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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. The Mcreary's are meant to be a pretty big family. I'm sure we'll see another side of the Mcreary family in V.
  2. The biggest point here is, the GTA III era had its own world, characters and playable style. The GTA IV era also has its own world, but it is far grittier and realistic in terms of story and visual style. Also the cinematography is in a different league. GTA IV would make a great film. Why bring back a character from an old hit and have it live on it's old hype and nostalgia, when you can make a new experience which will eventually have its own nostalgic moments. This is why there won't be GTA 3 Era characters in the IV era. And the only reason why Lazlow made it into IV is because he's a radio voice talent, which doesn't have an actual visual presence (apart from one CD cover art, back in VC.) He's almost non-diegetic, he's like the brand names rather than the character list.
  3. Hmm or maybe they decided to chuck those in the old Max Payne release slot as a condolence prize.... (For PS owners anyway)
  4. ESRB has randomly rated both GTA III, and Vicy City for Playstation 3 this week, but sadly nothing for San Andreas at this point. This would hint towards a PSN release at some point in the near future. Another thing to notice is they've put the publisher as Sony Entertainment, which might suggest that Rockstar Games doesn't have much control over the release. Source: ESRB Latest Ratings Just in case they're pushed off the page by the time you read this: GTA III It's not really a big surprise if they have decided to bring them out on the Playstation store, but i wonder if they've given them the HD treatment?
  5. I agree that SSD is the next console format to go with. I think games will either come out on SD cards or digital distribution only. As much as i like blu-ray, discs are on their way out slowly.
  6. Nice idea, but i dunno. It's the whole GTA III era cast thing, not crossing over to the IV era. Did any character make the cross-over other than Lazlow?
  7. BOLLOCKS. It isn't short for anything, i just felt like saying it, coz that's what i think of SOPA. I would however like to see something like this on GTA V.
  8. GTA will be out when Max Payne has had a good run. Which is probably a good 4-6 months imo. I don't think they made any mistakes. They like to build the hype with GTA and offer very little to increase awareness, without actually giving anything major away. I don't think they will make use wait any more than a year, as most producers don't seem to advertise games for that long. But saying that, Rockstar Games is in a different league... They make their own rules.
  9. I miss the survival horror games from my youth. Silent Hill and Resident Evil were amazing. Resident evil has become more action horror over the years, and the silent hill games just very little to offer in terms of new fresh ideas. I think it's hard to balance new ideas with original game mechanics when the limitations of games keep getting pushed up. Oh i found this:
  10. If it ever gets a release date
  11. Yes, yet another Resident Evil has been announced to be released on: 20th November 2012. This one looks set to go back to the genre's core traditions. Resident Evil 6 takes place in a town called Tall Oaks, situated in China. Leon Kennedy has become friends with the US President after his help cleaning up Racoon City (10 years ago). The US President has arrived in China to reveal the truth behind Racoon City, and Leon Is flown in to meet up with him. In RE6, the T-Virus Zombie Bioterrorism outbreak has made a come back, and it has the same traditional feel as the first wave of Resident Evil games. Along with the announcement of Resident Evil 6 at Capcom 15th anniversary event, came this lengthy trailer, which should explain a lot. Trailer: (why isn't the youtube media window working?) Personally, i think they've made a great decision to go back to their roots, and produce something that feels right. Resident Evil 4 felt out of place, but was a pretty good game. Resident Evil 5 just didn't feel like a Resi-Evil any more, they took it too far in the wrong direction. Who's played the original Resident Evil game, and who thinks this one will live up to the Resident Evil name?
  12. Given the choice would you prefer an Andriod Tablet, or would you stick with the ipad 2? The ipad is quintessentially a large ipod/iphone, which to me, is kind of boring. I own an ipod touch, and i don't think I'd really benefit from an ipad.
  13. I so want to get back into this game, but haven't had time since the new year. Once i finish University, I'll find some time though.
  14. Tablet PC's and mobile phones are currently "in" apparently, and there is some nice tech' on its way in the next year or so. I was just wondering what people think of these new waves of Tablets and their respective operating systems? There is a large market for both Android and iOS, and both offer a different approach, which do you prefer? I'm personally still waiting for the right tablet for me. I do like the look of some of the latest Android tablets, with their good customizable displays. I like the look of the iPad2's model, but the actual iOS and content does nothing for me. It feels old hat, and doesn't offer anything that will keep me satisfied for more that a week or two. At the moment, the only tablets I've felt compelled to know more about is the Motorola Xoom 2 which is barely out, but will be upgraded to Android 4.0 Icecream Sandwich in the next week or two. And the Razer: Project Fiona - Windows 8 Gaming tablet, which isn't out for ages. Xoom 2: The Razer looks pretty mad, not too keen on the control nubs though.
  15. DuPz0r

    GTA IV - VC

    Lol gotta love that Russian voice-over "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Rage"!
  16. How can they possibly know they can do a lot to it before it's even out? What if they have changed the coding format since GTA IV? I'm sure they'll eventually crack it, and get new multiplayer content in there. But i don't see what they would bother planning something they don't know anything about yet...
  17. Yes, I thought of the golf course in the trailer and made this. I wasn't sure if the banner was the entire image or the inner box... Prolaps was also in GTA IV. So I'm sure we'll see the return of some other SA brands.
  18. Damn, don't search Prolaps in Google unless you have a strong stomach
  19. I thought that too. Go for it. Mind if i do something similar if i have the time?
  20. I'd still play it. i love any sort of gritty gang related film, and games...
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDx-SqRz7bU
  22. I loved The Warriors. I feel that it was a one off though. I don't think it should be re-made or sequel'd. I think Rockstar Games should do some other games based on decent films. Obviously not the majority of gangster films, because GTA covers most of those. But something else gritty and original from the 70' and 80's. What about Quadrophenia? that'd make a good game i think.
  23. So you completed MG2? But did you complete it on European Extreme?! I still have a little wait for it to come out over here.I still can't wait! Been looking forward to this more than i was for Uncharted 3 and Skyrim. Maybe because i knew that they were good games.