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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. dun-nun dun-nun dun-nun dun-nun BATMAN!
  2. I have Driver SF. I got it on the cheap. It's not a bad game for a racer. You can't physically leave cars though, apart from switching to any vehicle around you. Yeah, Dan Houser said "Very Big Map", but considering there is only one major city, I don't see it being much bigger than RDR... If as big. I'm not bothered either way, just as long as there is enough activities to do in the country as there is in the city.
  3. Seems pretty interesting. Will the gameplay be just like Heavy Rain?
  4. A tent or portable safehouse isnt actually that outlandish of an idea. Remember it has already been done in red dead Also, i agree with bOnEs, big safe houses should accommodate car enthusiasts
  5. Nice breakdown Fitty. It's nice to see how parts of the trailer fit in to that image. Do yo guys mean 3D map like the Driver San Fran map? (Skip to 2:20)
  6. DuPz0r


    Meh, looks ok. I always thought Mayhem would make a cool game, but come to think of it, it sort of seems like it'd be like this.
  7. i think this is the best damned idea ever I agree - I think portable safehouses would be great. Maybe we'll get a Breaking Bad referenced mission in V!
  8. Everyone expects there to be safe houses in GTA V, what kind of safe house do you want to see? There has been a good variety of safe houses in the past GTA games, including; red light district, back alley room, shack, ghetto cul de sac, up-market apartment, beach hotel room, condo, mansion, abandoned air field, ranch, petrol station/garage, and many more. I was hoping for some new unique kinds of safe houses to GTA V, as well as some of the expected. Here is a list of safe houses I'd like to see: Top floor penthouse (Mile high - kind of expected) Vinewood hill-top mansion (overlooking the city - kind of expected too) Wood lodge (beyond the mountain?) Luxury yacht (perhaps a transportable safe house?) Hobo shack hideout (after shit hits the fan?) Personal Island mansion (perhaps an little island out to sea?) Have any more unique ideas for safe houses to add to this? then please go ahead and post!
  9. I used to do GTA stunt with people on this website back in the GTA San Andreas days. Hmm... i have video's somewhere. GTA:LCS here:
  10. DuPz0r

    Skate 3

    I miss you on PSN D' it's like you died! You on steam or something?
  11. I liked the IV DLC's, where you get a fresh perspective of the world through a different character's eyes. I hope to see some DLC based around a different person, with radically different missions and side quests to the main game. GTA DLC's are also a good chance to play silly and maybe even make more fun opportunities that may not have fit in with the main storyline or character.
  12. San Andreas and Saints Row customization is practically the same, the only difference is that you can't change the character's face and body proportions in San Andreas. I don't think you should be able to do that to the main character btw, I was only talking about multiplayer. I like how Rockstar make the GTA protagonist iconic and memorable. I like playing as a defined character, not something I quickly chucked together. But multiplayer is a different matter. You are playing as an avatar, you should be able to customize that avatar in as much detail as you possibly can, in my opinion. Crews - We know that GTA V will have some multiplayer crew functionality. So crew logos will probably play some role in clothing, like Max Payne 3. I hope we could at the very least customize specific colours of threads if we only get a small selection to chose from. I also think that if the customization is limited, the most important thing that needs to be present is a face proportion editor, I hated choosing from only 10 preset faces in IV multiplayer, it was so unrewarding grinding to level 10, that I wasn't even interested in getting there.
  13. I think online customization needs a real overhaul... Choosing from a basic preset of outfits just doesn't cut it. Saints Row 3 character creation was pretty much what I want to expect for GTA V online/multiplayer. How hard can it be to add something like this? not hard, just time consuming, and they've had nothing but time to work on this. Hell, it's probably not even 'North' working on the multiplayer section, so whatever studio has this task has even more time to work something like this in! Being able to make your own character which doesnt resemble everyone else online is what will make or break the next GTA 'Online experience' in my opinion. /rant over, it had to be said though.
  14. Dio would probably be more interested in "Man on Fireman". Fitty, Mas... Make it happen!
  15. no it's not behind the camera, I guess you're a little confused with the respective points of view. look at these two images I fiddled with: comparing the marked buildings (and many other buldings visible in both pictures), you can determine the direction of sight in the new screenshot, I marked the approximate direction with the arrow in the old picture. taking this into account, what you identified (correctly) as sealine in the new screenshot, would be about where I put the blue line in the old picture. now, what I circled red, at least for the middle and the right, can be clearly identified as clouds. comparing the edges of these with the red circled thing on the left, I come to the conclusion that this is most likely a cloud aswell. Also, a similar thing is missing in the new screenshot which has a much further draw distance and therefore - again considering the perspective - should show something in the center-right area if it was a ground feature like a mountain range. Yeah i was slightly off, i tried to visualize the position using downtown too, but maybe not so well . I think the sealine could perhaps continue along to the left side of the screencap. I'm hoping it's not going to be Los Santos surrounded by mountains and only 1 or 2 linear drivable paths/roads out of the basin.
  16. I don't quite get this picture. there's only one mountain line in this picture, about the 1/4th of the right. everything else looks more like the upper edge of evening fog/smog to me, look around the setting sun, it has too faded edges. also it wouldn't make sense in a geographical perspective as the plane flies east to west over Los Santos and as it represents LA, there's supposed to be water. There is definitively some sort of geometry here. If i adjust the exposure and gamma of this image, you can make something out. Cloud formations always look flat underside on horizon lines,as it's the vanishing point. fog doesn't make shapes either. The center is hard to tell, that cold be sea. But either side there is geo. But hey, this is just speculations, Dio has the facts. Also After looking at the new screenshot with the helicopter again, there is clearly sea in the background. Look at the position of the downtown buildings, then look at them in the screencap you highlighted, the sea is/should be behind the camera...
  17. This is the first I've heard of it. Looks funny though.
  18. Yeah you're right. It's probably a LOD (level of detail)/viewing distance bug. For an officially released screenshot you would expect them to polish them a bit and make sure nothing like this makes it through. But meh, it wont stop me from play it
  19. I'ma pretend it's the LA heat distorting them. That's all. To be fair, they are badly anti-aliased if at all, but at least they look more realistic than that of the trees in GTA IV...
  20. I can't wait to explore what is in and beyond the mountains. Maybe i'm trying to relive my San Andreas and even RDR experience through this. Where i was shocked at the scale of them two games, i think it's harder to be so shocked with this game, as we're all expecting something as great as or better than both of those games. It's kind of desensitizing.
  21. I doubt it. From what they said in the Q&A they're far off.
  22. I felt like doing some topography From these three images, we can clearly see the landscape around LS. I'm not here to say how big it is, i'm just pointing out what sort of sandbox space we can see already from one trailer and one screen shot... Sea line?: Mountains. Mountains and sea line?