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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. It's my Birthday this week, i might turn up to iGTA in my birthday suit...
  2. Tuesdays are better for me too. Coz I don't have to be up at 5am like I do for the rest of the week (which is when I sometimes go to sleep on iGTA night).
  3. Elder Scrolls Online will become subscription free in March, so the console release this year will be free to play after the initial cost of buying it. I was always planning on getting it on PS4, so this might work out in my favour as long as the microtransaction aren't game breaking. Subsciptions are only worth while if you have time to play all month, and spare time isn't something I have a lot of these days unfortunately.
  4. I've enjoyed the character development and animation a lot, and am proud of how much effort has gone into the coding, graphic design, and environment design for this too. It will be worth the wait!
  5. Lets hope there is no issues with PSN this week. I've pretty much missed iGTA night for 2 weeks because of it.
  6. Fan made, but worth watching. Some nice GTA details in there, that R* would probably do.
  7. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE IN! Nah but seriously you can't move in there... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U66Xc-4olpc
  8. The Bazaar Contended 2-16 player First person only Forced & pickup only http://rsg.ms/15c646a Snap up those good deals before your rivals!
  9. Yeah, i had the jalapeno kind. I liked. I'm thinking about baking a dozen myself.
  10. I just had my first cornbread muffin... where have i been all these years! *Jiz*
  11. Coincidence or just "hollywood friends"?
  12. oOooo close deathmatch. Looked like it turned out great. I'll try and move the spawns from under the fruit stands, but i dunno if i'll even be able to get back into the middle plaza lobby... Was totally pissed off i couldn't get back on last night. I shouldn't have switched accounts!
  13. Fuck my luck. I went to switch accounts and now i can't get on again. The network is down for maintenance which was meant to be between 5pm and 10pm tomorrow... cunts. If you're on and see this, don't switch accounts! Have a good night.
  14. Hooked on the cheesey 80's emotional stuff...
  15. Yup This glitch, although slightly slow, still is useful. But it has spread virally like wildfire and i expect it to be patched as soon as the next patch is released, so make the most of it whilst you can. I filled my garage but you only need two, once you sell one order another straight after and when you go pick up the other one and sell it, the cycle repeats. I think it's safe to say you can earn around £150k an hour with this glitch.
  16. Kuz dressed as Otiz! LOL Nice snaps guys. I wish i could go back to PS3 nights sometimes. See you on tonight (Tuesday).
  17. Arcadius Plaza Siege 4-15 player DM Owned Weapons Link: http://rsg.ms/e9fa805 The Arcadius Plaza's three main lobbies have been taken over by crazed gunman. Their presence has not yet been established, but they're heavily armed and shooting to kill. There's 4 players minimum because of the three closed lobbies. If it was only three, you could all end up spawning in your own lobby with no-one to kill...
  18. Arcadius Plaza Seige http://rsg.ms/e9fa805 it's now 4-15 players. Since i managed to glitch into all three building lobbies since we last tested it. The reason for the 4 minimum is because three closed in areas. 4 means their will always be two somewhere so the game doesn't turn stalemate.
  19. I've not drunk enough wine to know what is good and what is bad. To me they all taste a bit too fermented. And red wine always gave me headaches, especially when i have it with food.
  20. What the FIB Twice? Man i put 48 spawns in that one. 24 upstairs and 24 downstairs. I'll boost it to 60 tonight then so it's max. I just thought it would be pretty mental when it's a full lobby (if we ever get that). And nah, no team spawns man. I would have made most of these LTS otherwise... or if you're on about the tower defence than nah, it's small i just kept the fight upstairs. Prefer people to stay in the same place. Again, nah it's restricted so no team spawns. Thanks man, did you like the location of the training arena then? I'll have to get on and try them all with you guys if you're on later?
  21. I just had a Malibu Mojito for the first time... ...I liked it.
  22. FIB 2 is that round office. FIB 3 is the part where you climb to the top offices dressed as Firemen.
  23. Oh yes and another... haha. This one is massive, i managed to splash 48 spawns around it without stepping on each other's toes. I FIB'd Ya A'gen 2-24 players First Person Only Owned Weapons Link: http://rsg.ms/3b80440 So this last in the FIB trilogy is the top levels from 47 to 53 (penthouse offices). Quite a bit of space to dance, so I decided to allow full weapon loadouts, to make it more interesting.