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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I was just thinking about the next GTA. The next setting for GTA could be Los Santos or San Andreas (based on the Beverly Hills casting - possible clue). We're pretty sure to run into Niko during the game then right? (He has a ticket for San Andreas at the end of IV if you guys can remember) As long as it's set after the events of IV that is. Could Niko's ticket have been an obvious in your face clue from the start or was it just a bluff? And where was Packie headed for at the end of GTAIV (i can't actually remember)? North had a habit of paying homage to their earlier characters in the PS2 era of GTA, will they stick to this pattern?
  2. Still been messing around with the settings. Trying to get a nice atmosphere to the game, but sometimes the settings look great during the day but then suck at night if the weather is wrong, so i need different settings for different situations. Here's some new pics, hopefully they're looking better. I love the last one, i just don't like the damn tree!
  3. To be honest i had my PC plugged in just before i took this pic to see how GTA IV ENB'd would look on my TV. And i left my speakers behind. That isn't my TV sub. Yeah i agree every house should be completely wireless by now. Might turn our houses into microwaves though with all those wireless signals flowing around through our heads! I saw the PS3 controller in HMV and I was compelled to buy it. Well I saw it and my misses saw how excited I was and bought it for me before i had a chance to get my wallet out. I should maybe try that more often! That stand is solid, it's really heavy btw. I didn't like the idea of hanging my TV off it at first, but after i realized how sturdy it was, i changed my mind.
  4. Just got a new TV stand. What do you think? I still gotta sort out the wires and cables behind, I've only just set it all up so it's still a mess! I even got a broke-back-looking cowboy just for you guys
  5. There was a time when I mainframe would be proud of having that much RAM. But you need it because you edit videos? I use the ram for multiple programs, I have game engines, 3D software, 2d software and video editing software. And i have a lot of them open at the same time to speed up my workflow. But yeah 16GB is still a little overboard, but it's the most my motherboard can handle, so i thought i might as well invest...
  6. Another thing you might want to know is that the steam version is incompatible because it has automatic patches on games. So you'll need a disc version so you can patch it to v1.0.4.0 manually. I'm really enjoying the story playing through this again with these new settings. It feels a bit like i'm playing a new game. More screens:
  7. you're right, There is no texture difference. The only changes are lighting/reflection/refraction and post production filters. Which can be GPU hungry, but it's worth it! Also the Time cycle has been overhauled i think. They coded their own skylights and light effects for different times of the day and weather cycles. It's not even a hard mod to install. You just drag - drop the files into the GTAIV route folder, and modify the config according to your setup, and you're ready to go. Installing GTAIV and getting the v1.0.4.0 patch to work properly is a different matter!
  8. DuPz0r

    Uncharted Series

    I played it last week. It was ok, but nothing ground breaking. I've always been a fan of the story mode, online hasn't really ever interested me much. I uninstalled it after 5 games. I did however like the change in locations half way through a game. That's something that i think other competitive games could do with...
  9. Thanks. Yeah this post processing filter is amazing. I can't help but stop and take screen grabs everywhere i go! Thunderstorms look epic with all the rain on the floor etc, but it's hard to capture on a screenshot, it just ends up looking weird. I thought i'd do a comparison shot to show the difference. Here is GTAIV on Max settings standard: And again with the ICEnhancer mod. Was waiting for a train on a mission and decided it would make a nice photo. And a pic of the train:
  10. Here's a couple more pics. I had a play around with some of the weather settings. I've seen some nice config settings online, I'm going to try and get some setting presets for amazing results.
  11. I finally got round to modding GTAIV with the latest ENB mod called "ICEnHANCER". I haven't tweaked the config files much yet, but I will start messing around with it soon. I heard the mod really melts your GPU so I've been keeping an eye on my temps. I managed to play a mission with ENB on, which was fucking awesome i might add. And the temps didn't go above 60 Degrees Celsius, so I'm not too worried atm. anyway, couple of pics There is still loads of settings I have yet to play with, like FOV, light shafts, Lens flair etc. the grain and colour is a part of the post process filter from ICEnHANCER. I'm so gonna play through the whole story with this on now!
  12. It's made up of thee images. Yeah there is space around the banner to extent also. Here download it and have a tweak if you want: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/20043284/igta5banner_Dupz.psd
  13. Ok i promised i would go back and have another go at the banner thing. I got the bridge in there and tried to give it that San Andreas feel with the orange. then i thought well it needs blue to fit the website, but blue didnt feel right, so i just did a gradient... what do you think?
  14. I miss the Mafia Sentinel and the Cheetah. Oh and the Voodoo. Was that in IV? i can't remember.
  15. So any thoughts on this new character casting evidence/clue? Eddie McReary really makes it incredibly believable. And Beverly Hills being mentioned again almost solidifies the answer to the next GTA location... Discuss.
  16. I guess we'll have to see how the marketing for it plays out. (This should really be on the Max Payne thread... oh well lol) They have to have some new gameplay mechanic which makes it as ground breaking as bullet-time was. I'm sure they've got something to make it stand out from the crowed.
  17. L.A. Noire did well because Rockstar publicized it well. Sure it had the facial capture animation in it, but i think Max Payne will be an all round better game in terms of story, and will be more successful. I played both previous Max Payne games and loved them. It's been a long time, but i think they'll re-invent it enough to make it more relevant. Rockstar Games innovate well, and always break the mould with every title they release. Hell, I've become a R* fanboy over the last few years with the amount of epic games they've released.
  18. CJ was in the old (ps2 era) GTA world, therefore he wont make an appearance in the new GTA world.
  19. I just googled the ones i could remember and stuck them in myself. Obviously it'd make sense to add ones that you think would most likely make it into GTA V. Things like brand will definitely make it in. Radio station are a bit more risky, but I'm sure some of them will make a comeback.
  20. Fuck, I forgot about Max Payne. GTA V in 2014, then, if Max Payne isn't far enough along in development. I will be deeply insulted if Agent isn't put on the back burner until GTA V is done. although Max Payne isn't being made by Rockstar North. But if they do continue to "Hype Advertise" the games individually, yeah it could be a long wait until we see GTA V.
  21. If that's true then we still have to wait for Max Payne and Agent before we even hear anything about GTAV. :S I understand why Rockstar Games made that decision though. If they had to put a lot of money and creative in-put to get L.A. Noire out, then they wont be able to trust Team Bondi to be able to produce a better game next time without holding their hand through it.
  22. I prefer the coloured text on the unsaturated background tbh. Maybe you could mess around with a few more images though. The one on the left has the overhead track which is very iconic to NYC. Why not try going down the "Super Dry" style route. Use radio logos and sprunk branding etc in the banner? Could be interesting... Just an idea. /edit For example:
  23. I managed to get to level 50 last night when the little one was asleep. don't think I'll be going any further level wise unless they decide to give us more quad xp in the future! After playing this online, i kinda miss our GTA games we used to have every fortnight. It some-how never really worked well with RDR. I hope we could get the chance to do that again some time!