
Gold Member
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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. And will wearing a mask make you feel like you're wearing a paper bag over your head with two holes cut out...?!
  2. Well thanks dozy, saves me like 45 minutes of my life. Know we know why they added that murder mystery side mission, because in first person, we'll be able to see way more of the street looking for clues.
  3. I'm totally playing through the story entirely in first person when launch day comes round.
  4. Wow, R* made the graphics look so detailed, they decided to rebuild parts of the game/missions around the first person perspective. I think it looks fucking awesome. It's not just a camera chucked in either, they have added loads of details, animations, models especially for first person. Looking at the footage, i think it will make thw game feel completely different, a lot more immersive... Fuck yeah!
  5. I had about 20 of the same shots, so I ended up deleting most of them. Kept only the better ones. Plus snapmatic wasn't loading, hell my pause menu wasn't even coming up for half the night. I'm going to have a massive clearout of my snapmatic this week, and only keep my contest shots.
  6. I'll see you fine people later this evening.
  7. I would make the topic if I had the power to use this forum. It's a bit late. Is anyone actually attending this week?
  8. Actually I changed my mind. I can pull it off with the beardstash...
  9. Yeah i'm dual accounting it. And when everyone finally makes the switch to PS4 then i will transfer my other account, providing there isn't a time frame to do it by. I do want a new character on PS4 too though, so my worst case scenario is that i'll have to delete one of my character's if it transfers my entire profile. I'll just sell all my cars and assets and delete.
  10. Sorry i wasn't around long. Busy night for me. At least i got to play around in a cage whilst waves of police came to stare at us. And i got to win a playlist ^.^. Have fun everyone!
  11. Nah, Firm was the one doing Movember. I was going to clean shave for a Halloween party...
  12. Pretty recent. Got a small beard on the go.
  13. Well, i got me a KDST twice... in an igta lobby. Some people were seeing them when otbers weren't. Even if guided to the location, you still weren't able to pick them up. It's like certain people get personal drops.
  14. I posted it in the Gold forum, but for those of you non-gold, here's my entries: http://rsg.ms/2a14ce1 http://rsg.ms/a768506 Still up for more tomorrow. lets get as many entries between us in the competition, better chance of a win.
  15. Who's up for a San Andreas Snapmatic session tomorrow? (after midnight tonight) I'll dress Beev as Ryder or some shit.
  16. I was on til almost 5am that night. And i had to be up at 7am to take my Son to school, then went for a 10 hour shift. Took me a couple of days to recover from that one.
  17. Late, but i remembered. Just didn't have the time to come on the forums in the last 48 hours. I was pretty hammered that night, so some of these shots are, interesting...
  18. DuPz0r


    NP man. I just finished the Vault of Glass with my second character at level 26 with some mates. Got a couple of good raid gear along the way. Now my goal is to get both characters to level 29/30 and do the Vault on Hard.
  19. Yeah, i'll be there, using my PS3 account though. Beev & Billy B (Yep, decided that my main account is now my PS4 account).