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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. My misses puts chocolate in the fridge too.
  2. I'm looking forward to playing a NEW AC game. I refused to play revelations because of the lack of innovation, and to be honest i found the story becoming stale after brotherhood. I may pick up revelations up in the near future for a low price or even a rent, and quickly run through the story before ACIII is released though.
  3. Who thinks they could sleep at night if they could hear this ambient sound whilst laying in your sleeping bag?
  4. I only played through The Warriors once. I wouldn't mind playing it again actually. Still love the film. It would be interesting to play from a different gangs perspective. I'd love it if they made a proper sandbox world like GTA, that would be so awesome. OMG GTAIV mod!
  5. blips should be off tbh... Colony Island is tiny.
  6. Yeah, i think it looks crap in terms of tactical espionage. They've teamed up with another game developer to create some high-paced hack & slash action game. None of the MGS fans will enjoy it imo, so they've already lost the majority of possible day 1 buyers. I'm sure that kind of game will appeal to some small group of people though. Apparently it was re-booted because they struggled to keep the MGS style. Here's an interview on the matter:
  7. soz i couldn't make it guys. This dissertation is dissolving my brain at the moment! I'll definitely be able to do this in a week or two, once this is out of the way, if this is going to become a regular thing again...?
  8. Truth - My favourite animal is a fennec. Almost as cute as a cat, but stealthier!
  9. Just this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXCzwpeBJGs
  10. We already planned some sand blowing past like a light storm. That's one of the reasons the canopy thing is flapping in the wind.
  11. I loved playing Snake Eater so much this last two weeks, i got a platinum trophy on it in no time. Snake Eaten! I still want to play it even though i've completed it like 4 times already! Well, i may play through MGS2 next, and see if i can enjoy that as much. Raiden... *cringes*
  12. Would be good if they made a second game. The first reminded me of farcry 2, but zombies rather than gorilla gangs. I think the co-op was a great extra too once they got it fixed. I think a second game could really do well, if they polish some of the odd annoying things from the last game.
  13. DuPz0r

    PS3 problem

    I've accidentally pressed my power button for too long before and reset my display settings without realizing. It wasn't till i took it round someone else's house, i realized what it was for.
  14. Ok. That makes sense. I guess the composition could do with some work anyway. Cheers Fitty.
  15. Hey guys. Just a quick update. I'm working on the pre-title sequence, or establishing shot for our film's setting. http://vimeo.com/37480883 Just thought i'd post it up, and try and get some feedback on it so far. The backplate is still work in progress, but it's about 80% complete. And we still have to add higher quality assets in places. (replace game low poly) I've also done some beauty renders of what we have so far in scene. And an example of how we want to use the zdepth focus shift. Give us some tips or suggestions if you can, thanks. DuPz.
  16. You don't replicate a city in meticulous detail and then add random shit that doesn't fit in. Something Row.
  17. I used to rent. But where i have unpredictable working/studying hours, i don't know when I'll be able to play. So I just buy and play when I can. Slowly, these days, but surely.
  18. Maybe, but that sounds dumb. I only use it for the PlayStation, so I'm always gonna call it PSN. SEN xD
  19. There was a pen in IV. Wasn't an actual prison interior, but was pretty fun for team-deathmatches.
  20. Those are great ideas guys. Match cuts are fun.
  21. Yeah i noticed i had timing issues, but thanks for the extra tips. Cheers Fitty