets this year as I've always wanted to go to one, but never have done. Things i'll be looking to play on the show floor: Assassin's Creed III Crysis 3 Dead Space 3 Doom 3 Farcry 3 Lost planet 3 (yes lots of three's) Hitman Absolution Metal Gear Rising Resident Evil 6 SimCity Tomb Raider I'll try my best to write a few things down, and tell you guys about the games I've played. Is there anything specific anyone wants me to try and answer about any of the games above? Just leave a question below, and i'll try my best to answer them. And don't worry i'll use spoiler tags for those of you that don't want to know anything spoilery. Who else lives in Europe on here? Get your arses to London, and meet me there!
  10. lmao. That trailer looks pretty funny. I might have to try it.
  11. Ah didn't see it, cheers bOnEs. Yehp i fiiihnk u mu muuuuiiiee miiiiiiiss eded it maroonery!
  12. That was fun guys, the shotgun deathmatch was slow and close a lot of the way. I think gtaaddict was winning for a bit, then i took over for 5 minutes and then bones snuck up and too the lead, and me and addict battled for second place whilst gtagrl hid in the towers, and jamie afk'd for half the match whilst we took turns blowing his face off. I enjoyed the cannonball runs and free races too. Not sure what the scores were on the deathmatch but i'm pretty sure it went: 1.bOnEs 2.GTAaddict5 3.DuPz0r 4.JamieMilnie 5.gtagrl Correct me if i'm wrong. Good game guys. And RIP Michael Clarke Duncan. Great actor, he will be missed.
  13. Yeah i got Jamie, GTAgrl, adam, so far. Can one of you add the other dude?
  14. I wonder if this's that 50+ friends bug... I have like 70 people on my friends list. I should have a clean out at some point and see if it works.
  15. I just signed off restarted and signed on, and loads of other combinations. just waiting for an invite.
  16. i never receive invites on time. They end up turning up late and expired for some reason...
  17. I read about this. I think they wanted to polish what they had done already by bringing out a second part to the original game with better multiplayer aspects, as apparently the multiplayer part of the game (co-op) was the most successful. They're making it clear it's not a Dead Island 2 though for whatever reason. Maybe they're secretly working on a next-gen DI-2 with a whole new setting.
  18. You like Meth aye qwobtroll? No wonder you talk shit all day. The only serious thing from your post was the bit about Jesse. He looks retarded bald. It doesn't help him that he's put on weight in the last two seasons, so he has a big round head now.
  19. This is the next Metal Gear Solid Trailer running in the Fox Engine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjvUFl5Q6nA