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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. lol i was totally in that that was one of my friends mods haha.. hey whats ur psn id so i can add you... he can spawn jets too bro. What other mods are out there on PS3 then?
  2. Nice Jamie, but it isn't in-engine. It's rendered and composited with visual effects.
  3. DuPz0r

    Sleeping Dogs

    Thanks tbag for your honest review. To be honest, before your review, i already had the feeling it would be like that, it didn't seem like it had enough substance to keep me hooked for long. A (sandbox) game that's like SR but not quite as good, knowing GTA is out there on top.. It just isn't worth the money. I may rent it. I never intended to buy this one anyway. I do still like the look of the combat, but that's all i was caught by.
  4. Some cool mods i found on youtube. I'm definitely getting Skyrim PC soon. I need to mod!
  5. Oh man. If that's what I think it is it's so fatty :X The meat on it is delicious though. My bad. My wife brought home a pork joint instead, so we get more meat *Salt's* *Pepper's* *Chilli's* Can't wait to eat!
  6. Yeah i love GTA just fine the way it is. Cruise control isn't too bad, but i would much prefer they were worrying about side missions and other details than stupid things like turn signals and real brand names... What does realistic even mean? I don't want a simulator, i want the next GTA...
  7. Really? lame. How many episodes are left this year then? or was that it?
  8. Roast Pork Belly tonight for me
  9. DuPz0r

    Sleeping Dogs

    I read that as^ The old true crime games weren't all that to be honest. They were fairly big maps for ps2 games, especially streets of LA., but they never held a torch to GTA.
  10. With Minecraft though, does it not allow you to play multiplayer when the donated player is on at the same time? That's how it works on the PC version anyway.
  11. Did you not see the Cryengine 3 and unreal 4 videos? there is clearly a jump in some areas. Like tessellation and particle effects. But i agree in some ways, it's hard to push the boundaries visually with current knowledge. In order to make games look truly "next gen" they'd have to be on par with film, and that's a completely different kind of genre (3D/VFX). Realtime engines do need work in the physics and lighting areas though.
  12. Oh and as a side note, didn't Bryan Cranston say this was going to be the last season? I don't see why it should, there's so much more room for activities!
  13. ^Looks like a badass Skyrim mod with uber-graphics! ^This one is on PS3 but sort of bleeds into next gen.
  14. The last episode was awesome (S05:E05)!
  15. Tips: If you want proper 3D text use Autodesk 3DS Max or Maya. If you want moving vector text use After Effects in combination with a VFX program like Nuke or Fusion. There's thousands of video tutorials on using these products on youtube alone.
  16. DuPz0r

    Hitman Series

    Nice. I can already see this being better than AC's mulitplayer. It's Hitman... This is what it's all about.
  17. Landslides could be an easy way to physically block entry to another area. That's if they decide to block any areas off.
  18. Okay, this is a little off the original topic, but it's probably better off in here instead of making a whole new thread. Film Story Influences We all know that R* love to homage popular films in GTA, and GTA V will certainly be no different. With LA as the film industry hub - Hollywood, there is huge potential for homage for films, and especially those based in Cali. Here is a small list of films I think could potentially be an influence on GTA V. Reservoir Dogs After a simple jewelery heist goes terribly wrong, the surviving criminals begin to suspect that one of them is a police informant. Not only is Reservoir Dogs filmed and based in Los Angleas, But it's a brilliant story with brilliant characters, which would easily work in a GTA world. Jackie Brown A female flight attendant becomes a key figure in a plot between the police and an arms dealer. Plenty of Memorable characters, and plot scenarios. Jackie Brown has probably al;ready influenced past GTA games to some extent, but I think with GTA V this would be the perfect location to homage this film! Collateral A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in LA. He must find a way to save both himself and one last victim. Collateral was an interesting film, and I could easily see this as GTA a mission influence... To Live and Die in L.A. A fearless Secret Service agent will stop at nothing to bring down the counterfeiter who killed his partner. I loved this film back in the day. This guy is relentless, and the film is full of action including gun fights and car chases. There's no doubt that this has good material for influence. The Big Lebowski "Dude" Lebowski, mistaken for a millionaire Lebowski, seeks restitution for his ruined rug and enlists his bowling buddies to help get it. Lebowski is a funny film, and GTA is never short of funny moments. There's plenty of films out there and they don't have to be set in LA. Please add to this if you feel like it. I guess the 'Epic moments' thread would probably tie into this, and might be inspiration.
  19. DuPz0r


    Animal blood transfusion. lol I've been sort of interested in this game for a while, but can't be bothered to buy arma 2 just for it... I may wait to see if they do make a new standalone version on the A3 engine then.
  20. DuPz0r

    Sleeping Dogs

    Looking at the map it seems like they've only taken a quarter sized chunk from Hong Kong and used that for the map. It doesn't seem as big as GTA IV in my opinion, but i could be wrong. So who knows. It just seems like there's not that many roads, and that makes it feel less detailed. I've not played it yet, so can anyone who has/will be playing it soon let us know how it is?
  21. I just watched the first couple of episodes of Season 1. Pretty cool. The mechs look a little crap, but the story is kind of interesting so far.