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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. DuPz0r


    Yeah, I could tell the first time I heard it, even through the cybertone. Are you gettig Destiny, Mass? Only 2/3 days until release!
  2. Hmm... Party Night? All meet up in our best party gear at one of the Vinewood mansions? Can't really think of anything this week.
  3. Some of you may have already played it... Some of you may/not have heard about it... At GamesCom this year, Konami Announced and released an interactive, or as they put it "Playable Teaser" on PS4, which became downloadable on PSN that day. This teaser turned out to be a new Silent Hill game, which you find out if you manage to complete it. The guy in the trailer i assume is the protagonist turns out to resemble Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) from the Walking Dead TV series. Another tid bit to note, is the fact the Hideo Kojima is co-producing it with Guillermo del Toro. Here's the trailer from the end of the demo: I'm probably not the only person that thought this, but i have a hunch about this game. First of all, Silent Hill has always been a third person game (apart from sections of The Room), until this teaser... I know that first person games are clearly the most immersive kind, so it would make sense in a Silent Hill environment, it's scarier, i get it. So why now, and why on PS4? The Project Morpheus (PS4 VR headset) was announced earlier this year, and Silent Hill would be the perfect launch title, to get people buying the new technology. Imagine walking around dark corridors and foggy towns with creepy sounds around, and a 360degree (or close to that) view of your surroundings... It's certainly an impressive idea. Not only that, but using your mic to communicate within the VR environment, whether that's screaming at mutilated and contorted, animate creatures or used to lure poltergeists out of your direction of travel, it's something that surely makes VR even more immersive. I'm certain this will be a VR supported game, if not, they'd be stupid not to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3vPX440pl0 Might as well use this as a Silent Hill thread, new and old. Discuss.
  4. If you're shot in the head, max health doesn't mean shit. So i wouldn't worry too much about max health. Just use lots of cover to hide and reload and you'll be ok. But yeah, Ghostman is right, it's based on level.
  5. The second Silent Hill movie was pretty shit, unlike the first.
  6. I made a couple of experimental games with the Deathmatch creator. Lob of Destiny 2-16 Player TDM Lob a nade, seek your destiny. http://socialclub.ro...rA?platformId=2 The idea is that either team starts on an opposing roof from one another, and chucks grenades around at each other. The only catch is that you can't see them. So essentially you're throwing and hoping. The container stacks on each side are just stairways back up to the arena. Pot Luck 2-16 Player TDM The Rules - Chose a container to shoot from. Do Not Leave! Shoot at the opposing containers for a chance to kill. Once respawned, goto your team side and repeat. No killing people outside of the containers. You may want to turn vibrate off. http://socialclub.ro...YQ?platformId=2 Another team battle. Just shoot down the range into the container tubes, and hope for a kill...
  7. Genre: MESS (Murder, Exploit, Sandbox Shenanigans). Also, i wouldn't have posted above if it was another retailer. Only because it's directly related to TakeTwo, it may have some significance.
  8. So apparently TakeTwo UK distributor 'accidentally' changed GTAV Next gen's release status to November 14th on their GEM webpage, before swiftly changing it back to TBC... Pretty close to release now, so I wouldn't be surprised if that was going to be the date. But looking at the Christmas lineup, R* could potentially change it a week either way if they wish to. A few people grabbed sceenshots of it before it changed back. Again, i'm not counting on it until it comes from R* themselves. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:udWY6wTozo8J:store.exertisgem.co.uk/product/%3Fid%3D5026555416986+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk
  9. Ghostman the Lifegaurd Ghost' & Merc' doing their thing. Sheriff Ayreon catching dat pesky farmboy. Farmer bOnEs taking care of business. Pesticide break Lumbergrl proud of her ancestry. Hard at work Like a deer in headlights, but a buffalo... and a helicopter... Catch me if you can... ...rape me if you can... Motel vacancies. TV, Phone & STD's. LS's finest. Walmart, regional manager selfie (for massacre). or SELF O_O E That's my lot.
  10. I heard this whilst dining on holiday over summer. Not only did it remind me of the good times I've had on GTAV/O, but it also reminds me of home, the good and bad times, growing up in London, England.
  11. There's that huge superstore with the trolly carts outside, would make a fitting picture. Just have a packet of cigs ready by the colleague doors.
  12. I made this, it's called 'Rocket, Pistol, Sniper' (Punning; Rock, Paper, Scissor's, obviously). http://socialclub.ro..._Q?platformId=2 Okay.
  13. Do you have the lifeguard quad? Switzerland or Austria parachute bag? Red Seashark? The details make it!
  14. In the end, the houser brothers have no say in any acquisition. R* Games, as important as it is to TakeTwo, is still only a part of their game development assets. TakeTwo will have the final say. Unless they are offered something rediculous, like 5 billion 100 billion, they won't sell out imo.
  15. DuPz0r


    We need a dedicated fire team for the raids. I heard that some can have up to 6 player squads.
  16. I doubt TakeTwo will accept anything Activision offer them. EA's offer was rejected as "undervalued". I don't see Activision offering much more.
  17. It doesn't bother me really. I actually feel accomplished if I end up in last for part of the race and then still get third or so.
  18. If i make it out of the initial lineup infront,it usually ends on th first corner where i take the right driving line, and the person behind me shunts me into a barrier or off a cliff, and i spend the rest of the race trying to climb from last back to around 4th-3rd...
  19. Not that Kuz noticed, he was always a mile ahead of everyone else. Now people try and take everyone out at the start to get a lead, but it ends up backfiring and they end up inside a light pole with 5 other people behind them being blocked.
  20. Jesus, we spend way too much time together, i think we should have a break. Maybe we'll appreciate each other more? It's for the best... QUIT MOANING BITCHES AND ENJOY WHAT GOD (R*) GAVE YOU!!1