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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Nice. If this was the original Trailer for GTA:SA, I think it would make me want to buy it. I know the trailer is technically directed by R*, but its a good take on it. well done
  2. Wow, it's been a while for me too. I spent far too long playing those!
  3. Yeah i find a single hand gun, or dualing can be a lot more effective in bullet time stand-offs than say an AK47. But obviously an AK would be better at general long distance picking.
  4. No epic cinematic build-up teaser? That's a bit weird them releasing alpha footage... It looks good, but i just hope this game isn't too rushed. :/
  5. It's not that bad once you get used to it. I've just entered the 'Third Act' of the Story, I've really enjoyed the timeline diversity, I don't think I could have put up with a whole game set in the favela district!
  6. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    I don't really know much about Monks. But i know they Use Polearms, Swords and Fist Weapons, which I may have in my stash. Added you btw.
  7. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    What's your BattleTag Cuda? I'll add you if you wanna play. I might have some spare monk loot on me atm actually.
  8. Why don't you change the controls in-game, to switch out triangle with a button that's not really used much? Maybe the quick 180 button (down on d-pad)? (That's if you can change controls individually) - Until you can get a new one.
  9. I've been playing it slowly too, as I've been sucked into the multiplayer world a few times. If I'm honest, i find the MP3 story quite a challenge, even on normal difficulty, which is brilliant, i like it when i get a good challenge. I still think i need to get used to using bullet time more often than i am.
  10. I found this: http://gematsu.com/2012/03/the-last-of-us-gameplay-details-screenshots
  11. Got my Special Edition through this morning! Playing the through Story mode atm. Can't wait to get online tonight with the Rockstar Devs.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShP5xn9Tz90
  13. You mean XI online right? Great game. Slammed a bunch of school for it back in 2007. Nah sorry, I didn't make it very clear lol. I meant Final Fantasy XIV. The graphics quality for an MMO-RPG are beautiful. Not sure if it really took off well though.
  14. I never played this, but it reminds me of Smugglers Run (PS2).
  15. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    LoL XD I've not had this error 36 yet. I did get an Error 37 which was a log-in issue, but they seemed to have fixed it now.
  16. Just don't return it then. Replace it with a crappy game and do some graphics prints to cover it up! they're rental staff they'll never know the difference!
  17. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    I had to wait a few hours before i could connect, but once i finally got in, it was fine. The games beautiful
  18. Apart from working on my End of Year film with my production team, I'm trying to work on personal stuff on the side. Here's a Remington model 870 Tactical Pump-Action shotgun I've been working on for the last two days. It's still work in progress. Any suggestions on weapon attachments?
  19. DuPz0r

    Diablo III

    I'm getting Diablo 3 tomorrow. I have a couple of friends who want to team up with me, and i haven't played a decent game like this in ages! /edit i got diablo 3 today. Althoug i've not been able to even play it because of the server meltdown... But If you wanna catch me on multiplayer (at some point), here's my tag: DuPz0r#2529
  20. Noooooooope. Don't you remember the time before CoD4 where every FPS was a crap WWII game? I'd like to see more Cold war or even 'Nam games. Medal of honour started the "cool WWII FPS" era, and they eventually lost steam. Call of Duty made the WWII "blockbuster" and "hollywood-like" and it was original and awesome up until about COD2. But yeah WWII FPS games did get boring. But now Modern and future war games are in abundance and that's become boring. I like the idea of exploring other big wars from the past, and even altered present day wars, but future wars becomes unrealistic and loses the call of duty tag for me. I also think the gameplay mechanics are just so recycles every year. I'd prefer they put in a 4 year effort to create something new and artistic, that people will be impressed with, rather than just feeding the sheep their yearly pellets.
  21. Final Fantasy XIVXVXVIIOVXZ looked pretty decent for an MMORPG. Not that I ever owned it. I just remember seeing the graphics quality, and thought that's how amazing an elder scrolls MMO could look.
  22. < Click it. Might be down atm. Edt: 80 QUID!? You're mad! How much did you pay? I only got the special edition for the figure tbh...
  23. I only have a pair of 5KG bells. I dunno where I got them from or why i don't have any other sizes, but there you go.
  24. I heard that SWTOR was ridiculously expensive to make. The most expensive game production of all time, like $200million or something crazy. *investigates* After a few days to take this in, I don't really like the look of it. It's not a proper elder scrolls game, they've WoW'd it and made it all cartoony. I bet there's not even a first person camera to play. I also read that it's a turned based mmo :/ that sucks big time.