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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Agreed. He sounds like the type of person that likes fluffy cartoony wii games anyway.
  2. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    erm, i'm not sure. He's a Wizard level 60 - Pita or something maybe.
  3. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    Hey Cuda, your pal has been very generous with equipment the last couple of days Had a few runs through on Hardcore and Hell difficulty with him.
  4. Bigfoot?!? Why not BigSmalls? coz he was like totoaly from LA before tpac shot him in thehead which fell in NYc... Yeah, as mentioned above... Bigfoot isn't interesting any more. I'm sure they will do something else to start conspiracies in SA.
  5. This does have some interesting gameplay mechanics. And it looks pretty too.
  6. Wow, this game is shaping up nicely. One of my top wants from E3 this year tbh.
  7. DuPz0r

    Crysis 3

    Footage from E3 2012:
  8. DuPz0r

    Tomb Raider

    I did mean to say "dynamic in-game animation"* Yeah, there's plenty of realtime environment animation like that of the Uncharted.
  9. DuPz0r

    Tomb Raider

    That looked like my type of game! It's good to see the survival elements in there (even though every game is doing it at the moment), But the dynamic in-game action to present, so they mean business! Let's see if they can do as good a job as Naughty Dog!
  10. The video only shows the faceless man rolling around from a distance after they shot the cannibal zombie. The news said they rushed him straight to hospital, when the video clearly shows him rolling around for 10-15 minutes. There is a photograph going around on the internet of the guy, (eaten face) before and after. Fuck it, it's here: NSFW
  11. Went to a convention this morning, and my wife managed to get our first 'Game Of Thrones' book signed by Jason Momoa aka Kahl Drogo! And my Misses got a couple of cheeky photos with him.
  12. DLC looks slick. Can't wait to play it.
  13. No wonder I'm always skint, my son has tons of it! He also loves Minecraft, which we have on PC. Mud cube anyone?
  14. Believe me, i couldn't agree more. The film was two minutes long, less than two weeks ago. We were told to speed it up for some reason, and that meant re-rendering every single shot in the last few days, and cutting about two shots from the start. Lol, that's a funny question actually. We were trying to decide between the lizards tooth and claw for all of pre-production. We finally settled on the claw, the lizard creature attacked the father, and lost his claw. The lizard model has a missing claw on his front left leg if you look carefully. And you see the missing claw in the footprint when she's tracking. We did mean to put a little blood on the footprint, but i think we just forgot in the end.
  15. Anyone ever play this game on PS2 a few years back? I think it was a great expression of the original film. The main reason I made this thread though, was not just to talk about the game, but the possibility of a future Warriors game... Rockstar Games have recently introduced the crew function to the social club, as you all probably know. We've seen R* adapt most of their popular titles to multiplayer, and have seen some nice innovative game modes along the way. This crew function would work perfectly with an online-mulitplayer version of the Warriors imo. So, what is the likeliness that they would make a new Warriors game? Well, Rockstar do like to make their one-off titles here and there. But we did see a Manhunt 2, and a Smugglers Run 2, among others. So there is always a chance they could decide to make a new Warriors, if they see the potential profit. Potential Game types: Looking at games like; RD, GTA, MP - We have some good starting point for online game types: Territory Wars The first and most important thing about The Warriors, is the territory earn't. So an online adaptation could see servers with set clans fighting for parts of the map. This could be done in a similar way to Max Payne's Gang Wars mode, where multiple chapters can contribute to the outcome of the game. Tagging Up Turf A bit like Capture the Bag/Flag, but with spray points. The most tags sprayed by the end of the game wins. Don't ask what made me write this up, i just started thing about it after seeing a crew named after a warriors gang whilst playing Max Payne. Add to this if you want.
  16. Thanks for all your nice comments. To be honest we didn't expect to even have animation in it up until about 3-4 months ago. We didn't have an animator on-board until the last minute, so we had to rewrite the cinematography to allow the characters to be animated. Otherwise it would have been just camera pans showing off our environments and all that. So it has come a long way in a short time.
  17. Yeah it is part of the trade, but at least I wont have to work on it late into the night back at home like I do know!
  18. The idea was a project based cinematic, to show our potential, not really a full blown game or anything. Now I've got this out of the way though, i can start working on my own personal in-game environments, I think I'll do my next one in the Crysis engine. It was really fun working on it in a group, but working on it every day for the past 4-5 months was really was hard and draining. @marney. Yeah we thought that too, if you noticed we did change it in the film
  19. FINALLY, we finished the film. We got short-listed to the top 15-20 groups about a month ago, and then yesterday we just got picked to be in the film day exposé We have to go up on stage to introduce our film, and have the chance of winning some high end graphics cards at the end. Anyway, Thanks guys here for all your suggestions and ideas towards our little game trailer/short film. Some of them made it into the final film. Here it is: https://vimeo.com/42962207