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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yeah,i thought about that too. The game would have to be changed to a different age rating too in some countires as gambling legalities. It's just a minefield i'm not sure R* want to go down.
  2. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I think a Casino may never come, just like the stock market. When it comes down to money, R* don't wa t to take any risks. Too many gambling addicts will get themself in debt trying to buy virtual yachts and mansions by gamling all their sharkcard deposits away. But we can still hope i guess.
  3. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    So how many of you would be interested in a $30mil+ Super Yacht in GTAO? Is GTAO becoming The Sims? Obviously this new content is still speculation but, personally i can't afford that sort of thing in GTAO right now. But thinking about it, only one or two of us actually need it. Everyone else would get invites to it anyway. I know that wont stop some of us trying to get one for ourself anyway, it's human nature to want the world chico, and everything in it. I hear that it may also be customisable too, which means more money. If this does infact come out, then we know R*'s game plan for the future. Expensive luxury items which take most of us literally months to grind, or buy a shark card. I wonder what the real world price of one of these super yachts will be. I can see people spending tons of dosh on shark cards!
  4. DuPz0r


    I'm not the biggest Fallout fan, but that doesn't stop me from wanting the game day one. I just hope it has the magic that 3 had, despite how messy it was. I want that explore and find feeling, that feeling of discovery, and curiosity which made 3 my favourite fallout. The landmarks and locations really made 3 feel like i was exploring post-Washington. Post-Boston better have that feeling.
  5. Will you 3D print your own cock so you can fuck yourself in the ass? Nice printer btw.
  6. I gave it a go, watched the whole first season on Netflix in two days. I like.
  7. Looks like a fun night. Shame i couldn't attend. These graveyard shifts are killin me!
  8. Why is there like five or six versions of fargo on tv...? Did they do it shit the first few times or something? And which one is new, i might start watching it. I saw a film called fargo a couple of years back, so i kinda know what it's about.
  9. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Sorry i didnt make it on late last night. I had the day off and ended up drinking early in the afternoon, and was knockout by midnight.
  10. Did some Jack 'O's with the kids. I enjoyed it. Little Annabelle loves "dem mun-kinz"!
  11. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Probably tonight too. I'm out partying tomorrow. And have friends from all over the country visiting through to Sunday. Might be on Sunday night though.
  12. DuPz0r


    Ah damn, we will have to buy it pre-owned at an inflated price... Surely they know there is money in this. People from all over the world want these kind of things!
  13. DuPz0r


    Yep, i'm totally buying a pack. And one unopened bottle will sit in my display for the rest of time.
  14. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I bought them both. Damn thise slasher modes are fun as fuck!
  15. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Sweet, gonna take a look at it when i get in.
  16. Still gotta love them bacoms tho, and ham, and pork pies. Damn cancer risks!
  17. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    funmw2: "A city blackout and a timecycle modifier called "NoPedLight" will be enabled when you play featured Halloween Jobs. I think it's only the Slasher adversary mode but I'm not sure if there's more. They're going to use "_SET_BLACKOUT" native. This native disables all emissive textures and lights like city lights, car lights, cop car lights according to AlexanderB NativeDB. What's funny is that meanwhile you're playing some of the Halloween Jobs or Slasher adversary mode, if there's a player nearby then you will hear him breathing !"
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Looking at them here, i now see that the Lurcher Hearse is a Buccaneer variant, and the Franken is a Roosevelt hotrod.
  19. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I had mine last I checked (which was crew night) But i didn't look in the store for it.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Complimentary colours always have the most impact as pearl. So for crew blue, a bright yellow/orange.