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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Cheers. I took your advice. I'm almost finished now. Just need a shop sign, a back door and I'm good to go on the low poly model. Hmm i don't know what shop to make it. I did plan on making two or three shops and then a few other generic western town assets like water towers and a mining track.
  2. @Marn - That would be useful cheers. @Mass - Thanks buddy, exactly the style i was thinking of. This is what i've made so far in hi-poly, hope to get something in-game like this. (It's not finished. Just thought I'd post to show off the style)
  3. I started an environment diorama for my portfolio today. I'm still in the blocking stages at the moment. I was inspired by RDR no doubt, but i want a sort of cartoon'ish look. For example the wooden planks will be a little crooked, and not your generic shape, the houses will have a crooked look to them also. I don't quite know how far I'll get with this before I run out of steam, but I'll try my best to follow it through to the end. I need something decent for my website anyway! Early layout: Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful
  4. Yeah i was thinking that too. He looks kind of youthful... :S He's been re-textured for sure.
  5. Sounds interesting. Hmm. A co-op subway mission where you and your buddy get caught up inside a train with another gang and a bomb. You have to kill your way the front end and pull the e-brake to escape before it blows.
  6. Crap textures That's why that ice dude and his team are overhauling textures.
  7. iCEnhancer 1.25 has just been released. I think this is the last version of this mod, as he's decided to do a complete HD texture overhaul mod, which is to remake all the textures in IV... iCEnhancer 1.25
  8. That last screenshot reminds me of the prolaps sport shop in GTA.... Maybe it's the t-shirts hanging up there.
  9. *Hands fire extinguisher at the ready! What was your CPU again? Wasn't it a AMD Phenom? Ah you'll be fine. It's more GPU hungry anyway, so watch your Graphic card temps.
  10. I think their default weather system and lighting gave the models a soft blur and that blew out any texture details. The ENB graphic settings increase the contrast and expose the textures in a good way.
  11. I've been playing the game in first person recently, for some reason. I decided to try it out and realized how much i was missing. When you run around in third person, you kind of concentrate on the characters and peds. But in first person, there seems like there is so much to see! ^ lol headlessness I also took some nice photo-shots of the city as i walked around in first person. i randomly took a sharper pic of that Salem map on the main iGTA5 website.
  12. Only just started downloading it an hour ago. Completely forgot it was out. After this i need a new R* fix, but there isn't anything out for a while!
  13. DuPz0r

    GTA IV - SA

    Yeah pretty much what b0nEs said. I think they will populate it with peds, and possibally get a multiplayer element in there. But i don't see how they'd get the single player stuff in there. @ Vicey - It's just a conversion not a re-make, so the models are still last generation/low poly, which kinda sucks. Maybe they've HD'd the Textures though which will kinda look nice with the ENB mod. I dunno maybe they'll do something to make it stand out... we'll see.
  14. I've been watching the development of this of a while now, and they've finally got a trailer to show now. They're releasing a beta version soon. Personally i think it's kinda cool, but it's only a conversion so it wont look as nice as IV. http://gtaivsa.com/ What do you think?
  15. Why does it say PSP under GTA IV?
  16. GTA IV was made without many boundries, that's why it had loads of technical problems when they first released it because they had all this head-room but they didn't know how much RAGE the PS3 and 360 could handle at the time. The Rage engine is now still in it's infancy, and it has a lot of raw power which a PC can use but the consoles can't. But I'm sure they'll have loads of new optimized graphic tricks up their sleeves when the next GTA is released. Hopefully we'll be looking at something similar to these images on consoles too
  17. DuPz0r


    That does actually look pretty cool. I'll have to get back into New Vegas.
  18. It isn't photoshop'd if that's what you mean. But yeah, real smoke should react with the floor, where-as this clearly just passes through it. More fire for the firemayne: http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll223/BushkaUK/HideoutBurnt1.jpg' alt='HideoutBurnt1.jpg'> I tried to make a quick video as requested, but the compression doesn't do it justice really, it makes it blurry. Damn you Youtube! And i also did a Standard to ENB switch video, to show how different it looks.
  19. I havent got video software at hand, but next time i play I'll try and remember to install fraps or something
  20. Lol Demon's been Rep Raped. Or is it Rapin' the Rep... Either way it's pretty funny. It was bound to happen to someone at some point. And this Fireman Fitty, is for you:
  21. I'm not pointing fingers but the guy below that post countered your opinion... It's wasn't me btw.
  22. Yeah that's true. From some angles though, the sky bleaches out the windows completely like they would in real life, and that didn't make a nice still image. I decided to re-name the title of this thread the "GTA Picture Thread". i thought it would be interesting to see GTA images from any game instead of just my IV ones. I'm still going to carry on posting ENB pics though...lol Feel free to post pics. I'm interested to see if Mass does get this mod up and running what sort of twisted pics he'll come up with xD I just did an early mission and thought i'd share it with you guys:
  23. The last Midnight Club I enjoyed was DUB Edition...
  24. If they did that, it's be more like Saints Row 3...