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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    Damn, Adam had a great concepting style. R.I.P. Adam & David.
  2. For those with the PC version, the Creation Kit for Skyrim has been released and is available in the Steam Workshop. http://www.creationkit.com/ /edit I'm tempted to get the PC version and create a few mods for this
  3. I don't believe in a god, or a higher being, but i have beliefs. God is your own personal monster. There's no light without dark. Religion seems to differ per person. It's all psychological. I believe I'm free to wonder the earth as I want, within reason, and I will eventually cease to live, no afterlife. I'm not bothered by this. I've done the one thing I think is relevant, which is leaving my seed, by having a child. That's all there is to it.
  4. Is there a specific reason? Do you not like fantasy? You seem the type who would love fantasy games for some reason.
  5. I dunno if anyone has posted this, I've not read the last 5 odd pages. I want the PC version now, just for the lolz
  6. I've finished Snake eater now and started on Peace Walker. I'm playing them in t he timeline order so i understand the story a little clearer. Man, it feels weird going from SE to PW, the controls and graphics feel so weird!
  7. That's the only thing i hated in GTA IV. Being phone raped every 10 minutes to hang out with a buddy. It should've been a side quest on your terms, where you phone them to hang out only.
  8. Ooo nice. Very good comparison. I'm no rock expert, but those pasties do resemble the ones on the photos. Although i do wish TreeFitty was right in suggesting Catalina Island!
  9. Snake Eater was fun. I'm three quarters through it at the moment, it's still as good as i remember it. But i still liked the first MGS the most, and wish they HD'd it for all of us, not just the Japanese.
  10. Snake Beater... xD Best Trophy Pun EVAR! lolz
  11. MoAr GoAr! Honestly, I'm not that bothered about gore. If it's as gory as hell, or gore-less, I'll still enjoy it...
  12. The 70's probably had the most original Movie-films. The Godfather, Taxi Driver, The Warriors, Alien, Monty Python and the Holy Grail. There is so many genres, it's hard to pick a clear favourite.
  13. I agree that touch and motion devices do not go down well with core gamers. But i also agree that the market is now bigger for the casual gamer. There will always be developers out there making core games though, that wont stop. But trying to play GTA V for example, with a touch screen controller, is pure fail. It wont be responsive enough. I still find simple flash games sometimes unresponsive on touchscreen phones, and tablets, so i don't know how they'd expect much from a full console touchscreen device. Another rant about touchscreen devices: I think they're restrictive, and i don't see a player being able to hold the device and press more than two or three buttons at once. With a controller, you have the power to hold 6-8 buttons at the same time if you need to. which allows a lot more variety.
  14. Resident Evil 'Revelaitons' misprint makes it to retail Source I lol'd
  15. When they're finished They're getting there. The girl is almost done. The father still has a way to go.
  16. Our character artist made it. The world is set in an alternative London, where the sun has rapidly expanded, changing the climate among other things. The main character is a girl called Sable, surviving in a wasteland with her father (The bus camp). Her father is wounded by that lizard, and she wants to take revenge, by proving herself. She tracks it down, and attempts to kill it with a crossbow, but realises it's stronger than she expected. It ends up hunting her, and has her cornered amongst some rubble. She has to make some rapid decisions or face death. That's about it really. We've spend a long time re-thinking the story, so many times, to the point we're sick of it. But we've been pushing it a safe direction, as our tutors keep telling us. Which i think is good.
  17. The top down view, although innovative at the time for this kind of game, was restrictive. It didn't work well in a sandbox world (I know it was one of the first sandbox games, but, you know what i mean). Did you ever try playing GTA 3 top down? It was very difficult to take in, and to judge where traffic would be at high speeds. What they did with Chinatown Wars was better. If they were able to do that back when the first GTA games were out, it would've been more of a hit back then.
  18. Here's a sneak peek of what we're working on at the moment. As you can see, the showreel pieces i have been working on the last couple of months were built for a purpose.
  19. Yeah, I'm more appreciative of trophies these days. I used to whore them, when they were first introduced. Now i only get them if i get them. Being able to achieve trophies for some of my old favourite games is a bonus though. I hope the GTA Classics will have trophy support, just for the fact i love GTA so much, i will eventually get all the trophies for them.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    Or you can listen to it here and see if you like it before you buy it? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGo9aGAhSl8
  21. I used to smoke weed, until i realised how much of a lazy cunt it made me. So i did something about it. I don't smoke cigarettes, or take any other drug. All i have left is drinking. I might even give that up at some point. Although i do like a good beer or whiskey once in a while. Like Vicey, i like to be in control of my body. Not monging out in a corner somewhere hoping someone will bring me food, even if i'm the only person in the house... Weed makes people lazy and paranoid, that's from personal experience and from observation of others. Anyway, that's my opinion.
  22. D-O, how the fuck do you have time to complete skyrim with college and partying on the side?!
  23. My Final Major Project is under way. We've finished pre-productions for our game cinematic, and we're now building sets and animating!