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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Here's the big jump that kicked off the night. Snaps coming shortly!
  2. DuPz0r

    Uncharted Series

    Look out for Uncharted 4 Multiplayer beta on the PS Store this weekend!
  3. I made a new race, and updated an old one. Junkway 1-30 Player BMX Race http://rsg.ms/aad2d83 BMX your way down the Junkway. Try to find the quickest route! ...and I updated this job: Hip Hop Ya' Don't Stop 1-30 Payer BMX Race http://rsg.ms/0c14c4e Ride around south central, gang bangin' n shit!
  4. Mercy, are you hiding that triangulated thumb behind your back?! Nice dress. And nice shirt Firm!
  5. Ah man, gtagrl and casey had our whole team in fits of laughter when they had their point blank sniper stand-off!
  6. That was awesome, and yeah that sun splice was a nice bit of cinematography Dozy
  7. Yeah Indy, I'd say that's all fair points. I had some issues seeing friends when there was more than 4 of us on at once in seperate groups, they existed in a different instance, but that is one of those things that made it even more isolating. I understand there has to be balance, and the isolation is just part of the world. But it would be nice to see a few other squad roaming the "story" land. As for DZ, that's lawless, and harsh, and i kind if liked that. It's something that's going to take skill as well as luck to get really good at. And Saboteur, i didn't come across a single glitch whilst playing the beta. I know a wall breach technique exists, but it's already a well polished world before releas. The only real teething problems i can see at launch, is connectivity and server issues.because of the game's estimated popularity.
  8. Only got a few shots before running out of space. I should have cleared out before hand i know missed tons of great moments!
  9. Forgot to post these last week, i thought i did, but i inly posted some on twitter.
  10. Me and b0nEs both made Zancudo escape races, not sure if you still get 5 stars from them or not though.
  11. We did actually. But it was unplanned. We did some rooftop jumping and shopping trolly cart car crashes. But a whole night dedicated to jackass behaviour sounds cool if we can come up with some interesting gnarly stunt setups.
  12. Damn buddy, it closed at 12pm GMT Monday 22nd. Just so you know, you can complete the entire story section (of the beta anyway) without talking to, co-op'ing, or fighting against a single human player. It's essentially a freeroam game with mission markers all over the map, just like Fallout or GTA. Sure, you may see other players walking around, but they can't attack you. Some sections of the game are harder alone, but it's definitely doable. The only place you fight against other people in PVP, is the Dark Zone, and there is no loading what-so-ever. You walk in through a fenced guard posted gateway, into a hazmat style plastic sheet room, with decontamination walkways. In here you restock your ammunition and buy/sell things you do/don't need to the vendor, and then through another doorway into the dark zone. It syncs you straight away with other people whilst you're playing. No loading screens or lobbies. There's also NPC's in here, but they aren't as much a threat as the real people.
  13. Ah i thought it was, i just didn't hear any mention of it either on PSN or here since. That's good then, because i made a couple of Military Themed Jobs. Flank Tank 2-30 Player LTS Man Vs Rhino http://rsg.ms/287a5ad Train Wrecked 2-30 Player Capture Retrieve the classified files before they fall in the wrong hands. Don't look down! http://rsg.ms/952172e
  14. Nice gtagrl! Are we themed this week or crew blue?
  15. Well already i've played the beta with 8 different iGTA members. They said they're getting it. Otiz, Casey, Goosey, Jamie, Dozy all seem to like it too. I think i'd find time to play this with sacrifice of other games. But that pay-to-progress wall is still the only thing bothering me. The game it's self is really fun.
  16. As much as i love the game and will probably end up getting it. I can't help but feel we're going to get ripped off. If you look at the map the beta area is quite a big chunk of the actual map area. Midtown Manhatten has white borders which i assume is the entire game on release. Leaving the northen part with central park and dowtown in the grey along with the areas each side of the rivers... So unless the season pass is relatively affordable and reasonable, i wont mind shelling out for that much extra map. But again, that makes you think, there's all that extra land, will the DLC continue the main story, which means you have to have them all in order to find out what happens in the story... coz that would suck balls.
  17. Well damn it. I've had such mixed emotions about this game. I loved it to start with. Then the game was delayed and the visuals started to drop into "realistic" for current gen. And then they dropped the DLC bombshell. That all put me off. Then i played the open beta... ...Now i think i want the game again. The world feels believable, like New York would be after a virus outbreak. Manhatten's vertical scale is just as impressive as the map depth. The cover system from one place to another is smooth and really dynamic with gunplay. You can literally choose a spot to run to, whilst in cover and he will run and dive to it even if it's 30 meters down the street. You can also pull out of the auto cover at any point to dive away to avoid gunfire or an explosion, or simply to just walk away. The loot system is great, random drops from: gun holsters to leather jackets, to high calibre guns. Every enemy in the game have the potential to drop. And also looting from draws and cupboards inside house apartments comes in handy. It's a fun game without a doubt. And i see the potential for this game to be a massive hit. But at what cost? I'm steering towards buying it. But DLC walls for new land, that can potentially split your party is a kick in the nuts.
  18. DuPz0r


    Ok now is the time i think I'll buy that pass thingy.
  19. Have fun Ace. And dammit, the gusenberg still isn't selectable, so i guess we'll just have to agree to use them only?... The Gas Co. http://rsg.ms/1c43fe0
  20. I want to try and update my Gas Company job from last Valentines. Because now we can force Tommy's can't we?
  21. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Lol i know right, because we've all been queuing around the block to go to the cinema each time we go on GTAO. On a plus side, Deadpool is out.
  22. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    This Valentine weekend's event: February 12 2016 - February 18 2016 •DOUBLE GTA$ & RP IN TILL DEATH DO US PART •DOUBLE GTA$ & RP IN VALENTINE'S DAY EVENT PLAYLIST •DOUBLE RP RIDING TOGETHER & ARM WRESTLING •50% OFF ALL SMG AMMO •FREE ADMISSION TO THE MOVIES AND SELECT RIDES •PLAY SATURDAY 13TH FOR EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRT "Nelson in Naples". •PLAY SUNDAY 14TH FOR EXCLUSIVE T-SHIRT "An American Devorce" And not to forget there's the #bemyvaletine snapmatic contest and the sweepstakes. I want to log in in Valentines just for that t-shirt!