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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I'm in the same boat here. I started the thieves guild but don't want to give it back.
  2. Guest appearance: Construction-Underdrive. Bad luck DO, maybe next time. I wonder what sort of mechanics they will have in multiplayer. And what sort of games other than deathmatch.... I never really thought of Max Payne from a multiplayer point of view. I bet the bullet time shooting skills will play a big role in multiplayer like the dead eye in RDR.
  3. ^ Well deserved imo. The rest of the chart looks shit. SR3 would've taken second if I got it my way.
  4. Marriage is a weird one. Being married IRL is enough for me, I think I'll only get married for the trophy then reload game! I prefer doing missions and hunting solitary anyway, i hate having followers, most of the time they're a burden. They've only came in handy once or twice, but only to take the damage whilst i heal up.
  5. Makare? Never heard of that. Did you mean Markarth? The ruined city. If so, you get a beautiful view of the skyline from there in the mountains.
  6. Yeah, that's what i have. I did say once you get it working. Meaning once you make the choice. But i thought i'd leave that a surprise
  7. For those of you that have only just really got into Skyrim (Vicey, Marney, Merc), If you haven't already, do the Azura side quest and get the Azura's Star. Once you get it working, you can use it like a soul gem over and over without it breaking. This will help you out with enchanting your weapons and armours with grand souls if combined with a soul trap enchantment on your weapon.
  8. It's the patch i tell ya! Well, I've made sure autosaves are turned off. I just think it's when too much is happening at once. I might even go solitary, leave the follower to guard my house, if that helps stop ridiculous lock-ups.
  9. Damn it. I have no problems with lagging, and now suddenly i get my first lag session and then it froze just as i killed a dragon!
  10. Next they're be patching in hot coffee, and woohoo, and you can have norc babies!
  11. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    Is the camera fixed or is there a look button (like the right analog stick control), at least for whilst Claude is on foot?
  12. The only frame drop I've been getting is when it auto-saves. Has the problem been established? is it just a matter of save files maxing out too high for the system to handle?
  13. I turned it on today for the first time in a few days and had another patch. What changes?
  14. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    Wow, really wish i had a tablet right now! I'm gonna wait till later in the year next year for them to get cheaper. Wanna do little video so we can see the touch controls in action?
  15. The only thing that could ruin GTA V for me is if CJ, TV or any other main character from any past GTA was re-assigned the main character. If they did this, it would suggest R* are slipping. And can't think of anything new. This obviously wont happen though, this is more of a n00bs wet dream.
  16. Old, Fake, & mis-spelt. It's Chiliad. not Chilliad. :locked:
  17. Ideally; his wife probably leaves him at the start of the game because he loses his high rolling job due to liquidization. This is how he gets into the crime world, trying to claw his way back up the ladder the dirty way. And ends up owing big crime organisations favours.
  18. I'm playing it at a very slow pace, and I'm loving it. It can be a bitch to remember what it was you were doing/in the middle of, last time you played it, if you've left it three or four days between playing it that is. I was smithing a piece of armour and left it, and then went back thinking what fucking ore do i need again to get what ingot to finish of my smith list?! This game is my game of the year though, for sure. I liked quite a few games this year, but this one stands clearly on top.
  19. Fence Mass has an eye for good quality rares!
  20. Wow, I didn't think something this simple would work xD
  21. Fair point, but predictions aren't always "predictable predictions". People know R* North take inspiration from popular film and culture, so there is an element of predictability there. It's only a bit of fun to keep us busy until we get more information anyway, Keep writing!
  22. Thanks Mercedes. Here's the pictures I'll be putting up on my website:
  23. Here's my improved showreel for my December hand-in. I now have until January to really push this showreel as far as i can before industry employers come in to veiw are work http://vimeo.com/33477001