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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    GTA 3

    I only just found out that DHL tried to deliver my figure a couple of days ago whilst I was out! They didn't even leave me a note or a card, the bastards. I had to phone them up and re-arrange a new delivery. They didn't even give me an estimated delivery in the first place!
  2. That's true, i did think that at first. But I'm just thinking literally. If it's their biggest most ambitious project to date. It must be a very large amount of work, which hopefully means a large sandbox.
  3. It looks like someone's just photoshopped the L.A Noire map into a GTA map to me...
  4. DuPz0r

    Uncharted Series

    I know it's kind of retarded, but I'm quite surprised by the quality of the Story Mode so far. Yeah, I know it's an Uncharted game, high quality comes with the title. But I thought they would have ran low on steam by now, but no, it's the opposite. Or maybe it's the fact I've been playing mediocre games for a while, this just seems ten times better than them. I think it's more the fact i gel well with the uncharted series, i like creeping through lost tombs and finding ancient artefacts.
  5. Business and Empire building/destroying seems to be a central theme, and i can see some top Mafia gangs like; the Russians, the Italians, Chinese and other organised crimes playing a big role in the narrative.
  6. I think the guy talking in the trailer IS the protagonist (the only protagonist) and i think there will be a lot more organised crime going on in this story.
  7. I do think those numbers indicate something in the trailer. Rockstar North would have thought about this when making the trailer. They know what we're like and love to play with us through easter egg interpretation. I do hope 24th May 2012 is the release date as it sounds like a pretty fair bet.
  8. DuPz0r

    Uncharted Series

    I saw it out on the shelves yesterday. But i had to resist. Too many games and not enough time to play therm all right now. I'll wait until after Christmas for most of them. /edit. I spoke to soon. My wife just bought me it out of the blue! lol
  9. LMFAO that's a fail. i bet they're pissed big time after realising what they've just done.
  10. I think Latino gangs are more prominent these days than they were back during San Andreas days. i think if any gangs make an appearance, it will be more likely south American gangs. Obviously black dope slingers too.
  11. Well they mentioned South California, if it was pretty much just LA i doubt they would have mentioned it, San Diego I believe is pretty likely. Ya, San Diego is due south from LA on I-5, which just so happens to be the Interstate number used in the trailer? Coincidence? I hope not. That's interesting. I've never been to the west coast, and I'm not very educated when it comes to the geography of the US. So could this Los Puarta on i-5 be San Diego? or would be just be a different district in Los Santos?. I noticed the road sign said North Los Puarta Freeway. And South Los Puarta Freeway.
  12. I'm sure i saw...a... One sec, looking through the video now... Sentinel Patriot or Masa Grande Bobcat? Manana Futo Ambulance Habanero Landstalker Phantom Premiere Serrano Oracle Pinnacle Peyote Vader Emporer Buffalo? Phoenix (the one with the prostitute against it) Cognoscenti Tornado The big trailer truck Golf caddy Blista Compact Super GT Police Cruiser The Audi Burrito Skimmer Hydra Crop Duster Shamal Maverick And the Speedophile 2000 ...in the video. The motorbike I'm not sure, was that a NRG or the vader? There is more i just haven't identified them. I'll look around online see if i can get anything else. Oil tanker Flatbed
  13. I was just thinking. If the game is set only in Los Santos, which is pretty much confirmed now. Will it be bigger than San Andreas in terms of actual map size? I realize San Andreas covered three cities and surrounding countryside, but everything was shrunk down and the cities were far smaller than any real city. GTA V clearly looks much richer in detail and bigger looking from what we have seen of it so far. But will it actually be bigger than San Andreas, or ever Red Dead?, since Rockstar have mentioned it is the largest and most ambitious game yet in their latest statement. Might as well start discussing it, but don't moan that the game is going to suck because it's not going to be San Andreas, that's not the point of this thread. Personally I hope it is bigger. And i hope to see loads of small country towns sprawled out over the countrysides, full of interesting characters to do side missions for and what not. /edit Here is some of the hard work put in by members on this forum: 'Fitty's Map (Final): DuPz' map (Final): Banana Pudding's map: Los Santos Blueprints: Image from an achievement/trophy icon: Brady Games Map:
  14. I had a go at remixing the video. Tell me what you think. *Distraction Tactics*
  15. The song didn't really work mate. the clips were re-arranged well though. Maybe some more upbeat west coast music will give it a better tone
  16. It's been rather boring the last couple of weeks. Too much story around the boy and not much else...
  17. The way i see it is, i'm getting a story set in LS and some surrounding country side. I'm not expecting more, and then i wont get let down by the fact there isn't more. So if it does turn out to be the whole of San Andreas, then it's a win win situation. I know it'll always be in the back of your mind that could they really pull of the whole of San Andreas. Just lower your expectations for a better outcome.
  18. I agree with what you said Vicey, about the hints to a release date. It seems juts a bit coincidental to me. And they know that the fans were going to analyse this thing to shit, and they do love their easter eggs. They wouldn't have left anything to chance. They probably analysed it themselves exhaustively making sure nothing major slips out through signs and want not. Either that, or they are just trying to bluff us and cause hysterical hype amongst fans.
  19. Looking at all the different shots in the trailer, i can't help feel that Los Santos is going to be the only location. And to stop us travelling out too far, they used mountains all around to block the map. Which reminds me of smugglers run and even parts of Red Dead...
  20. Wow Imbrium, long time no see. Yeah i think the bikes were props tbh. I can't see a 50 odd year old guy riding a bike around the city. Looking at the trailer over and over, i can't help but feel Los Santos seems smaller and smaller each time i see it. Maybe the mountains surrounding it just dwarf it in some of the shots.
  21. Yeah suspension looks a bit mushy. I hope they've fixed the brake response since IV...