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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I thought i took more snaps, these were the only ones worth posting. Turns out i took a lot more screenshots Diaz with his new ride (thanks for the carbon copy DiO) Purposeful focaslessness Dat scene Dat repetitive shot Vercetti with Bricks
  2. DuPz0r


    I kinda hope a fallout online would work. But the lack of isolation might be a problem. I would love to join factions and fight for scraps of land and resources in the wasteland though.
  3. Here's my highlight reel Snaps coming.
  4. I watched the first two episodes this afternoon on Netflix. It looks pretty good so far.
  5. Vice City night, and i'm ready to lose my self control.
  6. I might have to use Diaz for tonight. Anyone wanna dupe me their infernus? I can't be Diaz and not own an infernus. I can't afford one with that account.
  7. I'm tempted to watch Soul, might have to watch the first two episodes and see if it's worth continuing.
  8. I tried to make this one into a sort of mission. Human Trafficking 2-30 player vehicle capture Forced & pickup First person forced Illegals have been shipped across the border. Your job is to take possession of the trafficking mule (boat), and set up the next deal, before the other gang gets there first. http://rsg.ms/24b7e3e So there's a trafficking situation down at raton canyon, and there's two gangs fighting to steal the trafficking boat to take to the next job. The aim is to manoeuvre the small yacht down to the target area whilst being shot at by the enemy. There is only one capture per round and first to 2 rounds wins. Part of the fun is the struggle to getting that single capture whist being attacked. The key is to get one to drive and one to shoot, on both the yacht and the land vehicle. Hopefully it's balanced enough.
  9. Rim Job 2-30 player LTS Last man standing. Shoot around the rim. If you run out of load, into the blackhole you go. http://rsg.ms/dc341e2 The idea is that the start of the LTS happens around the rim. Once half the team has been picked off, and there is no ammo left in your gun, you need to slug it out in the pit. But be careful of fire from above, you're at a massive disadvantage in the pit. Also thanks DiO for helping me name this job haha.
  10. Love the skirt. I kind of end up collecting any dress or skirt in that material, it's becoming a problem.I'm the same with shirts. I have a whole wardrobe full of woodchuck attire.
  11. Ah you tried out The Hurricane already. Sweet. What did ya think? The struts aren't solid mesh, which i found out in freemode. And i've always wanted to try make a bike wall. It's not very smooth, but it works. And i think it's easier to keep on the wall in first person from testing.
  12. I ain't ever paid a penny for video editing sortware. Just look for portable versions of adobe software.
  13. What was you doing with your hand? Looks like crazy movement lol Looks like you had a fun night though. Are they students or people you work with?
  14. You know what, i had a similar idea after seeing R*'s batch. We must think alike. Nice one. Lab Rat Survival was pretty similar, but i am thinking about making something else with NPC's.
  15. It's also fun making them. Themes always give me more ideas and creativity. Whether it's hit or miss, is down to you lot. But it certainly opens my mind to new ideas or concepts.
  16. I think Valentines DLC will drop on Thursday 12th and end on Monday 16th. Could do an extra crew night on Friday/Saturday for dlc and snaps.
  17. Unless they have the same interior I don't think I've been in the one beside the modshop. The one you posted is the same interior I used for the DM.
  18. Dat last clip where i drove JFK's Infernus into the pond and all you see is his middle finger sinking, it cracks me up every time I watch it. xD
  19. Yeah I totally agree. Theme nights seem to bring in the punters. Crew blue nights get 8-10 members at best. Themed nights get between 10-16 people through-out the night. So pretty much double. Yeah i guess we could start Valentines early, pretty sure we have a playlist from PS3 to update to PS4 too, as well as anything new anyone wants to create. I had that heart shaped Rally/Co-op race, which I'm happy to upgrade. Any idea's on what/where will be the Valentine photoshoot? We did Vinewood hills last time I believe. P.S. That police station interior is pretty old man, we've done photos in there, and i made a shotgun DM in there on PS3.
  20. I got a damn lot of cool moments this week. Check out my highlights reel. iGTA Golf Night - Highlight Reel: snaps coming shortly.