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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I noticed on the front page, that R* mentioned again Los Santos and surrounding hills and country in the Q&A section. But also, they repeated that it's going to be the largest and most ambitious open world game they've ever created. Not sure if I'm reading between the lines, but that still sounds like they mean largest map rather than largest budget or largest content or whatever. I think we're most likely looking at a much more realistic scale of the real world. When compared to San Andreas, it seemed like less than a 0.1 scale. I know there isn't a proper way to compare scales, since GTA always seem to compress iconic city areas in the cities into smaller spaces, and the countryside is always a much more realistic representation of world scale. Just thought I'd reignite this thread a bit. See if people's opinions have changed. Also, nice find Fitty. First time I've checked back on this thread in a while.
  2. Nice! I'm currently completing the Snake Eater trophy list, which is essentially doing 100% of possible things in the game! I think the hardest is to capture/find every type of creature/food including the rare tsuchinoko to get finishing rank: Markhor.
  3. This is what playing games has done to me:
  4. 6am sounds fine with me. I'm normally on the forums from 10am to 2am....
  5. Fuckin' aye. This new trailer looks sick!
  6. Normally you can get molex adaptors for your PSU that will work with any type of fan, if you don't have any free motherboard plug-ins. I've not used that motherboard before, but there are normally power plugs for CPU fans at the top near the CPU slot.
  7. Probably bOnEs. He's always working on a crank or a transport film lol. I doubt I'd be able to grow a decent beard with my facial hair. i get to this length and give up coz it gets itchy, and it doesn't look very thick either. As Mass would say, you can still see my chin!
  8. Jason Statham is pretty badass. He's like the British Bruce Willis imo. also, for the lolz:
  9. The Zombie Apocalypse Bible I know we have the Post Apocalyptic Playalong thread, but A zombie outbreak is a slightly different matter, and plans need to be more carefully thought out if you want to survive. This is how it's going to work: i'll ask a bunch of questions, and hope you lot will be bothered to answer them. Over time we can then build a collection of tips for survival. Like an outbreak bible! Also, feel free to add to this, by asking your own questions too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intel: I guess the most important question you should be asking yourself is what kind of threat are we looking at? Are the zombies fast & vicious? Are they slow and avoidable? How do they hunt? do they stand idle until they can see/smell you? Or do they hide and wait for you? Refuge: Where you will hold up. Is your house/flat/apartment safe in an outbreak? How many people do you have with you, and will they help you survive or end up getting you killed? Will you seek refuge somewhere else, and why? Will you keep moving from place to place, to avoid being cornered? Rationing: What you will do when you run out of food & water. Will you go out and look for food? Do you have one place in mind that will house all your needs? You don't have a lot of storage on the move, What is the most essential food and tools for survival? Defence/Offence: So you want to survive? What sort of weapons & defence do you plan to put in place to help you live longer? If you have a gun, do you have enough ammo? if not, where will you get it? What sort of melee weapon will keep you a good arms length away if you have to come face to face with one? Will you secure your windows if you have any? If so, with what, and where will you get that? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So, a few simple survival questions which should get you in the right mind set. Don't forget to answer them, as that is the point of the thread. To build a collection of different scenarios and versions of how to survive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ These are my own answers: Intel: I guess the most important question you should be asking yourself is what kind of threat are we looking at? I'm gonna say we're looking at 28 days later style RAGE zombies. They're not slow, they're quick and relentless. They're smart and stay out of sight until they see any vulnerable prey. Refuge: Where you will hold up. I live in a flat above ground floor with secure doors, so I think I'll be safe at home. I have a Wife and Son, and they're the only people i care about enough to get myself killed over. They only reason for me to seek refuge anywhere else is if somehow, my flat became unsafe. Or if i couldn't get back in after collecting survival supplies. My last choice, but if i had to, then yes i would keep moving until i found somewhere as secure as before. Rationing: What you will do when you run out of food & water. Well yes, I'm not a cowered, if I need food, I'll go and get it. But I'd ask my family to stay at home. I have a huge Asda-Walmart right near my house. although it could be swarming with zombies, is the best place for supplies near me. I'd stock up on tinned food, dried foods, bottled water and a selection of drugs like painkillers and antibiotics etc. Defence/Offence: Guns aren't really accessible in my country, so it'd have to be a good selection of melee weapons. No guns worth keeping on me around here. A baseball bat, a machete and maybe divers knife as backup. My windows shouldn't be accessible on the first floor, but I'd probably nail some wood over them only leaving small gaps to look out. One thing i saw in 28 days later which i liked, was the use of trolly's at the bottom of the stairwell. I think I'd do something similar if it didn't put my life at risk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to add anything else that will have value to this thread, like images of good hideout setups, food and supply items, weapons, etc...
  10. I felt the same, but now I'm watching the second half The Walking Dead S2 at the moment, and i still have Game of Thrones to finish. And Dexter starts again later this year. Also, how cool is this 3D environment piece?!
  11. The SA missions were pretty easy. I played it again recently, and realised just how easy they actually were. I died far more times on GTA III during missions than i did on any other GTA. Hi Vicey btw.
  12. DuPz0r

    Mass Effect

    I've read a fair bit about ME, and i really like the concept, and the sci-fi theme. But i played the ME2 demo a while back and got bored really quickly. I might give ME3 a chance, but will i need to play the others to understand the narrative?
  13. Yeah, it was very unrealistic, but badass nevertheless!
  14. GTA is going to be around for a long time. As long as they keep making them, they'll be bought. Kind of like Final Fantasy, although the longer the game is around, the harder it will become to impress the players. Rockstar Games have the resources to make every GTA impact the gaming world every time!
  15. I played MGO quite a bit but then people found out cheap ways to kill you and it got really hard. Then there were a lot of hackers too Yeah, i heard there was a cheap kill trick to do with a mouse control or something, and they could turn and get instant headshots. I quit after that. I did enjoy the weekly survival tournaments, that's the only thing that kept me playing for as long as i did. I just read this on their home page: That's a shame. I might install it and get a few games in before they close it down. Long live Nano.CTRL! /edit - Quick update on MGO: They're giving away all the reward shop (in-game) items and DLC level packs for free on the 24th of April! I'm definitely having a few games then, and play around with all the character rewards before the final closure.
  16. If you want MGO, play the MGS4 one, that one was way better! Remember our failed attempt at a clan back when MGO came out? I managed to recruit a good 35 people over in my region, and had some decent clan matches. But they never aloud cross region... Your answer was no MGO on Snake Eater HD btw.
  17. I think this has become my favourite TV series. After watching all the 4 seasons, I'm hooked, and need to see season 5 now!
  18. Yeah, it is MGS3 Subsistence in HD.
  19. Well, i think more happened in this first episode then did in the entire first half of the season. Let's hope they keep up the pace!