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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I made a playlist of some classic jobs mixed with what was new on the list. gtagrl, you may want to take a look, so we dont add the same things in our lists. Add to game: http://rsg.ms/13f9772
  2. I made a basic iGTA logo to fit the old fashioned number stickers for the vintage races.
  3. I'll have a go at throwing together a playlist.
  4. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    That's the reason I don't think the Casino has been released yet. They've probably been mulling over their options. I still think they will cap how much you can spend & win, just like betting on races. And with regards to the casino interior, it'll be the first real new interior we'd have seen in the game, if you don't include the apartments and yacht/aircraft carrier.
  5. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    This guy... i hope he's right. I could totally spend all night sitting back playing poker and blackjack on crew night whilst knocking back a few drinks. I guarantee there will be a money limit though, like pre-race betting. I don't see R* enabling us to make or lose big money, because essentially that would turn GTAO into a real gambling simulation. I don't care about the money though. Just the Casino environment is all i care about.
  6. I like that idea of a classic car auction. Have some hoods and doors up, and some businessy guys looking at them and taking. Somewhere classy like the Von Crastenburg would look awesome too. I could create a DM inside the car dealership and add classic cars on show for snaps. /edit I made a Vintage car dealership at Moseley's Autos
  7. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    So this french dragoon guy posted leaked images of two weapons coming in the next DLC. A Compact Rifle which looks like the AK74u, and a double barrel shotgun which looks like a sawn-off. And funmw2 suggests that Lowriders 2 os out in February along with a possible Valentines surprise.
  8. MC night was awesome. I have a couple of ideas for new theme nights in the future. First one i discussed with some of you already. That was Vintage night. Everyone buy a sports classic, and have a car meet, show off our oldies in a nice vintage looking location. Do some classic races, enjoy the countryside etc. And the second theme i was thinking of was Team America night. Save two outfits, one Army, with American/patriot themed clothing, and the other terroists with rag heads and AK's. Add some sucide bombing, tanks, and Durka Durka, and we're in for a fun night! And no one has any excuse about not owning anything now, we all have enough money to buy whatever we need to make these themes happen!
  9. They do, but North was a major resource when RDR was released, and helped with it. They said in an interview that before a big release they gather resourcs from all their studios, which makes sense. And concidering North also has the biggest team for R*'s online network? They'll probably be doing a lot of the network side of things. But yeah, i think Read Dead is definitely in development, whether or not this is related, is anyone's guess. GTA DLC is definitely another guess. The start of development for GTA 6 is also a very slim chance. R* do need to hit that new GTA per console generation deadline at some point.
  10. Well, George R.R. Martin announced that he's failed to meet multiple deadlines to get The Winds of Winter out before HBO's sixth season of Game of Thrones... That's going to change things up a bit. To be honest, if it didn't happen with tWoW it would have happened with a Dream of Spring. One does not just write a GoT epic this far into the story in one year, that's not how that shit goes down! I think this is where we see them diverge. More excuses to watch and read!
  11. Rockstar North are looking for specific job roles: Animator, Technical Facial Animator, UI Programmer,Network Programmer, interior Artists, Environment Artists etc. https://twitter.com/KevinDekoninck/status/683209228673236992 North would only be working on GTA or Red Dead imo, so i think this large influx of job offers could be a hint that production for the next RD is happening!
  12. bOnEs and i having a catch-up , post-drink. I would have loved to been able to add some voice samples of us when we were both drunk at some point...
  13. I'm also playing on my second character because of that problem.
  14. I made the LTS cage "Fight Night at the MC" a couple of weeks back. And about a month ago i made "Back to Broker - LC".
  15. The one without the white arm stripes. I'll be there.
  16. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    There's a lot of talk of a Liberty City DLC lately. Not sure if it's being refered to as an offline Story or online DLC, but we expect to hear some kind of announcement in the following week. Maybe right at the start of 2016. The main people discussing it are the same reliable DLC leakers: funmw2/tezfunz, Yan. Sayig we might get to see what was discussed behind closed doors at gamescom this year.
  17. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I bought the Mamba two days ago. Sure looks great sat amongst all my other vintage cars. I'm down to 2 mil now though. Oh and it's Snowing on GTAO now apparently. I wonder if the Tampa is out. I'll find out after work.
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    December 26th... JANUARY SALES! http://rsg.ms/4505a08
  19. I can't make it this week. I'm on night shifts all the way up to Christmas. Sucks, i really would have liked to have been there.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Lol, yah Mr Bean was my first idea as soon as i saw the raw turkey. I also tried to make a lime Issi with a couch on the roof in DM. But struggled to fall in the right direction, so i couldn't make him look like he was sitting on it.
  21. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I have an idea for a snapmatic shot for the Festive Surprise contest, so i may need someone to join me in a deathmatch i'm gonna set up for it. Been playing since i got in from work this morning, and there doesn't seem to be any new vehicles yet. Unless i'm missing something somehow.