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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Cheers. It's a mixture of both. You see the first 3 million poly object? that's a high-poly-sculpt. Meaning i sculpted the details into it like you would with clay. Then you need to bake the sculpted details onto a low, in-game model and then add dirt and other details in photoshop. The main apps i use for this are mudbox and zbrush. /edit Here is the start of my Egyptian Environment piece.
  2. Been making some Egyptian themed objects recently.
  3. Really? What a piss take. This is why i hate digital distribution. It sometimes costs more than buying from a shop, when it truly shouldn't do.
  4. Super 8. Generic Spielberg plot development. Interesting character collection. Mildly interesting story. 6/10
  5. Ha. What a joke. As long as it doesn't effect me playing the next GTA i don't give a shit how many murders happen, they're not Grand Theft Auto related.
  6. - Pretty standard post-apocalyptic theme. But we're going for a sand swept ruin of a once sprawling metropolis. Holy macaroni. I think this is amazing! But when I look at it, I wonder if not the lighting could need a little adjustment. Because they sky is foggy (sandy?), still there's very bright light at the tower and the shadows are too sharp for this weather. That's a good point. I guess i didn't think of that when i was painting. The shadows would be much softer. thanks.
  7. I like the idea of gang role playing. Organised drug deals, that could go either way if one gang chooses to do you over. Yeah, sharing/trading car mods. Or even just showing them off in races which can be initiated from free-roam. I think there is too much loading and lobby waiting in IV just to get to freeroam. Fair enough, death matches and competitive matches will always take longer. But i think other stuff should be seamlessly incorporated into the free-roam session including co-op games. They managed to do that with RDR.
  8. I really hope by the next GTA they improve the online multiplayer experience a lot. Sure they had the basics on IV, but i really hope - for instants; we can have large freeroam sessions, where you can have say 50-100 players per map. Instead of just being able to kill each other, they should have the freeroam as a sort of hub to start matches, freeroam missions, join gangs/clans, in-which you can have planned matched for turf influence. Maybe a little like what they did with RDR but more. There is so much potential for online multiplayer, that R* North and GTA V could re-invent the genre once again. Make some of your own suggestions that you think would enhance the multiplayer experience on GTA, so we can all discuss it. You never know, R* could see some of our suggestions and implement them!
  9. We had a thread on the old forums, but the NGP (Next-gen Portable) has changed a little since then i think. So here is the official PS Vita. Also, some good news. Finally Sony have done something good, and turned to solid state memory card games! instead of discs. The game cases are a bit big though. I don't see why they're that big. I guess they need to fit a load of legal crap on the back of it though.
  10. DuPz0r

    Dead Island

    Yeah that's true, but guns aren't really that effective on zombies. They're mainly used for humans/rebels.
  11. DuPz0r

    Dead Island

    Mostly materials for modding weapons; glue, blades, lighter fluid, nails, weighting plate, and many more. There's money for buying from traders and repairing weapons. And then health items, like cans of fizzy drink, fruit, energy bars, medikits etc.
  12. DuPz0r

    Dead Island

    Yeah that would be awesome. I think i'd play it a lot more if it did. The more i play this game the more it's reminding me of fallout for some reason. I think it's the way that the maps are set out. Without spoiling anything you can go through sewers that connect you to different parts of the map. And it feels so much like fallout going though looting every last box; bag, cabinet, fridge, locker, etc, that you can find on your journey! The more i play this game, the more impressed i'm becoming.
  13. The trailer didn't reveal much, i like that. I still believe this game will r0x!
  14. Condition Zero I have but never played. 1.6 had some fun memories though. Back in the 512mb Down, 256 up days. Lucky for some. I was still on 56k when 1.6 first came out. It was laggy as fuck, but i still managed to play fairly well! Until i joined a competitive clan anyway, and had to upgrade to 256mb or 512mb, i can't remember which.
  15. DuPz0r

    GTA IV - SA

    I found some random videos of GTA SA Rage whilst on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=605jHFAahg0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCe5l06Unp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbRpjfyzTGo
  16. GoTY version was inevitable. Case looks pretty cool.
  17. Thanks Skribble. I finally made a start on some concept art - ideas for my Final Major Project. Here's my first concept image, let me know what you guys think, as it's quite important. The Country isn't set in stone, it's more about the theme at the moment. - Pretty standard post-apocalyptic theme. But we're going for a sand swept ruin of a once sprawling metropolis.
  18. DuPz0r

    GTA IV - VC

    @ w_r_o_n_g - Is it true this mod only works with EFLC on PC? Because i really want to try this, but i only have IV.
  19. DuPz0r

    Dead Island

    When converted - currency wise, games normally cost more in the UK though... Dead Island just took the top spot in the games charts today here in the UK btw. Resistance 3 is only in fourth for some reason... I expected more people to buy this. Maybe everyone had the same indecisive thoughts i did when i went to buy one or the other, and eventually chose Dead Island.
  20. I watched that live from the E3 feed last month This game is just as i hoped it would be. I personally lol'd when the dragon picked up the giant and it just dropped motionless to the ground xD
  21. DuPz0r

    Dead Island

    $60? I only paid £32 for it from my local Asda- Walmart. Games R.R.P at £50 in this country but never really cost much more than £45 anywhere. And supermarkets always sell games almost at a loss.
  22. I noticed all the best GTA IV modders are coming from Russia. I've seen many premium mods for GTA IV, There must be a good market for it over there?