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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. This is something i put together today. Still needs a little work with getting the sand right. But what do you guys think? (Click the image to go to photobucket)
  2. I might be on. I haven't played in ages, it might feel good to play again. But i don't have time to make anything for bragging rights. Too busy with dissertation writing and final production work.
  3. But you don't look like a clown. Mad Hatter?
  4. I know how to work world time differences out but it's up to you to provide all the details of the event so no one gets confused. that's 2 pm my time, which means i wont be there, but saturday was never going to work for me anyways... add roughly 5 hours for the wankers across the pond and your looking at something just after your fucking tea and figs or something... all-mowst... all-mowst.... all-mowst..... 'eir we are!
  5. XD lol, Its from dafont.com, so it could be based on it. Just found this though It's actually called Market Deco. Dunno what it's meant to be from, if it is from anything in particular.
  6. Already talking to our sound guys about it so it shouldn't be a problem.
  7. The group decided on that font after going through literally hundreds of them, as we felt it reflected London's upmarket shopping districts. We've been playing with colours for a while, and this one just stood out from the rest. Here's something like what Fitty suggested: /edit i dunno why the vignette has turned into a Loony Toons Hole xD bloody online compression! I'm starting to think of doing an animated sequence now, where the font cracks.. What do you think?
  8. Yeah, Pre-vis always look shit as lol. It's mostly for timing the pace and camera angles. The models get put into place afterwards, and the lighting is set up and it's rendered to look more like my final render i posted above. We're still in-between, the transitional period.
  9. Lol^ That will be my backup plan if i fail at getting into the games industry! I need some decent crit/tips on my title design for my fmp film. Also here is the pre-vis of our film: http://vimeo.com/37201053 We're collaborating with 3 Musicians/sound artists now, so the beta film will have some music and sound effects. And a more polished render:
  10. san andreas is its own STATE. i have no doubt that california doesnt exist in the GTA world. & Cali' songs would be fine in GTA V. It's the feeling and setting of the songs, not the word Cali' or California that should matter... GTA V isn't just the west cost btw, it's also the mainland, mountains etc.
  11. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    Doesn't look very good to me. :/ I've never bought any Saints Row DLC... It just doesn't ever seem as good as the main games.
  12. LOL, same here. Was a good one. Can't wait to see the next episode now. The preview for next week looked pretty heated. Also, we need some zombiies up in here: It feels to theory based, we need some target practice! NSFW
  13. I've not read mostof these post. But here are some songs i think would be nice to hear in GTA V: (Random bag, not specific genre or order) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjrgi_L1wyo
  14. Make sure you're always alert. And drive safely!
  15. That preview was pretty good. It explained a lot. I never played Far Cry 1, but i did enjoy 2. It got a little repetitive after a while, but the core gameplay was fun. I'm looking forward to number 3, I'm sure they will have addressed the issues and dislikes from the last game, and refined 3 into something amazing.
  16. I'm always on that 28 days later website. I used to urban explore over building tops and what not, when i was younger, and i used to post images up on there. Also, there are some great places on there I would consider safehouse material. This looks like a good place to store things like supplies, and lay low for a while. Needs a bit of a fix up, and just gotta make sure nothing can get in or out. But it seems like a good bunker if you have a group of survivors. I sure as well wouldn't allow 1999 other people in there with me though! "Dodge Hill is the smallest of the three shelters, accommodating 2000 people. Carved out of sandstone using pneumatic drills. Consisteing on multiple blocks, each block has multiple entrances, decontamination areas, beds and toilets - some of which are still in place. In the early 1990s, Chestergate Shelters were re-opened to the public as a place of historical interest."
  17. Anyone want some seatbelts? But, seriously, that's a pretty great idea. You'd need some heavy duty shears to cut them out of a car in the first place right? I've never tried cutting through a seatbelt, so I'm not sure how resilient they are to blades.
  18. Just a few more random questions to add to the list: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What would you think is the most forgotten item in a scenario like this? Would you ever prepare for something like this, and how? Ideas for home-made protective armour? What sort of footwear would you wear, and why? If you were to keep one book with you, what would it be and why? What sort of general skills do you think would pay off in this scenario? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Answer any or all, whenever you feel like it.
  19. Sweet. Shame my old-gen ipod touch can't handle it. It's still cheap as anything anyway, so i'll pick this up when i finally get round to buying an android tablet worth buying, most likely.
  20. Yeah we used to have fortnightly IV events, and it was pretty fun. But as the attendance of players dropped, the outcome started to turn out the same each week. We had the usual deathmatch, and then a few other random games, like GTA races etc. I do miss the events tbh. They never really kicked off with the DLC versions for some reason. I think that was due to RDR, everyone here moved on to that.
  21. DuPz0r

    Saints Row

    I've completed SR3. I thought I'd be weird lol.
  22. Thanks for your contribution, and welcome to the forums. Now that ^ sounds like a good offer.