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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I miss the chainsaw. I hope there is a lot more melee weapons. I loved the melee weapons in VC & SA. Katana, golf club, shovel, nightstick, screwdriver, hammer, machete. All useful weapons imo!
  2. Haha. I did think i saw that somewhere. Must be the stress I'm under at the moment to get my uni work finished! lol
  3. You using ENB IcEnhancer for that screen Opt? Or did you just find the paper online?
  4. Yeah, cheers. I did notice. I haven't got round to updating my website yet. I need to update my blog tbh. I haven't added much to it in a while.
  5. I made one last tweak to the lighting and fog. As i was told by a few industry experts that the night shot was way too bright. So i made it more dramatic.
  6. @b0nes - The fire crash theory you have does make sense. Fire is a particle effect, which uses hundreds of little texture sheets generated from an emitter. Almost exactly like you see in LittleBigPlanet. All games have these particles and emitters. So, if there is a lot going on at one time, along with these 100's of spewing fire polygons, it's bound to mess with the hardware.
  7. UH (University of Hertfordshire). It's become one of the leading Uni's in the UK for Games Art specialists in the last few years. Lots of good talent here. It's pretty competitive tbh.
  8. Not yet. I think our tutors are setting up some days for industry visits, to specifically look at our work.
  9. Yeah lol. I forgot to up scale them in the first shots, to they look like micro-machines xD They are burnt out yeah.
  10. I made some last minute changes to my slum environment. It felt too clean to be a slum/ post-revolution place to be in, so i added a load of broken objects around the scene, and re-worked the lighting.
  11. Lmao, Uma Thurman's new film takes just £88 on opening weekend!
  12. My game has frozen a few times after killing a dragon. I think it's the sudden rush of NPC's towards the spectacle. It just messes up my PS3.
  13. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    School bus and children in GTA III? Or was that nonsense part?
  14. Everyone has a theme tune, and they may not even know what it is. Your theme tune is the song that was number one in the pop charts the week you were born. It might be a terrible one-hit-wonder, but you're stuck with it for life. This might help you find your theme tune. Mine is this: xD
  15. This is a nice Mod. Makes the environments look rich and interesting.
  16. Yes very good. But marks ain't as good as money, unless you're German. Get royalties! lol
  17. http://vimeo.com/34486099 Finally i have finished my 2011 Environment Showreel. You guys are probably sick to death of seeing the same stuff over and over again for the last few months. Thanks for all the help and advice on here. I've made a few changes to this final showreel and tried to make the whole thing a lot more dynamic. I've expanded on a couple of the environments and improved them as far as i can. From now I'll be working on my Final Major Film for the rest of my year, so expect to see a load of new shit lol. Major Changes: Old West - I overhauled the rocky canyon, and added that mine section of the map to the side. I also tried to make it look more cartoony. Piccadilly Slums - I put it into unreal 3, and expanded it, tried to make it feel more like a street that just a model. Day and Night shots. Bus Camp - I improved the overall ambience of the scene, and detailed the bus textures. I also made the tent canopy move in the wind (see showreel video for movement) Thanks again. -DuPz
  18. I think GTA V will use some kind of facial capture, but not in the same level as L.A.Noire. Something loosely implemented into animations. GTA is R*'s baby, they will push it in that direction a bit, to stay relevant, and to keep with cinematic conventions other top games are using, just pushing them further.
  19. That's pretty sick. Hopefully you've arranged royalties for any referred customers since you did the promotional side of things?
  20. Probably. It's not cheap that for sure. I'm happy with my purchase anyway. GTA 3 was my golden age of gaming, so it'll always bring me good memories.
  21. Not sure actually. I haven't looked for a number. But i do know there is less that 200 left on the store. So stock is limited.
  22. My game file is nearing 10mb now, and i noticed some major frame dropping whilst running through Whiterun. I turned it off, and haven't played it since. Hopefully it isn't going to be there constantly, as it's pretty awkward to play like that...