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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Kuz, gtagrl and DiO are the main people we're still missing. The crew wont feel complete until you guys make the switch. But I'm enjoying the upgrade and transition so far. I only really appreciated the graphic enhancements when I went back to the old gen version, everything looks blurry and fuzzy edged on ps3.
  2. I figured out why R* makes you individually upload snaps now, it's so you don't get that error when R* doesn't load. So you never miss an awesome shot again.
  3. There's certainly a niche. Good luck to them.
  4. I've also ran into a glitch offline where I can't switch filters on the camera. It only happened once for the time i was on. The one arrow filter and border switch is fucking annoying too btw! Some Screenshots i took on day 1. Gallery: http://imgur.com/a/oabw7
  5. My Christopher Walken character came out of prison and seems to have aged some. Honestly though when i made him a year ago, i intended for him to look more like this. Grey hair and stubble, and alcoholic blemishes!
  6. Is this another patch? I installed a patch this morning, and then I get back from work to another patch.
  7. Nope rear view mirrors do not work. But R3 makes the camera quickly rotate like it's the player's head looking back.
  8. I'm at work now, so i can only share snaps. I figured our that you had to upload them, but they still weren't loading earlier this morning, i left it and it must have uploaded eventually. My first couple of snaps:
  9. Well the snapmatic isn't loading my images on the socialclub yet, let alone gtao servers. so i'm not ready to jump online until i know it's all fixed up. Also,just drove the phoenix on PS4 for the first time... dat interior engine sound!
  10. Yeah mercy drunk dup wad present. I'm all good now, nothing a painkiller can't fix! Been playing PS4 all morning. Loving it.
  11. I am never drinking whiskey from the bottle again. I have the worst headache today...
  12. Damn that's a lot of new props. Rocks & trees!
  13. They really took our Tree comments to heart, I'm glad they did, this is outstanding quality for a PS4 game, let alone a sandbox detail...
  14. I always prepare myself for disappointment with every game, that way i'm almost always surprised and entertained. GTA roles high, but i still use that concept for anything R* releases.
  15. Ging', what time you picking the game up? Mailman didn't drop mine today as I hoped. Ah well.
  16. i suk d!cking party out of this ch-at on PS4 tomorrow (hopefully amazon)
  17. Just do all the strangers, freaks and rampage missions first, then you don't have to do as many long missions.
  18. Are commercial flights flyable on PS4? Someone on Neogaf said they saw a livestream of a person flying a 747 in third and first person...
  19. I'm more interested in which trophy it is that you need t platinum GTA? If it's an online trophy, give me a shout, i'll help you out.
  20. Can we play a bit of lab rats for old time sake. Seeing as there no longer any way to make interior levels. Either: http://rsg.ms/d4da4ae or capture: http://rsg.ms/d6ebe54 I do hope the interior levels carry over to PS4.
  21. Welcome Pobjason. Just a reminder, this is a PS3 event, in case you thought it was PS4 for whatever reason. They'll be at a later date. You'll need to add the host bOnEs on PSN: artistadam before the event. See you there.
  22. I for one will be taking many paid shit breaks at work so I can rearrange my garages in colour order, or earn an extra buck or two online. I have great wifi connection at work, and I plan to use it!