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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah same with PS3 to PS4 trophies. I remember you asking something about toggling the camera grids and HUD to off, and the answer is yes.
  2. I managed to get on too. But every few seconds waves of like 20 people were just dropped at once in public games. And it said in the pause menu that everyone i know playing GTAO was offline when i was fucking speaking to them in pa-rty ch-at...
  3. Only got 1 picture, fucking servers last night man. My PS3 crashed, then I tried playing on PS4 and couldn't even connect to the servers. R* needs to fix this shit, and just add more servers the stingy bastards!
  4. Fuck it my ps3 crashed loading that job, wheb we all froze, i'm switching to ps4. Have fun!
  5. Screenshots: More shots in the album: http://imgur.com/a/oabw7
  6. DuPz0r


    I just spent an hour on it, and although i don't really use it for anything else, i see no problem using it when i can't for some reason use the tv or when i'm out. It looks amazing to see it on a portable screen. The only gripe i have is the back touchpad is kinda in the way with this game, as it's used for extra shoulder buttons and you end up having to hold the vita in a strange way.
  7. DuPz0r


    That's unfortunate. I'm still yet to even try remote play with GTA. I have the option to use my vita or my phone, I'm not too bothered by the lack of controller, kinda got used to playing 3, VC, SA on my phone. But as you said, V is clunky. I hope it's playable, as i will be using it at work whenever i can.
  8. Updated Pala Springs Rally for PS4. http://rsg.ms/b19afdb
  9. Yes, it's the depth of field option in the display settings. And yeah I'll give it a go, but i have a portable version of photoshop, and the photomerge plugin is missing, so i have to do it manually.
  10. I've been taking snaps And screenshots as i go through the story, just as bOnEs has. I finally got round to uploading some snaps, I'll post screenshots later.
  11. I rolled in Crew Orange before it was a thing, my first legit supercar, which i still have in my garage in the same colour to date. #toocoolforskool #hipsterispop #beforehipstersweretrendy
  12. Yeah tell me about it. After a good couple of runs I got better at cornering. It's just a new learning curve in First person. I can drive around in freemode okay now. It's just learning race tracks all over again when done in First person. I think from now on, any new races I make, I will post a one lap video of it (polished, and no crashing lol) instead of just a screenshot, that should help get more plays.
  13. I'm not sure if it's in the creator settings. But yeah, it is adjustable in the lobby menu listed along with catch-up, slim stream, etc.
  14. Apart from my pretty crappy driving skills in first person, I thought my Pala Springs Rally track would work great locked in first person. I enjoyed it a lot, so I think I'll go in and copy a new version to PS4, add some better props to it and stuff, make it 30 players and add ghosting as it's tough!
  15. Get what? Me and bOnEs also have collector's Edition...
  16. My very first deathmath "War of the Woods" is officially upgraded to PS4! Concidering how lush the grass and trees look on PS4, it had to be done. I added a load more probs, vehicle spawns, weapon spawns and player spawns. Up to 30 snipers! http://rsg.ms/be1e6da
  17. Once you transfer the account both characters will be in character select screen. You just choose them from their, and get to edit them first time only.
  18. Ace you're mooching from your bro you said, i assumed you were already on!
  19. Yeah my bad. He just doesn't post i here often, so i forgot to mention him. bmx has made a large portion of our igta event playlist content, so yeah, we need him on PS4 too!