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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    Believe it or not, the map is the easier part. Two guys could create the whole map in the time they have. Most of the time goes into coding and animation. But, i agree with b0nEs to disagree with Marn. Agent has been completely out of sight, they wouldn't be working on that more than GTA if they're starting to promote GTA. I think Agent is either going to be under slow development along side GTA, or has been held back to make room for their money maker.
  2. DuPz0r

    GTA IV - VC

    I wonder how much is playable by January 4th. The majority of that video only shows Starfish Island.
  3. Duff, didn't you go with alchemy on your character? If so, do you know any recipes for decent potions like smithing or enchanting?
  4. Is there somewhere on the web where people post their top tier custom enchanted weapons/armours? I want to see what sort of crazy stats people have managed to get their weapons and armours to.
  5. I like Markarth the most in terms of visual and architectural style. Solitude is quite interesting to me too.
  6. It pretty much is an action man. But it's a limited GTA collectable. Only 1500 were made to celebrate the GTA III Anniversary, i believe.
  7. I'm not in america so i don't have HBO and Showtime, but i still get what ever I'm interested in on those networks, if you know what i mean. I don't really watch TV. I just only watch certain shows when i feel like it, kind of like when i decide to watch a film.
  8. I've changed his posture in the display cabinet, tried to put him in a more natural stance, and tried to make him look bad-ass. I'm like a big kid, i keep playing around with him, swapping his weapons! I tell you one thing though, that prison top is a bitch to put on, it barely fits over his damn cranium...
  9. I decided after taking a few pics that my window view is shit, so i did a quick chop-shop just for you Marney
  10. Ooo, this is hard. I liked LA noire a lot, Crysis 2 was a fresh angle for FPS, Uncharted 3 took its action to another level. And Skyrim made the biggest-content-packed game in the last decade. It's quite a tough one. I think Skyrim has my vote due to the amount of time I've put into it so far, and still feeling like there's so much left to discover. L.A. Noire was the most original game of the year though.
  11. Sweet. I should have watched my way through these by then.
  12. I just started watching this last night. First impressions are good from the first episode. It has a good theme, I think I'll be watching this for a while. I've got the first three seasons stocked up. What season is it up to so far btw?
  13. This is a trade-off Rockstar have encountered since GTA IV. They've decided to use motion capture animations instead of hand-drawn animations for more realism, which generally has more detail at a high frame rates compares to hand animated character performance. This is why it feels sluggish, because each motion capture animation has to overlap, and the animators no longer have to animate them, instead they have to clean up motion animations, which is probably more pain staking than just hand-animating a walk cycle off the bat. I think they're getting better at it, because motion capture is still a fairly new tech in real-time. Almost every big budget game uses it now. And you can still notice sluggishness across the board. Take Uncharted for instance, they have some of the smoothest in-game animations, but there is still some sluggish behaviour there sometimes. But i do agree, I'd prefer hand animated smooth animations instead of poorly mashed together recorded movement. I'm sure they have learnt a lot since GTA IV though.
  14. I regret creating this poll, since my favourite changes every two or three months. My favourite is based on the level of nostalgia i have at that certain time. At the moment, I'm liking the GTA 3 Themes tune the most!
  15. I ended up in a prison for the first time today, for trespassing. I ended up in some slavery ore mine...
  16. Hmmm..... ok Dunno how i'll get it too look good without a decent back drop though.
  17. Nope. Anywhere out the US has a $50 shipping charge unfortunately for me.
  18. $149.99 Not including shipping. That was $50...
  19. I just found out that the level cap is apparently level 81, reached by increasing all skills to 100. But it is not possible for one character to unlock all skill perks. There are more than 250 total skill perks (including multi-point perks), but only around 80+20 (80 perks from leveling plus around 20 possible perks from quests) of them can be unlocked by any given character. So generally you could make any character have all traits/skill styles, but not be able to max them all. I don't think it's fair how they've restricted your perks into trees though, so you have to take one route up in-order to get to the eventual perk you want. This can waste two or three perk points in each trait skill you want. I might not even start a new character, I'll just max out my main skills and see what my options are from there.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    Looks interesting. Seeing as it has a physical PS pad to play it with. I wonder if this will be available on PSP/Vita soon (official or hacked)...?
  21. hmm, i feel like trying a new character soon. Dunno what yet. I've only played as a sneaky woodelf archer. What would you guys suggest i try next? I'm intrigued to try either an Orc, Argonian or Khajiit. Just because they're different. I don't know what playing style to go for though. I'm leaning towards a heavy armour Orc tbh, since at the moment i suck at melee combat, and i'd like to try it.