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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I don't know about the shit list, that needs its own list; the absolutely retarded and needs to be bludgeoned to death with a claw hammer list. I'm sure he's just trolling him. Is this qwob?
  2. It could have only taken them around 8-9 months lol... which is long, but they needed time for filming and editing. Do you think the second half of the final season has been filmed yet? or do you guys think they're still doing that now?
  3. DuPz0r

    Whore of the Orient

    Hopefully it doesn't take as long as LA Noire to come out...
  4. I know there's only a handful of MGS fans on here. But i thought i'd post this anyway. Kojima Producions have just announced a new MGS game titled 'Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes' at their MGS 25th anniversary event. A demo was played to an audience showing 'Snake' stealthing his way into a wet and heavily guarded compound whilst avoiding searchlights.He's also seen riding a jeep, and calling in for a helicopter. The game demo ran on their new and powerful Fox Engine, which for those who do not know, is considered their next generation engine. Source: Famitsu /edit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjvUFl5Q6nA I'm generally really excited about this. I love MGS, and i'm happy to see they're bringing it into the next gen of gaming. I wondering if they'll be running it on console or PC this time around though... Kojima and Konami have had a real struggle with patching and server updates in the last few console titles, especially for their multiplayer titles - MGO. If the next title has any multiplayer functionality that is.
  5. Not really. When i pay on PC it's usually very grey and overcast a lot of the time. Unless you use scripthooks - where you can change the time of day and weather patterns etc. Plus if you use one of the ENB or ICEnhancer Mods, you'll get seriously realistic skies.
  6. Not bad. I like the whole survivalist thing with animals in the jungle obviously. But every game seems to be doing it lately. I just hope it's not a diluted afterthought.
  7. That was my favorite quote aswell, until.. I almost felt intimidated myself, but at the same time I was laughing. His ego just went through the roof. Yeah that was an amazing episode. It really show's how far the character Walter has progressed in that direct since the pilot.
  8. It's a glitch That's not really an explanation. 'Glitch' is a widely used word in gaming, and can be anything from a mesh obstruction, to badly written code/script. It's pretty much down to unstable servers mixed with my crappy (4mbs) ISP though.
  9. They'd probably do a number of colour grading effects to enhance the overall richness. They're just trying to make it look more interesting, just like normal photographers. You almost never see raw photography commercially these days.
  10. LMAO. I would so do that... ...If i had the bollocks.
  11. I'm still looking forwards to this and Dead Island 2. Both pretty similar games imo... Apart from the enemy, the core gameplay is exactly the same. Survive.
  12. Nice job man. You tried using Crysis Engine? I'd like to see your wire frames too if that's okay? PM them to me. I'd like to see more of your work if you have a portfolio?!
  13. I'm not sure. I can't really tell. I get disconnected without any reason. Sometimes even when i host, i'll add people, then i'll get kicked from my own game... To be honest this used to happen in my old house too, so i know it's not my internet connection or anything...
  14. Hey rmb11rb, What's your PSN name? /sarc See you guys there, as long as i get in. I'll remember to rest my router this time!
  15. PSP and Vita have wifi remote play. It's rather limited in the games department, but everything else can be done from the portable devices. This is the start, and i'm sure the next gen will follow on and create better remote access on the go, allowing you to access everything you have at home, or on a cloud system.
  16. The next GTA will no doubt be in the next gen, I think they'll probably skip LV and SF and do a new Vice City... Just saying.
  17. and a waterfall. But yeah, agreed. If it's a big area, we wont need restrictions.. We'll happen to come across it in a freeroam, or we'll be taken there within a mission. RDR map was huge, and i didn't discover half of the towns until i was taken there during a mission...
  18. Just in case anybody is still interested in multiplayer. The free 'disorganized crime' pack is being released tomorrow:
  19. For me? Often xD. I'm an exception though, as i'm thinking about how i could do it better. I do agree with your statement though. We wont be looking at the trees unless we're taking screenshots or something. We'll be focusing on the moving objects and the action.
  20. I miss shopping malls. I liked the mission in Vice City. LA has plenty of malls, and i think we need to see more enterable shops. Even if it's an outdoor style shopping district...
  21. I think if anything, you'll probably start off in the heart of the downtown, and will probably only be restricted by missions here. If you freeroam, i think the whole city will be unrestricted. The countryside however, is an interesting part of the map, as it's the part we don't know much about yet. The outer city could be considerably bigger than LS, and this could be restricted in some way. In GTA IV, if you traveled into a restricted zone, you'd get a maximum wanted level, to make exploration difficult. I can see that being the main way of stopping players traveling too far into the wilderness. I don't think there will be many if at all, any physical restrictions for some reason.
  22. That's also happened to me. I had to take them on in the bedroom, and they kept pooring in. As soon as you save it though, the wanted level goes.