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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    I assume there will still be a hard level cap like GTAO or something. Which is 9999 isnt it?
  2. Oh hell yeah. 1968 New Orleans looks fucking great to me. The graphics look polished and pretty. The gunplay looks pretty good. I'm hoping the cover system isn't too important of an aspect, kind of like GTAIV where you hide behind everything. It has potential. And the hideout aspect makes off-mission/freeroam seem like it will have more to it than previous Mafia games.
  3. Surgeon Sim, wtf? Lmao. I'm glad we did that first playlist to mark crew night, but i also enjoyed doing the heist and all its setups. Only took 2 hours. I would have came back on for another playlist if it wasn't so late. I look forward to next week's actual theme night!
  4. Is anyone going to be late? Coz i don't want there to be a mad dash for heist teams, leaving others behind... reminiscent of the launch day of heists.
  5. I'm down for heists. bOnEs, DiO, gtagrl i haven't done a heist with any of you yet i beleive...
  6. Has any of you guys tried the garage glitch for the PS heist? Apparently there's a way to get in you garage during the final part, meaning we can speed run it with the karuma without being shot.
  7. Anyone know if transfered pirated apps will still work with 10? I'vve got my fair share of warez...
  8. Still looks way clearer than my pixely, grainy smartphone. I was more humbled it let me watch it eat than anything though. I half expected it to fly off with its catch. I do wish I had my camera with me!
  9. Lame, you tried deleting the job from your list? I always put mission markers on rooftops just to keep the streets uncluttered.
  10. InTeRnAl-pEnAtRaTz0r I will keep finding more and posting them. I wish i got a North Yankton deathmatch whilst it was still accessible. That was the first interior we breached back in the day!
  11. As our list of interiors grow, I decided I want to separate them from the normal threads. And that includes bOnEs interior DM's and any other's i find in the threads. It makes it easier to find them if they're in one place, and i can cross them out if they suddenly do not work any more (Bahama Mama's for example). As i find more, i'll keep adding to the first post. Feel free to delete duplicate jobs from the other thread, i plan on deleting my interior jobs from there. Key: Official Interiors - The interiors from Story mode, which R* intended for us to be in offline, which also exist online. And interiors that are accessible online. Unofficial Interiors - The interiors that R* made not to be explored or which could be spaces for future DLC. Misc Interiors - The interiors made for the character creation screen for example, or places that are under the map. And places that are just not in the game at all yet... (Comedy Club, Bahama Mama). Bahama Mama's - The interiors that R* decided we don't deserve to see, and no longer work. Each Creator Content's player count and creation type will be beside the interior name, followed by the credited creator. Official Interiors Hippy Alien Shed - 2 Player, DM - bOnEs http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/R07vy0G5mUelLqo85XTZ0w Floyd's Apt - 8 Player, DM - bOnEs http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/zMZWfiF_CUiwacihNy-3ew Franklin's Condo - 30 player, DM - bOnEs http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/z_987FFQdUKTzfsDZYiJzw Ammunation - 10 Player, DM - bOnEs http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/DGpFcKfzM0OeYr8S6BoPAQ Michael's House - 10 Player, DM - bOnEs http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/Y3PK_ol3EkaVc2i8EtjUjw Humane Lab Survival - 16 Player, Capture - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/crfqCOiNOUGXsALnEw-uPA Humane Lab - 16 player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/_Zqn_IjQtUijgSn_81G6HA Prison Watch Towers - 10 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/u-DhFF7W50ul1rvq_R_1jQ Franklins' Aunt's House - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/ybYaD0UAfUuUcHumUJRGDw Lester's House - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/PSELehd5_UWc7xvJftJG7w Lester's Sewing Factory - 16 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/lZcmbZb6DUePdVdWHh588A Police Station - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/1StLk7mvVEONjXBkrNd6nw FIB 1 (destroyed floors) - 14 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/TxO7e5Kkl0q2AufDWwhh5Q FIB 2 (low, Mid and top levels) - 24 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/wxXUGARqgUusuoCxCSAy0A FIB 3 (Mid floor offices) - 16 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/vauHc_8kUE6vxqKRCXlbHQ IAA Building - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/dnqUUcbQEEahHnTpkdpuRg Torture Room - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/nNX1lxLRj0irTHi7TTRFiA The Vinewood Apt - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/jMhRLs4lY02tZaPDJv6bbg Zancudo Control Tower - 5 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/2t2ZFtXxRUCp54kteQXR6Q Mineshaft - 10 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/OYc0-J25Q0aEEq-jY1NCJQ Meth Lab - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/9QjjpkfFs0-AOEKUIE5u7g Pillbox Hill Medical Centre - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/TN-PCKiJ9k-sY3A-4PzNhQ Blaine County Savings - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/DupBIYcBLE2z8R_5z-ATpA Unofficial Interiors Please note, some unofficial interiors may be glitchy (mesh popping, lack of collision mesh, etc) as they are not meant to be accessed. Senora Autoshop - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/B85YDpAlYUaTM2O3nQtuKA Grapeseed Barn - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/4TQO8UBkZEOWVpaiQftLHQ Sightings Cafe - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/Z5ufXJCb3kS3SeRJmFyxvQ Madrazo Condo - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/Y22fYvu920udiAZ7rhPoFQ Parking Lot Skyway - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/MHBXhbxv2UqRSxpAwlu1gA Chumash House - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/bW3H8LKejkeXV-_Xsb4xTA Senora Chinese Restaurant - 2 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/WUxwUJ3qeE2YpdUTAXMA3g Aquatic Parking Lot - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/7PHkj9exU0WG7TLLQemGFg Arcadius Upper Level - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/1CZj5EZ-A0KmjbZoEfJzOQ Von Crastenburg Lobby - 10 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/-3lR939lME-b8XpczxiGcg Campus Interior - 18 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/1rWYjRWVXkOxztmhrCwG1A Lucky Plucker Interior - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/ovl5UXcCiEqdePdTRMn6kA Apt Lobby 1 - 10 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/ewztAqwjhEGvBIVMPEJfPg Apt Lobby 3 - 8 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/nFIZ7akmnE-peSgp9Wqkhg Apt Lobby 3 - 12 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/owI0_DJQlkSKJC3w-9dVFA Coffee Bean Machine - 14 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/S34HfOFTsUegy1JQjvro5A Lombank Interior - 6 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/6hjHbKU-jU2LFAWnlBXDIw Mosely Autos Interior - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/jTXr7z9AakCQeUXVpITZZw Unfinished Office Space, Lower Floor - 16 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/UjQOQyPvfUasUAyBYWygFg Arcadius Plaza - 15 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/6p0AL1O2mUigPev1Pd1Hcg Parking Lot: Combat Training - 16 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/kK7E8QQyVUuM7BvDud7Mjw Misc Interiors All in One - 16 Player, DM - DuPz (the hidden interiors under the map including; the character selection screens; winning screen parking lot; comedy club; apartments; garages, etc). http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/SncDOqk9CkuzXPzqPIPsyA Motel Room - 4 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/b7Gr9fhslEGtrhDf45Ap1g Bahama Mamas - 20 Player, DM - DuPz http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/47DrYyXOFUuXI984YCZW8w If you spot any that no longer work in this list, please inform me so i can cross them off. I'll add more soon. Feel free to add more to the list below.
  12. Yes, i saw it catch the pigeon in flight and land with it. I took the picture when i got close enough. I only had my phone on me so i couldn't get any decent shots of it in the air unfortunately.
  13. Almost forgot to post my snapmatics. Next crew night sneak peek:
  14. I spotted this majestic bird of prey on the way home from work. It's a Peregrine Falcon, which are pretty rare these days, so i had to stop and take some snaps. I got pretty close and it didn't budge, too busy eating i guess. FALCON MUUUNCH!
  15. Managed to get in to the "Sighting" restaurant at the LS Int. Airport... FINALLY! Honestly i've been trying to breach into this interior for months. I managed to glitch in by pure luck and ran around for a bit. Until i realised i could quick drop a couple of spawn points by making it think it was on the ground snd quickly moving it as i drop it. I made it a DM, but inly for 2 players atm. I do hope to update it IF i can get any more spawn points in...
  16. Here's the couple of screenshots i snapped. I'll upload up them snapmatics later. bmx wallriding the fountain. Riding like hill-billies. Casey left, Weev middle, gtagrl Right.
  17. I passed out at around 3am I think. I woke up and my PS4 was in sleep mode. I had fun though, from what i do remember. Good to see gtagrl on New Gen. And the turnout was great too last night. Good to see old faces. So next week's theme. Shitheap Car Meet...?
  18. I love the Mafia games. The story and theme is right up my street. Massive Godfather, Goodfellas and Sopranos fan, and Mafia seems to capture all of those in their games so well. I hope they look at what was wrong with Mafia 2, and take leaf outta GTA's book, and make freeroam feel like a living breathing city with plenty of things to do outside of missions.
  19. The Warrener is a beautiful off-roader. It's one of my favourite cars.
  20. I used a new glitch to make a 4 player DM in the horwitz motel room. I know bOnEs has been wanting to get in that one since i made that underground interior deathmatch.
  21. I may actually have no choice but to come on late. As i have to be at work at 4am. So i may sleep before hand and wake up at 1-2am. Stay on til 3:30am. Plus i wanna say hi to gtagrrl! Also, underwater knife deathmatch!!
  22. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    That stunt school is a reference to an in-game advertisement. Which is a possibility. I hope so, sounds way better than all these car and clothing imports that keep flooding the docks lately!