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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I don't see why they don't upgrade flight races to 16 players. I'd make more flight creations if they did that.
  2. I'm liking the look of that car. I hope with the flight school comes a new type of flight deathmatches or missions, hell anything multiplayer, not just solo.
  3. Lookin Suave mate. This is look i've been going for... xD
  4. Cut? where/when did they post this? I'm gonna have to make a playlist and listen to these then!
  5. My snaps: The Docks The Harbour Mirror Park Industrial Meetup Drift Bowling
  6. Was trying to tell them you were from the forums Kwarb. I just forgot your name here lol. Good night folks, was a really fun night, with some pretty beastly playlists. I'll be away next week, so make sure you have fun, i'll see you when i get back! I'll post my snaps from tonight in the morning.
  7. I went strawberry picking with my son last week. We had so much, we decided to make some jam. I'm tempted to make some chutneys this year too.
  8. Lazy night for me tonight. I got a takeaway curry (Chicken Tikka Jalfrezi). Trust me it tastes better than it looks.
  9. I don't really mind contact on in the drifts, tight or not. Getting out of tight situations adds to gameplay. You take your chances, you run the risk of getting shunted into solid prop, and swiftly into last place. Or you come out on top and take an early lead. All or nothing.
  10. Grab your cock and balls, bend them up, it looks like a fly's face...
  11. I once saw a frog or a toad with the profile of a ballsack. Poor bastard.
  12. Simple rules. Having a flashback? Want some nostalgia? Post a song from any GTA that you're currently listening to. I'll go first. These two are probably my defining songs for Vice City (They all are, I know)
  13. I've made a race and DM for this event. Suburban Slip n' Slide 1-16 player Race Drift the American dream. http://socialclub.ro...Eg?platformId=2 (Let me know if you want contact off ppl?) Deathproof 2-16 player Deathmatch Hit and Run. http://socialclub.ro...1g?platformId=2
  14. 2nd I'm in. I'm off to see family the following week, so I'm not gonna make that one (I bet there's gonna be DLC too). Better make up for it this Monday.
  15. @Firm, yup man, Vegas on the sea! @gtagrl indeed, hopefully I don't look as camp as DiO's character though
  16. We should actually try to do this. But we'd need some decent camera man to get a shot that close, as well as two decent fighter pilots.
  17. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I've been drifting between GTAO and my PS4. I'm also paying Abe's Oddysee New N Taste atm, so nostalgic.
  18. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yeah it was always there. Somehow it managed to go viral as if it was patched in, but it wasn't .
  19. "9000 likes if you wanna fuck us" They be like "maaaan, aw suck ya dick maan". Well that wasn't very informative other than the fact we know a dlc is coming... which everyone could have taken a calculated guess on anyway.