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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I'm looking forward to the PS4 version, but at the same time, I'm hoping enough of the crew transfers too, otherwise it wont be the same.
  2. Only problem with this release, half the crew is going to be split. On a good night we get about 16-18 iGTA members trying to join... 30 is gonna be hard to fill with just our crew, especially when there's a console split. Maybe we could start organising iGTA night twice a week, or once a fortnight alternating consoles...
  3. DuPz0r


    Negatives aside, this game is beautiful without a doubt, and the vast open vistas look amazing. I took some screenshots whilst playing. check them all out here: http://imgur.com/a/4f9gO
  4. DuPz0r


    I retract my last statement about level capd. Apparently once you hit level 20 you no longer gain xp, but something else, and your level still goes up. I have friends level 25 and above already.
  5. DuPz0r


    So far, i'm enjoying it quite a bit, with friends. But i am a little dipleased with some aspects of the game. Loading each mission and the tower takes just forever, and really takes the flow of the game away. At least you can still chat whilst you wait I guess. And the freeroam, so far doesn't really feel as free as they made it sound. The maps are big, but just not MMO big, imo. And for some reason, the level cap is a very low 20... I heard that there is loads of end-game style mob/boss raids and activities to do once you hit 20, but i can't see if that will be something i'm going to end up playing for along time. Something tells me they will raise the caps when dlc is released throughout the year. But other than that, the gameplay elements are fun, solid, and challenging on harder settings. Playing with friends is the best way to play imo.
  6. You guys just going to bed? I just woke up. All round, a pretty fun igta night. I just wish I could have joined in on the conversation...
  7. She's a bit of a photographer I hear?
  8. Sounds like you're trying to bed us all Mass, if you know what i mean...
  9. Pissed you say? I'm always drunk my friend I should have been irish. *eats prawns whole*
  10. DuPz0r


    Yeah pretty much. Titan does the tanking (strong armour), Hunter does the ranged and agile kills (throwing knives etc), Warlock does the support and high DPS moves (Low health, but strong elemental damage).
  11. R* tend to take their time, that is known. But in the past year, they've released small DLC's for GTAO and worked on Optimizing GTA V for PS4/XBone/PC. That does not take an entire workforce like Rockstar North. They have had a year so far to create a Story DLC, and I'm sure it wont disappoint. Whether it's new interior locations on the current map, or an Island (a bit like Catalina) or a new county to fly to, it has to be something more than a few missions, to keep the less hardcore fans playing. Not releated to above: One idea that struck me, is what if they finally added some snow to the mountains, especially Chiliad, and opened Pala Springs for business. Would a skiing minigame be out of the question...?Their must be some real world skiing resorts in California.
  12. I'm really hoping they announce a Story DLC before the PS4/XBone versions come out. I don't expect a release this year, just a trailer before Christmas. I'm thinking along the same lines as Massacre, with the new area, like Las Ventures or some other county in LS, with some fresh new gameplay elements.
  13. DuPz0r


    Out of curiosity, has anyone pre-chosen a class? I'll probably have one of each class eventually, but after Alpha and Beta tests, I decided that I like the Hunter and Warlock classes, the most. I think I'll be a Hunter, just because I got so used to being able to do that moon jumps everywhere... And I like the hoods you can get.
  14. DuPz0r


    *respawns* *dances over to Massacre's prone body whilst he stares down his scope*
  15. You left the prawn eyes in? I'd probably end up eating one by mistake. Looks nice though.
  16. DuPz0r


    I tell it how it is. I look forward to dancing on the battlefield with you QD.
  17. DuPz0r


    Yeah that's a problem. But, in the first stages of the game, you're gonna only need two friends to join your fireteam, so it keeps it personal. Maybe you can get those two friends to sync up with you. But even if you're not experiencing the game with friends, you'll have plenty of opportunities to join other random people along the way. Destiny is built in a way where it kind of encourages new friendships on your journey.
  18. DuPz0r


    You not into sci-fi much then? I can tell the difference between weapon types, they're essentially the same as normal weapons, but with a scifi designs slapped onto them, and pulse ammo on some. I loved it. Doing boss raids and trying to get past the super high level mobs to find out what's in the next area. It certainly felt like an MMO in that respect. I spent a good few hours with IKILLYOU, Cuda, and a few other friends just walking around in side missions. It's way more enjoyable if you're communicating by headset though.
  19. DuPz0r


    Pretty Cool. @Jizzin - What didn't you like about the beta? Coz from where i played, you got a pretty decent chunk of polished gameplay.
  20. DuPz0r


    True dat. I'm looking forward to it on PS4. I Know about 6 people from the igta crew getting it on PS4, and a few of my mates around here. I wont be short on fire teams that's for sure.
  21. DuPz0r


    You do realise Destiny is coming out on last-gen too? So you don't need that PS4 just yet.