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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Well we know that two people didn't get killed from his last line.... That cliff hanger is probably one of the worst ever in The Walking Dead so far. So to avoid any more mental torcher i'll just assume it's the same as the comics too.
  2. It's the easter holidays, so i've taken the kids down to the nearest beach for vacation this week. That means i wont be here for crew night this week. Have fun everyone! Feel free to add my newest jobs to a playlist if you want. See ya'll next crew night!
  3. Weird glitch man. You manage to complete that mission yet then?
  4. So the season finale later tonight. What are the odds of someone major dying...?!
  5. The Division's first free DLC drops April 12 Which included it's first incursion (raid) aling with other extras.
  6. Loving all the explosions DiO. Great shots of the wall gaping ass gtagrl! I absolutely love that creepy shot of my character bOnEs might have to make that my avatar!
  7. I am in. Not sure if i'll last too long though. I've been doing 3am-11am shifts so my sleeping pattern is messy. Here's my themed jobs. Pipe Funeral http://rsg.ms/2cea384 Wall of Gaping Ass http://rsg.ms/521f0e9 Soap on a Rope http://rsg.ms/4e18d65 Caddy Capture II http://rsg.ms/752e430 Roof Top Hop http://rsg.ms/3d0211b The first three jobs are mess around jobs for snaps. Caddy Capture 2 is a legit Capture, and Roof Top Hop is a bicycle race.
  8. Initiation ceremony will proive if he's worthy or not. That's if he does actually return.
  9. Massacre, let me know if you want to do some Dark Zone loot runs with me. we can take on a mob boss or two, try and get some good drops.
  10. Sure thing. The theme this coming crew night is Jackass night. The news post will be up soon with the rules and theme details, so keep an eye out for that. Welcome to the forums and the crew Vysno!
  11. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Are any of the other lowriders out yet?
  12. I want to do a some clips for next week, so i already cleared my gallery. Jackass and iGTA are a match made in heaven! Time to start publishing the jobs I've been working on for the last couple of weeks then!
  13. I also went for the colourful 80's Vibe. Great snaps everyone, really enjoyed it last night! Looking forward to Jackass night now!
  14. Masks only equip in hazardous regions on the map. The dark zone is the main hazardous zone. But there's areas in the story region which are too. You having server issues? I've not had a single issue since release. Maybe they had a maintenance period last night to fiz some of the latest glitches and exploits.
  15. I got to level 30 pretty quickly. But i say the game only really begins at 30. Challenging yourself to hard daily and weekly runs and running the harder DZ zones are what keeps me playing. I've racked up some decent gear and got a couple of High End loot, but there's still tons of better equipment to get. I will say that the missions can get a little repetitive once you've done them as much as i have. But i'm still enjoying the game.
  16. Festive Celebrations on the pisswasser express! Dressed the part Make booze not war Rainbow road Irish scooter bro's gtagrl's got sprunk windmills...
  17. Just in case DiO still isn't doing a playlist this week, i'll leave these here for reference. Rotorcoaster shenanigan race. Race around the loop whilst avoiding rotor blades. http://rsg.ms/0cfff1d Pot of Gold Shenanigan race Find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! http://rsg.ms/c2ed600
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yeah the og Virgo reminds me of the esperanto a little, i liked that one more. Sumo aye? I wonder if it's anything like my sumo content...
  19. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    So this is the dlc content so far... add to it if i missed anything. 3 lowriders Additional Donk faction wheels for around $700k New hair styles for male and female New clothes for male and female New tattoos for male abd female 3 New character actions New weapon? The ammunation layout has changed again to accommodate more weapons. Can you only Donk the faction? Coz i'd love to add hench offroad wheels to the slamvan!
  20. Yup, not enough content to warrent a theme. I think R* did that on purpose and spread out the lowriders even more just because of the leaking community. And i guess from a business standpoint, less is more, because they know majority will buy every car, and then they'll release more at a later date, instead of all at once which may not persuade the customer to buy them all.
  21. It's difficult to say, it depends on how you play. If you rushed it by yourself at normal difficulty for story missions, side side missions, and encounters. Probably around 60+ hours. If you prefer to play in teams, going through hard mode, with difficult AI, collecting all collectables, and looting for clothing and rare loot, then probably more like 100+ hours. It really does depend on how you utilise your time. I've spend countless hours roaming the streets, taking in the sights, collecting collectibles and clothes, and i've played for at least 50 hours already and im level 22. And dont forget the DZ is an entirely seperate leveling system, which caps at 50 i believe.
  22. @North Yeah that was mine. Probably needs more work to it. I dont wanr people crossing the line. Also, some areas are really quite hard to see through the foliage. Isn't it St Patricks Day this week? Shouldn't that be our theme this week? That gives us all a couple of days to go through our footage and release our snaps on point.