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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I was bored and i started thinking about how the story may start in this GTA. There is obviously endless possibilities, but with the trailer clues and the confirmation of Los Santos and surrounding land, i stated to narrow down some ideas in my mind. I know most of you wont really care too much about this until you play it, but there's no harm in discussing it. The protagonist mentions in the trailer, why did i move here? That's a clue he's only just got there, and possibly by chance after quitting his old line of work? He mentions having kids, but that doesn't mean he actually has any yet. Also, Rockstar are still being tight lipped about the rest of the map so far. So this could hint to a something extra we weren't quite expecting beyond Los Santos. My first prediction: You start off in a 4-door family car, with your wife. You control the vehicle, and have to drive through some nice rural landscapes, passing through small towns along the way. You guys are talking about all the things you're going to do when you get to the new house, decorating and stuff, blah blah... Then suddenly a blacked out Sentinel rams into the back of their car. Two more are tailing them. The protagonist says something like "Shit, they've found us", and you now have to try and lose them whilst they ram and shoot at your car. You go off-road over some rocky terrain, and start to follow a "set route" (set, being you don't know you're following it, you just do it because the map is set in a way you just follow the semiotic signs) and then the cars eventually do their set barrel roll routines and diving off of canyon edges, missing a bridge, and those sorts of animations after a nice lengthy chase. The protag and his wife have a little talk about the incident after finally shaking them, getting back onto a freeway. You go through a toll booth and enter Los Santos, triggering a nice little radio message saying "The weather is perfect here in Los Santos today, here's a perfect song to compliment that". And as you drive through Los Santos to your new house, the set song creates an upbeat feel as you take in all the landmarks along the way. Welcome to Los Santos everyone! Ok, so that's my first prediction. Just to get the juices flowing. Post you own predictions, as frequently as you like. It doesn't just have to be how the story starts. You may have a certain mission in your head, that you feel we may come across during the game, and want to get it off your chest. It could just be a place to express what you really want from the GTA V Story though (not game mechanics and misc stuff though, use the pinned, What are you looking for in GTA5? thread for that). Get writing! /edit - date: 12/11/12 ---------------------------------------------------- Now we know that the story revolves around 'heists'. Can anyone think of any decent heist films? Classic would be better, i guess, as Dan only takes influence from classic material. Dan Houser & Rockstar North must have taken influence from some. I'd like to get the references when i play it! Here are some I already know of: Films to watch before playing GTA V Ocean's Eleven (1960) Snatch. (2000) Heat (1995) - Already used in IV though, maybe some other parts of the film will be referenced in V. Reservoir Dogs (1992) Jackie Brown (1997) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998) The Sting (1973) The Italian Job (1969) The Getaway (1972) Swordfish (2001) A Fish Called Wanda (1988) Heist (2001) Ronin (1998) The Asphalt Jungle (1950) The Town (2010) Drive (2011) Ambush (1939) Rififi (1955) The Killing (1956) Seven Thieves (1960) The Big Snatch (1963) Topkapi (1964) Gambit (1966) Robbery (1967) The Thomas Crown Affair (1968) A Cop (1972) Charley Varrick (1973) The Brink's Job (1978) The First Great Train Robbery (1978) The Score (2001) Bank Shot (1974) Loophole (1981) Ocean's Eleven (2001) Ocean's Twelve (2004) Ocean's Thirteen (2007) Sexy Beast (2000) Inside Man (2006) Mission: Impossible (1996) The Man Inside (1958) Fun with Dick and Jane (1977)
  2. Finally, The Rock has come back, to Los Santos! We knew this anyway. I'm glad he mentioned it's a very big map though. Because from the trailer, you didn't really see much in terms of scale. Sure you had a couple of quick rocky and mountain shots, but nothing long enough to picture the scale of the map. From what we've seen of Los Santos in the trailer, it doesn't seem that big either. Now he's told us the map is very big, we know there will be multiple village locations instead of multiple big cities. I liked the little rural towns in San Andreas, and the little woodland shacks. It's all good!
  3. Ha! Have we really been here this long?! xD Welcome back Mello, hope you're back for the long haul!
  4. This one made me lol for some reason. ------------------------------------------------------- This one made me feel uneasy - On a lighter note, he reminds me of snoop dogg high on weed!
  5. I only just noticed that Marney jumped onto the wagon early. The misses let you have it early?
  6. How can you tell it looks amazing from a couple of small pictures? Fine, the pictures look pretty. But have you read anything about this game? A little bit more info would be nice buddy.
  7. I love the taste of Spitfire and Fuller's London Pride ale. But they don't really go down too well in my gut.
  8. Did you have to install the game both times? if you didn't try deleting the installation file, and re-install it. There could be some issues or corruption in the install files. Also, you said you never installed an update? I'm sure there were a couple of updates for GTA IV on PS3. Try and get your Ps3 online and install updates before playing it. If it still freezes, then it is probably your PS3 at fault. Freezing in the older models, is a sign that it is overheating due to dust-engulfed hardware. if your ps3 is old and out of warranty, just open it up and vacuum all the dust out of the case and then give it a go again, see if that helps.
  9. Nice tut, so far Psy. Looks like i needs plenty of grinding time!
  10. DuPz0r

    PC Gaming

    I thought Onlive was free, but you just have to pay a lower price (than having it installed on your pc) to own the games you play? http://blog.onlive.com/ I dunno if that means the app is free or the service is free, as long as you buy the games. I think there is a rent game option too though.
  11. DuPz0r

    PC Gaming

    I thought it was pointless to start a thread about this so this should do. I just heard that Onlive is now available on Tablet PCs. Which sounds great imo. I've not really been a fan of Onlive in the past. But being able to stream high end games to a tablet where-ever you are, sounds pretty appetising to me! Anyone here know any more info on this? Here's a article on the subject: http://www.guardian....ndroid-la-noire If Skyrim comes out on onlive, i might be tempted to get it! So i can play it on my train and bus to Uni!
  12. Nice. Wanna do a break down on how you made it? I've not played it enough to know about what enchantments to use and what spells to cast when smithing yet!
  13. That's a Jagerbomb isn't it? A Jagermonster is a cocktail shot which consist of; grenadine, orange juice and Jägermeister.
  14. Yeah I don't really understand how it works fully, to me it's just a pretty picture. I went through a stage of using fractal images as wallpapers a couple of years ago. i think they're cool. My wallpaper is this atm
  15. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    It's gotta be available for the Playstation Vita eventually hasn't it?!
  16. Yeah i agree all round. I was pleased to see that they did something less expected with the girl. Hopefully the second half will be more action packed. To be honest, i thought between the first episode and the seventh was a very poor, dragged out narrative. It felt like they didn't have the time or budget to push it further, so decided to save the good parts for the important shows and padded the rest with un-interesting events.
  17. It's good to see another creative blog on here. I remember how much you used to post in the graphics board back in the GTA-SanAndreas days. Definitely get a Wacom graphics tablet or something similar if you haven't got one already. They're the easiest way to get your sketchbook ideas straight to PC. Keep expressing yo' self skrib!
  18. I'm sure we'll be able to make it fun for ourselves even if R* fail to. (i doubt they will fail). But i can think of many ways of making fun from those homeless folk. I'd see how smoothly i could land a jump-jet down in the homeless camp and then hover 2 inches from the ground and boom, rocket bums ftw! Instead of picking up a prostitute on a dim gloomy corner of LS in an old Esperanto, why not slide down next to her in a jetpack and ask for a 'Hover-Job'.
  19. I've not had a huge amount of time to play games lately,but what time I have had, I've put into Skyrim. I made myself my first enchanted Soul Trap bow yesterday. Called it a Soul Reaver. I got the Azura's Star and got it converted into a Dark Star. So now i can get grand souls from bandits in one shot from my bow. /800th post! Trust it to be a Skyrim post!
  20. Me: GTA IV/TL&D/TBoGT/RDR - PS3 Mid to Late December would be a good time for me.
  21. If you sleep with too many hookers in V, i think you should be able to contract an STI/D, and have to do some crazy side mission in order to get some special treatment from a blackmarket pharmacist. I think the whole Skyrim - contracting vampirism shit made me think that up tbh.