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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Strangely, my internet has been intermittent all day. Keep getting cut outs every so often. I hope it holds!
  2. I made two new creator content. A bmx trail and a birdbox style deathmatch.
  3. I'll see if i can dig up a classic playlist from last off-road night. Then we can do a playlist with new content, once DiO gets home?
  4. I think Director mode has finally given me a reason so finish the game again. I want Big Foot in director mode. For some Harry and the Henderson shit.
  5. Offroad night was fun last time. Nothing like a good theme night! See ya Tuesday.
  6. DuPz0r

    4k TV Problem

    Yeah it seems like there's no where near enough knowledge on the internet for specific models. Thanks for all your suggestions.
  7. DuPz0r

    4k TV Problem

    There's plenty of picture settings, just no motion or cinema smoothing options that i can see. Unless there's a hidden professional mode with the options in.
  8. DuPz0r

    4k TV Problem

    There doesn't seem to be an option from what I've noticed. Been through all the advanced settings too. It's not a major problem, everything is sharp and smooth to perfection. It even does a great job of upscaling 1080p to 4k. But i just can't shake that feeling it all looks recorded on a handycam, which the smoothing gives it. I just watched The Amazing Spiderman, and the animation is so smooth, his jumps and acrobatics feels slow and CG, because the animation pacing is off...
  9. I just got a new TV, had my old one for well over 8 years, so i needed an upgrade. It's a 50" Panasonic Viera 4k Smart TV. It's great, and looks sweet in my living room. But one thing that was bugging me from the moment i started watching it. All my favourite classic movies which i have on Blue-ray or 1080p copies of, suddenly felt like TV series, like a soap opera... They almost lose their grainy look and aesthetics, and feel like you're sat there in the scene with the actors... I'm sure some of you here know what i mean, if you've watched 24fps movies at 30 or 60fps. Well anyway, i looked it up on google, and sure enough it isn't just me. It's called the soap opera effect (SOE), it's a dynamic picture smoothing feature or something, which pads out the frames to make a 24fps, 60fps. It's gonna ake a lot of getting used to. Games look great at 60fps, but films, just lose their film feeling, and look ore like cheap TV episodes in my opinion. My question is, does anyone here know how to turn this feature off? I'm on a Panasonic Viera.
  10. Haven't had that issue on PS4. Must be a PC only bug...? This editor has made snapmatics so much easier. I leave action replay on all the time now, and just go through all my clips before i delete them to see if i have any sweet moments to snap, and every time there's a sweet shot in there, no matter the subject matter.
  11. My first creator content since the creator upgrade... You can finally build structures from props! The Three Way 3-12 players 3 teams Take bags from around the map and opponents base. http://rsg.ms/a70e26c
  12. These snaps are great. The editor is beyond amazing, i can't wait to see what we can get if we do some decent theme nights. bOnEs, i'm sorry to hear about your cat man, tough times.
  13. How does the action replay mode pan out? Like, how long do you get of replay time?
  14. Yeah i got it in the end. Holding L1 & R1 whilst scrubbing trims each respective side. And yeah, i only see a youtube option to upload, where is R* SC...? My youtube keeps timing out too.
  15. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    YAY you can hide blue custom job points! That's probably the best thing about the update for me lmao... 200 jobs later.
  16. Use this space to teach/learn how to maximise your use out of the editor. My first quesion is how the fuck do you trim clips and soundtracks? I can see that you can place markers, but i've not been able to find a trim or delete button for unwanted clips or soundtracks...
  17. I'll certainly be there for new shit. I like the sound of that penned in mode. I can imagine so many more shenanigans will occur in morgandurkmode now.
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    If their main focus is Online, then they will push out better content now, because they want to convert every last-gen player to new and boost their profits. It's another money making scheme, and i bet that we'll get a couple of semi-decent updates then back to the usual shit. If it took them over a year to develop just heists, and that was their big game selling point, then i'm not that excited about the future, because heists were not all that in the end. I hope this new update actually works out. Seamless events in a freeroam without loading sounds good for crew nights. The last few weeks have felt a little stale, crew night was turning into chat night in freemode.
  19. That's one opinion i guess. But just like any openworld game, you play the game in different ways to extend its life. Role playing, or whatever, there will always be a different way to play it. MGSV is primarily a stealth, sneak game, so it's quite slow paced if that's how you want to play it. There's loads of land to explore even if you want to run and gun, destroying outposts. Me personally, love the openworld in Phantom Pain. I wasn't sure how i'd like it since MGS has been linear up until now, but i think it's better.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Well it's better than nothing or just the editor i guess... Now PS3 and 360 have been trashed, hopefully we'll get meatier updates with content we've actually been requesting for years.
  21. You can call a support chopper, but it isn't OP against decent enemies with anti aircraft weapons. There's a lot of simple shack style interiors, and some slightly more interesting later in the story missions. But it is Afghanistan and Angola, so you wouldn't expect much from war torn environments. But like i said, there's some surpising interiors.
  22. Of course. You can tackle every mission your own way, apart from certain boss fights, which require a little working out how to kill. Everything else though, is treated like a special ops, and you can go in with whatever weapons you have at your disposal. You might want to pick everyone off with a sniper from a distance before an infiltration. You may want to sneak in, get to your objective, and exfiltrate by murdering your way out like a trojan horse, with a heavy machine gun, ir a trail of c4 you left before-hand. It's up to you mate. Either way, there's tons of main story missions, and hundreds of side-ops.
  23. My initial thoughts: The prologue is like that of an interactive movie. Interesting plot, and some bizzare events which leave you pretty mindfucked. Once the prologue is over, you get dumped in the middle of a giant Afghan desert to roam on horseback (very RDR'esc), to find someone who's whereabouts is sketchy, no specifics are given. You have to go by sight, and intel drip fed to you as you get closer to the hot zone. The game maps look and feel almost endless, especially on foot. This game couldn't be any further from Ground Zeroes. GZ feels like a bird cage, Phantom Pain feels like a living breathing world.