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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Same here. I couldn't modify one i paid for, it's too much of a risk. But if I were to acquire another one I'd paint on some new eye brows and extend the side burns and then make a blue Tommy shirt. But i have a feeling they'll release a Tommy figure in a couple of years anyway, which I'll most likely buy...
  2. I can sneak up thur' mo' fuck'n' anus and steal thur' shit wid'out 'em nossin'. 'Dis snake is gangsta'! Been finishing up on some sneaking quests over boxing day. Had a good relaxing game all day.
  3. Isn't that a form of cannibalistic genocide?
  4. Good food. That's the only thing i really look forward to on Christmas. Not that I don't eat good food anyway, i just eat more of it. Oh and the enjoyment on my Son's face when he opens his presents.
  5. I know at least two of us on here that got the Claude figure in November. I got mine bought for me by my wife, so i had to wait till Christmas to open it! I took a few photos of him in different poses with different clothes and accessories before putting him in my display cabinet. I made the decision to take him out of the box, seeing as how much it cost, i didn't want him to be locked away out of sight properly. I'll most likely change the pose and accessories once in a while to keep him looking cool. Here's some pics: And here's its final resting place: Who else got the figure, or who might be getting one in the future? Mas, where's the pics?
  6. It being the festive season, i thought this would be worth a post. It being food themed and all. Anyway I randomly came across this blog whilst looking for a Skyrim recipe. http://www.gourmetgaming.co.uk/ They supply the ingredients, and a vague process for cooking. Kind of cool imo. Can anyone think of any cool fiction foods or recipes they'd love to try in real life?
  7. I'm pacing myself. I have to remember to put "Santa's" presents in my son's stocking before i pass out on my bed.
  8. Yeah it's best to carry them around when you know you're going to kill humans for grand souls. Or just try not to kill small creatures on the way otherwise you'll get crappy gems. ----------------------------------------------------- I think they plan on doing more, but this is the only one I've seen as of yet from these guys. I've seen someone create the Gourmet 'Potage le Magnifique' somewhere on the web also.
  9. The Black Star works the same way as a soul gem, but it doesn't destroy on enchanting, it just empties. Once a weapon is enchanted you can't remove it as far as I'm aware of. I don't even think you can destroy it for the enchantment again, because it wouldn't be relevant seeing as you have already learnt that enchantment. So don't worry about saving it for a good weapon, because you'll be able to apply the same enchantments to every bow you own if you wanted to.
  10. JD for the win! I'm currently drinking JD - Gentleman Jacks "rare tennessee whiskey". I don't see how it's rare, but it sure does have a sharp bite to it compared to normal JD. Still nice and smooth though with ice. Oh and i may not be around these parts tomorrow, so just in case: Marry Christmas everyone!
  11. Oh did they? I haven't been reading much on this part of the forum lately. i think it should have been Tommy, just to take the piss out of all of the Vercetti noob obsessives.
  12. The Christmas holidays have been busy for me, no rest for the wicked! I've been pushing my Piccadilly Slum further and I've made it a roam-able level in Unreal.
  13. Gran Torino was a pretty decent film from what i remember. (haven't watched it since 2008)
  14. A Valenwood/Elsweyr mix would be good actually. A nice contrast from each.
  15. Dark Elves must be Asian/Japanese as they believe they're a superior race.
  16. I'm not entirely sure where i caught my vampire disease as i was unaware i had caught it. But i think the only vampire i had came across by that time was in a place where there were many fire traps on pillars. He was in a grassy grotto like room just beyond the flame corridor. I guess that's no help considering how massive Skyrim is and how many locations look fairly similar.
  17. Teh Truth stands out in my memories the most, so i think I'll go with him. Everyone has a friend like him, maybe not as old, but they're always stoned and go on about government conspiracies and the stars and planets dude!
  18. Anyone know the easiest way to catch the werewolf disease? I've not came across any werewolves as of yet and I've pretty much trekked most of the map.
  19. I'm a fan of the PS controller, more so than touch screen, so I'd prefer this to a tablet pc. But as you said, it needs a good sucess rate or it will flop. I might give it a year before i get one, just to see if it takes off well.
  20. Now the PS Vita is out on Japan, i thought I'd get some live footage up on here, so we can discuss the visual quality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f77SKEQ_g7I Not sure if this will be the final look at it's only a trailer: Over-all i'm pretty impressed with the size of the console. The graphics look really impressive, which i think out-perform most pc tablets at the moment. Any bad points?
  21. It's like watching a Vice City remake. What's with all the bitches? thats why i like it so much ( the vice city part i mean ) i dont really no why the half naked woman are always about but hey, ur a guy dont complain about it. Has literly no one played scarface on here??? I played Scarface almost as much as Vice City...
  22. To be completely honest, I'd be happy with one or two safehouse's. As long as it/they are decent quality and have good functional use, that is. Not just a squat with a pointless TV chucked in for cheap lols.
  23. Cheers for the info guys. Hey Marney you got a stutter?
  24. bOnEs, the main tip i could give you for starting out is start smithing early on if you want to be able to upgrade your gear regularly without feeling too short on cash. Just keep all your misc items instead of selling them, and then you should have plenty to smith with after each quest/roam.