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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Massacre, will you be showing your new face at St.Paddy's iGTA night...?
  2. The Stitch Up 2-16 players DM Forced/Pickups http://rsg.ms/518b289 Brawl inside Lester's sewing factory.
  3. Let the fun begin. This week has been s long one, what with heisting every night. Looking forward to some crew structure.
  4. Play with crew members and the whole experience will be so much more enjoyable for you all... Apart for that last heist which is fun, but also frustrating.
  5. We drove to the checkpoint, climbed on the top of the truck and jumped off it. We were using the bikes at first for ages, going the train track route. But there was always one of us that got fucked over by an SUV or a car, so we decided to stick together and obtained the armoured truck near the arena/bowl. One time we managed to obtain a helicopter which got too close to the ground at the start, right beside the bikes. Killed the pilot and it dropped a couple of feet and we jumped in. One of the crew died though running to it, and we couldn't replicate it the second time we tried.
  6. Just finished on hard. We trashed the bikes and grabbed an armoured police truck.
  7. Anyone want to do heist 4 with me? Need 3 people for this evening if possible.
  8. Yeah weev, you've helped me out a couple of times. Yesterday was an bit annoying. When the game was working fine (off peak) we were waiting for people to come online. Then when the servers fucked up, everyone was on... I have a feeling R* are just riding it out, waiting for traffic to drop instead of investing in extra temporary servers... Anyway, if im on, i'll happily be a hired hand helping heists here and there. Just give me a shout.
  9. I'm a heist 3 leader. Just got to the hydra setup again but got booted offline last night. And it wouldn't let me back on. Will try again after work. Had Ace & Ghostman in my heist crew, which was pretty fun. Will try and get that same team together today hopefully.
  10. So once we complete all hiests, do we get to start any of them at any time in any order? Who's done them all, who's not far off completing them? I'm on heist 4 with a friend as the leader. I'm only saved up to heist 2 setup 3.
  11. We should have just changed our crew night to the following day or so. Today the game has been flawless. I've played fine since i woke up. It's just peak times are completely fucked. I kind of expect the same shit later tonight to though.
  12. Yep. R* screwed us over. In the 11 hours i was attempting to play yesterday, i only really got 4 hours of heist time, and even then some of our players kept dropping, we had to keep redoing parts. I did do both heist 1 & 2 on Hard mode though...
  13. People were like animals tonight. Not really bothered to chat in-game. Rushing to get into any heist they could... Night turned to shit. Heists definitely don't gel well with crew night. And fuck R*'s servers, i'm off to bed.
  14. We'll see. Join from the chat just click a person's name and join session.
  15. There's a bunch of us together online sitting in my apartment.... you just have to be tenacious you'll get on eventually.
  16. A couple of tricks i did before i managed to connect correctly: Goto Setting> PSN > Restore Licences. And i also signed out of PSN whilst i tried to connect. And it brings up the user agreement for GTAO when you reconnect. Just accept it again. I've been running smoothly since... Could be coincidence, but I was unable to get online for hours until these steps.
  17. I'm still online... I was persistent and now I've been connected for 4 hours straight. Joined some freinds earlier and just stuck with them to be safe. If we get a crew lobby working i'll try and join you all.
  18. Yep i was on the last step of heists 2 and now i can't even get online after failing to load job multiple times.
  19. Mine took 1.5 hours on a 4mbs connection.
  20. Love the alien paperbag one. Massacre, do you approve...?
  21. Yeah im on 10mil, now that seems low suddenly... Ooo new masks!
  22. $3mil for Hydra. That sounds about right...
  23. Yep i'm downloading it now! ITS HAPPENING!