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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Shall i put together a playlist for the early birds just to keep them satisfied until the mayodurka?
  2. Most of the eastern world and European islands have spent the last couple of centuries getting independence from us lol
  3. We don't celebrate independence over here. We're a United Kingdom. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Island aren't independent from England either.
  4. Here's my drop. And here's my Camera pan of the car meet. A sort of Car appreciation clip.
  5. Nice video bOnEs. I had a good time last night. Nice to see the lobby so full. I noticed that the British crowd are starting to stay on a little later these days. I guess that's due to fact we get the first playlist going a little earlier than we used to. Either way, it's good to fill up the lobby! It's a shame i didn't stay on too late, work these days is killing me!
  6. A friend of mine from work (PSN: SonOfGodIsFrigid) would like to join us tonight. I'm sure he has attended a crew night once before in the past, way back when GTAO came out on PS4. I've explained the rules and theme, and linked him to this page just now, so he should be savvy by this evening. I'll be there of course. Haven't taken my lowriders for a spin in a good couple of weeks. See you all later!
  7. DuPz0r


    Yeah i decided to stick with the character i started with, and i'm just gonna keep leveling him in every stat no matter how long it takes. Could still be here in a year and not hit the level cap lol I like the idea of having mutilple characters with different strong points, but i prefer to have it all, on one character.
  8. DuPz0r


    Am i the only person who has stuck with the one character, and going all out Tony Montana on him. I want the world chico and everything in it! Yeah i started playing again recently, picked up on my level 55 character and had a play around with the new DLC and built a few bits.
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I own 1 car with neon lights and that's my drift car for theme night. They look tacky in any other situation lol
  10. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yep, that's exactly what would happen. Modders would use it to sell cars with mods you can't get for ridiculous prices.
  11. Well apparently a different inside source said the map is real. I'll try and find the article later. I saw it whilst taking a shit at work yesterday.
  12. The incursion is a tough old mission. You neednto have 4 people that knows what they're doing and are appropriately equipped, otherwise you ain't gotna chance in hell at finishing it. Challenging on the other hand seems damn impossible. Shotgunners 1 shot kill me, so a DSP class is out of the window. The only thing that makes the incursion worth while is the gear level of the loot in there. I have a submachine gun with a geare rating of 240. And a bunch of gear set items at gear level 204-214.
  13. I struggled to make something new for hippy night this week. Flying Saucery http://rsg.ms/9352594
  14. It looks like those PS4 events can only hold 8 people. Something to do with auto-inviting acceptees into party chat as soon as they come online.
  15. Single hardest boss battle ever! Not really worth the effort if you ask me.
  16. I like the prospect of Hawaii in FTWD. Reminds me of the first Dead Island game.
  17. Sorry i didn't make it. I was just too tired. I ended up falling alseep on the lazy boy with a whiskey in hand before crew night started. A bit gutted, i wanted to be there this week. Looks like you all had fun though!
  18. Damn, didn't think Fear the Walking Dead would start up back to back with The Walking Dead's finale. I hope it's better than season 1. Welcome to this part of the forum bOnEs!
  19. Nice snaps all round. Sad i missed an MC night, but glad you guys had fun. Cool video bOnEs, i like to think that empty stool in the gun range was for me in spirit! Haha.
  20. You hit the nail on the head there rob, negan had me and the misses on the edge of our seats when he first showed up. And after a few sad faces and tons of small talk we ended up slouched in our seats bored.
  21. Found this Figurine in a retro game shop whilst on holiday and couldn't pass up on it!