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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    Crysis 3

    I think there is only one environment team for the main game. My friend works in Nottingham team on the multiplayer maps, not as awesome, but still a brilliant job straight out of uni never the less. The Crysis engine is a brilliant engine to work in, I have the most recent release, and have plonked some assets into it.
  2. To be fair i barely used bombs, knives or bullets in AC... I preferred to stealth melee where i could (which was most of the time). I think the other smaller weapons just slowed down the action for me.
  3. PS3 for sure. I've also pre-ordered the special edition.
  4. DuPz0r

    Crysis 3

    My friend from the year above me at uni is working on this at the moment, the lucky bastard!
  5. DuPz0r

    1979 The Game

    coming when? WHEN IS IIIIIIIIT?!
  6. As soon as mod tools become available, I can arrange that for you
  7. Developers that make a name for themselves tend to attract loyal customers. Developers like Rockstar Games try to build upon this by using their trademark sandbox style or third person action mechanics which are themed through-out recent games. I'd say i'm pretty loyal to: R* Games - All their games have an impact on me. Naughty Dog - Uncharted, mostly. Bethesda Softworks- Most of their games appeal to me. Ubisoft - They have a wide selection of games that i enjoy, for example: Assassins Creed, Rayman.
  8. DuPz0r

    Uncharted Series

    Currently playing Uncharted: Golden Abyss. The game looks so nice as a portable, and really shows off the power of the Vita. Here's a couple of screenshots I took: It looks even better in motion too. The touch gameplay elements are implemented well too. The touch screen really makes climbing simple and effortless, all you have to do is brush your finger across the path you wish to climb and Drake goes and does it. The touch screen is also used for various puzzles and artefact examinations. And most importantly, the story is fun, and Nate is still a funny guy, which is brilliantly complimented by the mo-cap animations that the Uncharted games have always done best! This game is on-par with the first Uncharted in terms of pushing technology in the first stage of console release. It can only get better from here, and Uncharted Golden Abyss has set the bar.
  9. Ah that's cool. Shame about the code thing, Blockbusters staff are always too dumb to remove them and I end up with DLC packs and multiplayer codes all the time.
  10. I love how the trailers from R* Games never really give anything away! Looks great btw.
  11. If you rent, make sure you do it on release, and you may be lucky to get a network multiplayer code (if R* are doing those) in the box.
  12. I had some money put by for equipment at the end of my (only a month left) course at uni and decided to treat myself. I think it's a great device, and can do almost everything a tablet and smart phone can (except make calls - not sure about the 3g version), but has better gaming components. Games look great on the OLED screen, Uncharted is a brilliant example. It has only a few social network apps at the moment, but tbh they can be logged into via the browser. I'm starting to buy more of the PSN & Indy titles to play on this as they seem more relevant on a portable for some reason. This looks appetising! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXd5ZQhaVyQ
  13. I saw a giant knock a dragon up into the hair in some glitchey fashion whilst playing in the first week or two. Maybe these update patches have ironed those out.
  14. I bought a Vita today after long consideration. I wanted to wait to see if it went down in price before i bought one, but i managed to find a second-hand mint condition Vita in CEX along with a 16gb card and Uncharted: Golden Abyss for only £230, which is 70-80 pound cheaper than buying it all new at the moment.
  15. Tyrion Lannister ftw! A Lannister always pays his debts. He has slowly became the main character in the TV series.
  16. I was wondering if anyone else here likes Game of Thrones besides me? Seeing as there is a lot of skyrimers on here, GoT fits the same category really. I've read the first book and am on the second book now, as am I watching the second series/season on HBO. I must say, the only other book/film I've enjoyed in the medieval-setting fantasy genre before this is LotR, but that's a bit of a cliché, I just never really gave them a chance until GoT, and I really love the books now, as well as the TV series, which is very well representing the book so far. Anyone else here read the books, or watched the TV series?
  17. Everyone here has probably seen this no doubt, but I thought I'd add to this thread anyway, as this game deserves attention! I'm sure a lot of the developers working on the Max Payne 3 online gameplay will also be working on GTA V online gameplay right now, so expect similarities. I really like how bullet time has the exact same feel as it did 10 odd years ago, but still merge well with current technologies. Can't wait to get my hands on this game now. I've decided to go with TESCO special edition for the Silent Killer Multiplayer Load Out Pack as well as the cheaper sale price.
  18. DuPz0r

    I Am Alive

    I've had quite a few retries to be honest, but I've been playing it really casually here and there when I have time. I'm at the fairground now. I really enjoyed the high-rise part of the game, and I'm sure I'll play through on normal afterwards to try and save all the survivors.
  19. It always happens at worst possible times. I tend to play my console more when i have no money, and that's the time it decides to fuck up. I had the original 60gb PS3 which broke on me twice and had been refurbished on warranty. Then it fucked on me last year out of warranty, and I found a PS3 and Xbox repair guy nearby who fixed mine for 40 quid. Why don't you try and see if there is anyone near you who fix PS3 systems? If this one goes again, then I'll end up buying a slim no doubt. At least your console died to a worthy game. Mine broke last year whilst my son was playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean...
  20. "Fus Ro Dah" as been patented with a trademark by Zenimax Media. xD http://tarr.uspto.go...&entry=85589286
  21. I found this recently. I think it's pretty cool. It's essentially a google map with custom filtered locations that would come in handy or steer clear of during a zombie outbrake. Only problem is, how would it work without the internet?! Print a world map anyone? Check it out for yourselves: http://www.mapofthedead.com/ If you allow it to track your location, it will show you all the handy locations in your area.