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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I like the original igta colour. It's vibrant. It stands out, just like our crew.
  2. DuPz0r


    Focus on the Vanguard or Crucible Rank for now (do as many bounties as you can). Get to rank 2, 3, then buy yourself some Legendary Armour. Save your Strange Coins and Motes of Light for the Secret Shop which appears in a random location in the Tower every Friday, and then buy yourself an Exotic or two. Each armour has light, and when you level it up, it will gain more light, which contributes towards your level. Your main goal for now is to work towards getting yourself high enough to do the Vault of Glass. When you complete certain parts of the Vault, you get "Raid Gear", which is essentially unique Legendary gear, which gives you more light than normal Legendary gear. Legendary gear uses mostly Ascendant Shards or Ascendant Energy to level it up. So you will need to complete the Daily Heroic, Weekly Heroic, the Weekly Nightfall, and find Public Events in any of the patrols on any planet. Now that you're level 20, I can help you get through some of the challenging level caps. But I would advice you try to do the Heroics and Nightfall on the hardest difficulty, as soon as you get the chance, so you can get the maximum rewards each day and each week. If you have any other questions about Destiny, give me a shout.
  3. I'll be back this week. I'll try get my mic sorted before work so i don't have to fuck about getting it working.
  4. Apparently I picked up the Nostromo Edition at no extra cost, so I got a free 'Crew Expendable' DLC. Which contains the original Nostromo Crew (Brett, Kane, Ash, Lambert, Dallas, Parker and Ellen Ripley) Took some screen grabs whilst i was on the Nostromo. Find more in the album: http://imgur.com/a/chpOs
  5. The only time i get to play games is between 10pm and 4am really, so yeah, night. I took 1 picture earlier. Attached. Compression probably sucks though.
  6. The game is great. Solid gameplay and environment design. The only problem i've encountered with the gamr so far is probably patchable, but i keep getting stuttering on the cutscenes, and poor lip sync in places. But no way does that deter me from the game at all, it's feels truly next gen which is what i was hoping for. I'll post some screenshots soon.
  7. Good comparison lol, but nay. I'm loosing the 'tash, at the end of the month. I'm dressing as a Baseball Fury from the Warriors.
  8. Can't make it. Hope you all having fun! I may see some of you online during the week.
  9. Hair is fake (halloween outfit this year). Moustache is real.
  10. I've heard some mediocre reviews about this game. But i still want it. I watched all the Alien movies apart from prom' leading upto this. First will always be the best, and I'm glad this is based on that one.
  11. Maybe. I have some things to do, but i'll try and get on a bit later.
  12. DuPz0r


    I just hit level 27 thanks to a long struggle to get some legendary gauntlets. I also hve an exotic bounty on the go, so hopefully i'll get some nice exotic weapon from that. I've attempted the Raid 3 times with group of 6 level 26 and above. And haven't made it past the first boss yet. I understand what to do, i just think it's very fucking hard unless you have a team or level 27 and above. You get legendary items at every checkpoint of the raid. I got some high defense and high light greeves. A valiant effort, but not good enough. i'll try again soon.
  13. yeah just had a third world issue lol. Ebola...? Nice shots for the contest. I couldn't be bothered with this one. I thought this update was poor for a 1 year of GTAO. I was hoping they would give us a little more.
  14. DuPz0r


    It is a multiplayer game. And I beleive they will keep adding content. Maybe at a high price, but they will keep it growing. I'm all for it. I added you on PSN Indy, let me know if you want a hand with a daily heroic challenge or something.
  15. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Well now at least we can make proper sniper matches. Do we have the options pickups only? People always end up sniping on these match types, maybe it'd be cool to force the opposite.
  16. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yeah I meant the green chimp mask. I think we should try that drunk zombie thing again but use the fog instead of smoke grenades. And use the new swat style gear with masks and body armour, using the new weaponary. As we saw this week, there's some great shots awaiting us in the fog...
  17. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Has the green monkey always been there...? Halloween update overspill!
  18. DuPz0r


    The PSVita remote plays with PS4 too, but doing it over the internet whilst out proved to be temperamental. Hopefully with the Z3 they have fixed this issue.
  19. My PSN fucked up. Gonna call it a night anyway. Had fun tonight, especially the fog! I'll post my pics in the morning.
  20. I want Black light blue/purple.
  21. DuPz0r


    Main tip i can give you, is to expect doing a lot of the same quests over and over again, for better gear for your character. Then when you get above level 25, the real challenging things begin. Also, if you get any armour with +Light on them before you hit level 20, keep them and equip them as soon as you can. Light continues your leveling system past 20. When you get to level 26, give me a shout and i'll try and complete the Raid with you and 4 others.
  22. There's a chance i may be on an hour or two later this evening...