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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Roose2 mods: And i'm not sure if this is meant to be Lowriders 2 or a new tuner DLC, but they look nice! And apparently Update 1.16 is live!
  2. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    A line of code was added on the R* socialclub today with the title "Dropzone' Adv. Mode" which might be a new adversary mode in GTAO... It also says event id, and winners published. Event ID could just be a reference number to find the code quickly, but "winners published" means it could well be a themed event coming up. {"EventId":101168,"LanguageCode":"en-US","Title":"'Dropzone' Adv. Mode","RulesTitleDirty":true,"RulesDirty":true,"RulesImageDirty":true,"IsFinished":false,"WinnersPublished":false,"IsPublished":false} http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/events/api/GetEventRulesJson?id=&eventId=101168 "Dropzone" could mean anything though. Could be some new parachute jumps, maybe like those moving vehicle landing objectives. Or it could just be new airdrop missions or something. Ok, FunMW2 has said he's found code saying the dropzone could be linked to the valentines DLC, something like a death do us part adversary, so a co-op thingy. And another adversary called Rhino Hunt. And the leaks begin... Be My Valentine DLC Roosevelt 2 Mods for the Roose2 Valentines Clothes
  3. Minibus boogie Nice lineup Scenic Mower shenanigans
  4. Train vs Hydra... ...shenanigans wins! Didn't get much footage this week, had a bad cold and was generally sluggish all night.
  5. Nah, i made the kart one literally just before crew night, so it was kind of unfinished. It was put in the first playlist before we realised the player limit was 8. I only made it because Indoor Go-Karting was too small, and i wanted a decent sized kart track.
  6. In response to critique for last night's jobs, i have now made the following changes to these jobs: Thanks for your valuable critiques, i'll try to keep on top of them.
  7. Not to add fuel to this any more than it's needed, i heard the bitchy comments being chucked between the two of you, as early as the first playlist. I thought it was all over, but after Kuz came in, it seemed to ramp up a bit more in freemode. Either way, i dont let other peoples problems drag down my good time, i enjoyed it last night. One of the busiest crew blue nights we've had in a long time.
  8. I left it a little late. But i went to clear out my clip gallery, and really wanted to make something with all those pretty clips... ...so i did. I'll be there tomorrow.
  9. We did a gang night once which had the vagos, ballas and grove st too, but it wasn't a particular gang theme. I just remember some of the themed jobs we did.
  10. DuPz0r

    GTAO Wishlist

    I want custom garage interiors. Just like the new apartments where you can change the theme. I'm sick of seeing that overly white 10 car garage. I want it too look like a breeze-block parking lot. Or a roughed up modding garage, with spray paint on the walls, and random body parts laying around in the corners.
  11. Yeah that's a good idea too, reminds me of USA vs Terrorists (Durka) night, which i suggested a couple weeks back.
  12. Monster Mayhem sounds interesting. Could get some of our old monster truck races in there, including BMX's wall climber. I've not got any ideas right now, but i'll think of something.
  13. Love this drift race snap. This was something i was hoping to capture but didn't have the right footage. Nice man.
  14. When you say people wanted to win badly, that was only Kuz, BigBoss & Kill, which also got BMX comptetative, for the majority of the time. Most of us took a back seat and drifted till our heart was content. Drift trains were a hard feat, concidering how many smash ups we all had throughout. Overall it was a great night, sucks you didn't stick around. I understand though, i had a migraine all day yesterday, couldn't even look at any light source, let alone play games...
  15. Here's my snap contributions this week. The car meets: . The drift shots: . Kill warming up his drift tyres. bOnEs making sure the pickup is precise. When a Car meet takes a turn for the douche, a police bribe doesn't quite work out.
  16. Well, this game has already been fucked by micro/dlc transactions. Apparently Brooklyn among other boroughs has been cut at release and will be peppered out at premium DLC. The launch game will only feature midtown Manhatten... And i noticed a major drop in graphics quality in the latest video footage too. A shame really, i had high hope for this one. The early videos we saw even featured Brooklyn which makes it all that much worse.
  17. Nice videos and snaps all round! These last couple of crew nights have been nice and big. Half a full lobby is big a big turnout around here. Now we need to get another 14 players and make it a full house!
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    They said that GTAO was their main focus, which was a Q&A question about story dlc wasn't it? That doesn't rule out story dlc, but it does show that their priorities lie in the revenue from GTAO. Flash-Back to their last ComicCon...
  19. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Or maybe they wont be doing a single player DLC. Maybe the will do something different, and make a story dlc with the main characters but for online. Either way, there has to be another motive for them to go there in the first place. I doubt it's just for the sake of the fans.
  20. I bought the Mrs a retro birthday present with some classic rock albums. She better like it, or else i'll claim it for myself! Lol
  21. Yeah, i was hoping to catch some attention from non-regulars, or just forgetful members. I'll post a notice every theme night from now on. Here's my snap stack... The line up The Vintage The Action Cam The Solo ... and i could have got tons more, but my gallery was full. So I'll probably do a video at some point.
  22. Leslie Benzies has apparently left R* today? After being on sabbitical since GTA V's PS4 & PC release. So in other words, he's done fuck all for the last year, and has now left. Maybe that's the reason for all these new job placements. They're probably shuffling ready for a new game or GTA dlc.