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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I"ve managed to unlock all the safehouses in each district with the help of a couple of friends so i can get around the map easier and resupply. I also experienced the dark zone for the first time since beta, and it was a way better experience. People seem to be more reluctant to go rogue, so it was a way more passive and co-operative experience. Seems like people are less willing to part with their DZ levels by dying in the real game.
  2. Nice shots North. Nice to see some snaps in the woodland treetop LTS. Btw, your bike race was actually really cool, it just needed some dummy proofing, as some of us aren't as good at getting across tight-rop trails as others. Definitely improve it, it's nice to see someone else in the crew creating stuff for the playlist! That's an idea for a theme nights one week, "Content Creator Night" where everyone (os as many people as possible) has to make some kind of content for the playlists, not just the regular 4-5 people...? Doesn't have to be anything amazing if you havent used the creator before, just something with your own personality. I will get round to posting my snaps at some point. The Division has taken over my free time at the moment.
  3. Yeah that's true. Destiny tanked because the universe felt small and they took too long to drop DLC's. Once everyone capped at the top level, got all the best gear from raids and all that, there was nothing to do but rinse and repeat. The Division has a similar leveling and loot system so it is comparable. Lets hope they release the first DLC once they feel everyone has reached the top of both co-op and DZ. Because i know i probably wont play it until the next DLC once i reach the top.
  4. There is a story path which will guide you around the map in a counter clockwise motion. But most of the story lies in intel you collect from mobile phones, documents, echoes, etc, on the streets in apartments, hospitals, police stations, offices. Which come in the form of video footage, calls, and written documentation. Missions certainly can be done alone, but you may get to a point where enemies become a little tough, flanking you a lot, so you'd have to put time into crafting or buying decent armour and weapons. The missions seem to scale somewhere between character levels. So if you're level5 snd the other person is 15 it'll more than likely make enemies level 10. But it varies from mission to mission. It also depends on who is team leader too.
  5. I've had the game just 3 days and i'd like to say right now, the beta did not do this game justice. It feels big, it is also very crammed with content. Where the map looked empty and felt hollow in beta, there is so many things to do on the main map, it's going to take quite a bit of time to get through it all. Another thing i want to mention is that you actually start off in Brooklyn and then move to Manhatten after a couple of missions. So they did at least keep to their original trailer after all. Me & Goosey reppin iGTA. I've had no shortage of friends to play with either. Unlike Destiny's awkward 3 man fireteams, The Division has 4, so you can have two squads playing in a chat party without spares feeling left out. I haven't even explored a single bit of the darkzone which is huge now. I think i'll save that for end game. Times Square looks amazing, and the scale is truly realistic. I've already found so much loot like guns and gear and even clothing, i already feel unique in the world. But i can still see so much is left to aquire, i'm only at the tip of the iceberg. I am pleased with how much content i got for my money, and to top it off, i got the season pass for only £20 extra coz i purchased it with the game. And that's cheaper than the Fallout pass was before they put it up to £40.
  6. DuPz0r

    Hitman Series

    So it works the same as a season pass, but you dont have to pay out for the game and then again for the content? Sounds fair. As long as the dlc is outlined for the year i'll probably get this. I"ve always enjoyed Hitman.
  7. DuPz0r

    Hitman Series

    So you only pay for the game like a season pass at the start, and get the whole game by 2017?
  8. DuPz0r

    Hitman Series

    Absolution was great. The environments looked gorgeous. This is a very similar concept to destiny and the division btw... As long as you don't have to pay a ton for new content, i might be on board.
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Nice. Hadn't heard about the panto.
  10. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    The Rat-Loader is apparently being included as a lowrider in the part 2 DLC.
  11. R* also like to align their DLC drops with other game releases. The Division is out today, so maybe we'll hear/see something soon. I hope R* have gone all out with the next lowrider dlc, because we've had the list for months now, and it'd be kind of disappointing to only get the last couple of cars on that list when they've had months of preparation whilst knowing this information is leaked.
  12. That awkward moment when you mistaken Jesus for Maggie in the saviours camp...
  13. The Revenant... Brutal as fuck. Pretty awesome, If you like survivalist genre.
  14. I understand what DiO is saying. Looking at your phone after work to a flood of notifications. But it's no different to being added to an iGTA group message on PSN. Me personally, i don't mind any of the notifications because i only tag on Twitter to share with crew members and try to get others to join us on crew nights. I never tag someone who isn't in the crew. I've never really been bothered about exposure or getting noticed, that's not what matters, having fun and showing others what our crew has to offer, as a family, is why i make creator content and take snaps every week. If anyone notices us and decides to join the crew, that's a bonus.
  15. We could make two rival gangs using colours. Not everyone has a black character so hood gangs wont work. Unless it's 80% Hispanic gang vs the token balla.
  16. Ok i decided to take the gamble and pre-order. Other than Fallout DLC i haven't got much on my cards for the next few months anyway. And the fact ikillyou, otiz, casey and Goosey said they're getting it, then i'll have some iGTA buddies to play it with.
  17. That aint me yo! I was wearing black and yellow. I think that might be Goose.
  18. DuPz0r

    No Man's Sky

    Release Date: June 21st 2016. I honestly thought this game had it's own thread... ah well. "No Man’s Sky features an expansive, procedurally generated universe that players navigate using an upgradable spacecraft. Upon reaching new planets, players can disembark in order to observe and document alien flora and fauna within a user-curated online database. Developer Hello Games warns that not all planets in No Man’s Sky are welcoming to outsiders. In addition to passively documenting their surroundings, players must adapt wilderness survival skills in order to fully explore the game’s harsh alien environments. Explorers must also learn new alien languages in order purchase materials and blueprints for ship upgrades." All the trailers to date:
  19. The Division Year One Plan (including season pass DLC and free DLC details): It doesn't go into too much details including whether or not there will be a map expansion this year. I'm also wondering if the season pass will only cover this content, and nothing next year. It does sound like they intent to keep this game evolving over the next few years though, so i expect a lot of things to happen to the game in the next couple of years at least. But at what price...
  20. Almost forgot to post these. Me Bunny Hoppin Poppin an Endo, with reflective puddles ogbmx and me having a grind sesh A bit of BMX parkour iGTA Shenanigans ogbmx gettin some big air on the halfpipe
  21. I can post twoce in a row. Thought DiO could, being a gold member and all. I have a short clip i want to post Not sure whether to post it as a vine or a twitter upload. Nice shots all round everyone!
  22. DuPz0r

    Uncharted Series

    Yeah i don't mind that it's delayed too May. Also gives me time to play other games. I preloaded that Uncharted Multiplayer beta, it's already up on the store, but doesn't activate until Friday. Should be nice to get a taste for the new mechanics.