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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I just started playing it, and realized that each game has its own trophy list and platinum trophies. cool.
  2. I thought i'd post the second page. It looks like "Fuel" has the biggest console map. And Skyrim is actually slightly smaller than Oblivion at approximately 15miĀ²
  3. Looking set to be a solid game. A proper cinematic experience. Will definitely be buying this.
  4. Those shots do not reflect the epic in-game trailer's visual quality tbh... It does still look interesting, just not as high-end as they led us to believe.
  5. Walter looks badass in this picture!
  6. This is out tomorrow in my region. I'll be picking it up as soon as i wake up!
  7. A Duppy Is A Jamaican Ghost , apparently.
  8. Wow, i just watched episode 12 of season 3! Shit just hit the fan. I can't wait to finish this season now and move swiftly on to season 4.
  9. I was impressed with the art, but disappointed with the post. Please respect artists hard work, they put many hours into what they do, not for some random person to rip it off. If you're going to edit someone's work, do the right thing and credit them, otherwise you'll be left with nothing but a bad reputation.
  10. I think a casino is a sensible suggestion. I would like to gamble all my money and either losing or winning having a major effect on my characters lifestyle. For example, if i lose all my cash, my safehouse gets repossessed, and i have to save down at the bum village. If i win big, i have access to big houses up in vinewood, and the top shops.
  11. Also, when the area is locked down, you get to know each part in more detail. I think this is something GTA works well with. Any other sandbox game i play, i don't seem to remember the maps too well, they just seem too repeated and bland. GTA maps are always iconic in contrast, and they have a believability to them.
  12. I think i wasn't the only person that thought we'd end up with the mafia mansion towards the end of IV. That kind of reminded me of the house you got on shoreside vale in Liberty City Stories.
  13. GTA V has probably been in development since GTA IV, so it has been tailored to current consoles. No new consoles have been announced yet. Microsoft are rumoured to be releasing a new console. If we don't know about a new console, then I'm sure the developers don't have the kit to work with a new console either.
  14. This is my latest wallpaper.It's Nasa's biggest most detailed image (built up from 1000's of snapshots on a 3D sphere) of Earth. I'm not sure this is even the biggest resolution of it. Click on the image, i dare you! Warning, SUPER HIGH RES 'ISH! Now i wish i had a screen high resolution enough to have full screen. UtraDef x8 here we come!
  15. I've never really liked the way cars were saved in GTA IV. The old garages were ok, but they need a more reliable saving system. Once you have a car in your possession you should have the option to either save it or not. Maybe one of those cool revolving garages that is in Tokyo Drift for one of the expensive safe-house's.? That's be cool. Or something like this: (Obviously you wouldn't see the cars stored, only the car you pick slides out from the side.) I like the way Saints Row did it actually. They just appear in a list in the garage once you've modded them.
  16. I've never tried to grow a full sized beard. I've gone a month or so without shaving a few times, and got about an inch or two, but some hairs grow quicker than others, and you have to proper maintain it, so i cba with that. I'd much prefer to look unshaven rather than full on bearded.
  17. LMAO that's bOnEs (left) and QD (right) in 10-15 years!
  18. Or like that road in the middle of Algonquin near Star Junction, it has road blocks and half finished construction work. If they're in the middle of a recession maybe the governor has cut back on road workers pay, so they've gone on strike, leaving a chain of unfinished work, creating a barrier out of that district.
  19. As discussed here before, many of us agree that there will more than likely be more to GTA 5 than Los Santos. But i think small towns and country villages will play a bigger role rather than other cities. Like San Andreas when you first leave Los Santos for Angel Pine and Mount Chiliad. They could reverse this and have you start in the sticks, and you have to get to Los Santos.... As for the unlocking areas thing you mentioned. I'm not sure how they're going to do it, but bridges are always the best separation method in GTA.
  20. Like bOnEs, i too enjoy exploring and doing things the hard way. I'm only level 30 and I've clocked many hours, just wondering the world map collecting shit and stocking it up in my house for a rainy day. It's essentially a role-playing game, so you may as well take on the role, is how i see it.
  21. I've been avoiding playing it since after Christmas, because I know if I start, I'll end up hooked on it for the entire time I have off right now. And i don't want to waste all my time on Skyrim... As much as I like it.
  22. That's pretty random, but funny. It's be cool of you found an easter egg island way out to sea. Like a mini shivering isle. lol
  23. NDA's? Non-disclosure agreement's?
  24. Has the way you apply youtube videos and other media changed? Because i used to just paste the link and the video screen would automatically load on post. Now i just get the link code over-ride this.
  25. Remote play your PS3 games on your PS Vita when you're not at home? Apparently BF3 is playable due to a hacked PS3, but there are a hand-full of games that use this remote play function officially with Sony. Personally I'm liking this feature, and would love to play my PS3 games through my Vita when I'm out. But this would only work with games i have fully installed to my PS3, and i don;t have that many due to my small 60gb capacity. If i had a slim with loads of games installed on the other hand, i would love this more...