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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah the prestigious Universities over here do have uniforms actually. Like Cambridge and Oxford. I gues it would be nice actually see our crew wearing the same clothes for once... I doubt we'll do anything like that again. No one likes dressing the same in any other situation.
  2. Do Universities have set uniforms in the US? Over here we get to wear what we like. Understandably Fraternities and groups have uniforms.
  3. ιγτα ιγρανδτηεφταυτο
  4. Student Night, Tuesday nights. $1 per pint of pisswater $1.50 per bottle of chemicaholic pop. I'm in! I'm also down for a Rock Night as suggested by DiO. Dress as your favourite metal/rock stars...
  5. Life of Trevor Night! Methhead Monday, Horse Tranq Tuesday, Withdrawal Wednesday, Tooting Thursday, Freebase Friday, White Magic Weekend. Dress like crack heads/ hood rats.
  6. I was only there for 3 hours, but i got some highlights from shenanigans and playlist 1.
  7. Very nice Forest Gump homage, those 8-bit bastards!
  8. Glad you're enjoying it as much as i did Rob. This was one of my 'games of the year', for its unique use of mechanics which makes you feel helpless and claustrophobic as fuck. Fucking loved it.
  9. @River No, Massacre meant there is a creator that comes with GTA V/Online. You can make races/DM/TDM/Capture/LastTeamStanding etc, anywhere, with any vehicle type, and drop props... Honestly have you not seen our sub forum dedicated to the GTAO creator? http://www.igta5.com/forums/forum/30-creator-jobs/ @gtagrl That video editor looks appetising, but since PS4 has an advanced 15 minute recorder i never miss a thing. And i can edit it all on PC aftwards anyway. The only thing i can't do is change the camera angle once it's done, which the best part about that editor.
  10. 4 days? That's probably the longest i could wait haha. Meh tho, i'm about to sit and watch the rest. The second episode felt a lot more eventful than the first.
  11. I watched two this evening and will probably watch the other two tomorrow. I've still got some Sons of Anarchy to get through in the mean time anyway.
  12. The first 4 episodes of season 5 have apparently been leaked online ahead of the release... ...I know what i'll be watching this evening!
  13. @River Yeah GTA V will be modable within weeks of release, if that. If you want mods to work consistently, get the disc copy for sure. You could still edit the ini files and all of that on GTA IV, but nit on the steam version because it forces patches. The disc version could stay at which ever patch you wanted it to be and still be cracked wide open for modding.
  14. I've been absent too long. I'll make the effort.
  15. I never bought GTA for PC for the community. I hated playing online on PC. I literally only ever bought it for mods. And when this game goes down to £20 for PC or lower, i will do the same.
  16. Yup, i felt that connection too. First series ended on a pretty good high. I wish more happened throughout the season though.
  17. Meh, on second thoughts, i'm still feeling rather ill. I've felt shit since i got back from my break. Thought i'd be good to come on, but i'm almost out for the count. Must be Flu or something. I'll probably make up for it all week and i'll definitely be on next week. Sorry crew mates, i'll catch you soon! *Sleeps*
  18. So yeah... ..Felt like they were mocking his Trevor Phillips character, in order to make Mike seem Grade A.
  19. This caught my eye. I like the way everything is animated.
  20. GTAO Heist trailer for PC in Russian