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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I can't boot. Psy needs to pass the crew to one of us somehow...
  2. I jumped on the minecraft bandwagon purely to mod it. I've started making my own texture pack codename 'Circles'. I made my own character skin using my own face scaled down to pixel level and then refined.
  3. I promoted this event on the crew page. Hopefully we'll get this thing going now... @Jamie i tried inviting oyu too. Loads of bugs there. The clan is full at the moment, so unless someone leaves, or they up the crew count...
  4. This is a good estimation imo. I don't think it will be much bigger than this(maybe more countryside/desert). The river/lake is well placed too, through a mountain range. I'd be happy with a map this size, if it is densely detailed like IV.
  5. My wings hit the spot I should make these more often! /edit Lame, the pics came out in the wrong order lol
  6. Sorry Firm, but that looks fucking revolting lol! I can't stand doner(donor) meat, it just looks like they chucked the whole lamb in the mincer with a couple of human corpses and reformed it onto a stick, before scraping it in a pita. A chicken fillet kabab, now that's what i'm talking about! I decided i'm making buffalo wings tonight! I got my secrete ingredients to make my own marinade coating, and some Cholula sauce on standby at the table.
  7. True. Emile Sande managed to butcher her own songs by singing live though....
  8. Nice bOnEs, i do like the odd bbq flavors. You'll have to send me some So true that that don't fill you up, but they do hit the spot for me. The g-spot!
  9. Looks Yummy. What is the chicken coated in? Peri peri, hot and spicy? I love spiced chicken, one of my favorite foods. I could live on just buffalo wings, and not get sick of them!
  10. Oh God, George Michael is way past it, and still dancing like a 21 year old gay. O_O Most disturbing moment of the Olympics so far... HOLY SHIT i fucking loved that Brian May solo, a pity Jessie-J ruined the rest *Goes and listens to some real Queen*
  11. ^ Same here. I have barely played those Cannonball Runs. And the ones i have played were fucking immense fun! It's not something that you'd do for a main event though. More like an afterthought, like the GTA Races. LOL
  12. Looks more like the eye from lord of the rings.
  13. sure to god hope not Nice idea. But i doubt it'll be all separated into islands somehow. I imagine a huge mainland (from what we've seen so far - See TreeFitty's map breakdown), with a mountain range around and some desert surrounding with a town or two. And maybe a single island, possibly representing Santa Catalina Island of the coast of L.A. And that's me being wishfull, as we've only seen a couple of shots of the countryside outside of the city of LS...
  14. GTA IV's Liberty City was based on New York City not the amazon rainforest. Well at least he'll get his forest fix in 'V. I wanna play RDR again now...
  15. DuPz0r


    Maybe, but 'from here to Timbuktu' is a pretty common phrase...
  16. DuPz0r


    Good find. Doesn't change the fact that Agent it gathering dust on a shelf somewhere atm though unfortunately.
  17. DuPz0r


    Nice screens Dee
  18. DuPz0r

    Classic Titles

    Here's the first screenshot of the Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee - remake. Looking pretty cool considering the original looked like this:
  19. Here are some headlines i found which could be a good starting point... 'Children Of Same-Sex Couples Must Be Saved Through ‘Underground Railroad’ Kidnapping? ' 'Scientists Prove Ancient Alien Cauldrons in Siberia are Real' 'A Doctored Photo from Obamas past?'
  20. I prefer British (crepe-like) pancakes to Amercan pancakes. They are meant to be slightly crispy, like when you fry an egg and the edge crisps slightly. American pancakes are okay, but they're too much like crumpets. British Pancake French Crepe American Pancake Crumpet: Right, i hope that's cleared things up.
  21. Some more safehouse ideas I've been thinking that would look cool: Treehouse - Sort of the log cabin theme, but a bit more interesting. Modern Pad w/ Private Runway - Something for the country/deserts. Hill House - Carved into the hillside. Vineyard Mansion - A stylish mansion in the Malibu region. This as a side note - For the city safehouses, I think this would be a cool garage system, to ensure your cars don't go walkabout...