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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Hydra & Insurgent is 50% Off atm. I'm tempted to buy a Hydra a that price! Also, what is this?! Looks like a possible Maze Bank Stunt Arena!
  2. DuPz0r


    I was tempted. But i rarely use my pc for gaming anymore.
  3. A quick clip of my new underwater caged deathmatch, inside a parking lot!
  4. The Aquatic Cage [PS4] 2-8 Players Knives only http://rsg.ms/1896981 ...or... http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/7PHkj9exU0WG7TLLQemGFg Battle it out in this one of a kind AQUATIC CAGE! That's right, this cage match is in an underground parking lot, but with a twist. The caged area contains a gravity defying volume of water. The rules are simple, keep the knife kills in the cage, don't kill outside of the ring!
  5. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    That's alright... 00:01 *DLC Released* 00:15 *New money glitch released* - Dupe and sell Picador for 500k a pop.
  6. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    That funmw2 guy from gtaforums has been reading through the latest patch code, and seems to have found strings of code for a new ("LOW") Low Rider content pack incoming. Some old cars will have the lowrider functionality added in LS Customs as well as a couple of new rides.
  7. Here's a couple of short vine style vids i captured from crew night: Some pics next.
  8. Yeah we found that in glitch night a few weeks back too. I'm in, providing i stay awake long enough. Been finding it hard to stay awake past 12 lately. I hate working crack of dawn.
  9. Oh nice. What's the maximum payout normally?
  10. I don't know what you mean. *shuffles awkwardly on chair* Are you fapping in that chair Vicey?
  11. My wife likes it. She wasn't totally on board at first, but now she prefers me with it. Says i look like a boy without it.
  12. just picked up Ernest Cline's latest novel, Armada. If it's anything like Ready Player One, it'll be worth every penny.
  13. Went to a funeral, only time you'll see me in a suit probably.What kind of glasses? Hipster ones? I like the beard/hair combo, i think i rock it well.
  14. It's always raining in London...
  15. Attending a funeral tomorrow, it's a train ride away. Sorry Ya'll. I'll try and jump on throughout the week instead if anyone is around. P.s. Goosey told me how slaughtered DiO was the other night, he said you were worse than cheech at rambling xD haha!
  16. Just me speculating but i've had a bit of a think about what the hell they could possibly do with a story DLC using the characters setting and timeline... My first thought was that Trevor & Michael aren't originally from LS, so anything set before V would not be set in LS for those two. Franklin on the other hand, born and raised in the 90's... This got me thinking about R* maybe having a go at another era based GTA using V's DLC, just to satisfy the fans, so that the next GTA doesn't have to set "back in the day". Maybe the early 00's. It makes sense, because they just need to re-dress the map add a few smaller interiors and a bunch of era based music, and the tone is set. I can imagine Franklin and his sidekick Lamar getting up to some comical missions like home invasions, stealing and selling cheap knock-offs, before the tone gets heavy into the drug game and robbery before killing for the first time and being sent to the pen, which then gets Franklin out of the "game" (Until GTA V). Final thought was that Franklin's actor Fonteno is the only person that seems to be throwing hints at a DLC here and there, so that's telling me he has the main chunk of DLC. I guess Trevor and Michael could also have their own section of throwback set in a different era each, which would make the DLC very interesting... Thoughts? Discuss.
  17. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I love the Blackfin, goes well with my other classics. And i'm happy with my Brawler, it looks like some off-road warrior, and accelerates pretty good for its size.
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I bought the Osiris last month, then sold it as soon as this dlc dropped. First of all, i had no garage space, and secondly i'm down to $3 million. The second dlc was definitely better imo.
  19. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I've been using the Brawler all day, and i have got the most out of it. Managed to climb and fly over some pretty steep shit, and land it. Check out my new crawler job if you don't want to buy one.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I wonder if we'll get a substantial update for patch 3.0... the content drops are getting a little dull imo. I want some new modes, or updates to existing modes. I want extra creator abilities. Pretty bored of getting $10'000 coats and $2,000,000 vehicles... GTAO money driven business model is getting pretty rediculous.
  21. Working on my classic car garage at Hangman's Av.
  22. Crawler's Coil 1-10 player Off-road Non-contact Brawler only http://rsg.ms/4168f01 One of my signature rock crawling races. This one is for the Coil Brawler only! I've actually been working on this one all week, using the Sandking, but hoping the Brawler was up for the task. A few tweaks later, and i think the Brawler is on par with the Sandking at climbing!
  23. Wanted to come on last night, but i've been feeling ill all week, and just fell asleep about half hour before crew night. Looks like you guys had a good turn out anyway. Hopefully next week.
  24. I'm yet to play with Kuz on PS4, Otiz i havent seen in a while either. They coming back for crew night this week?
  25. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    For those of you that can't view images: x2 $$$ on Event Playlist x2 RP on all jobs between 1-6 of July.