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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. OMFG how could he kill such a beautiful creature, kill the bastard before he kills more of them!
  2. Today's menu: Good old Victory Ale! A full bodied, yeasty, peppery, copper ale.
  3. Yep, a little easier, and more fun lol. The Tightrope 1-16 players. Bike Race. Precision is everything. Drive the tight line whilst avoiding collision. Quick reactions, explosions and death, perfect combination! http://socialclub.ro...wA?platformId=2 This turned out how I'd hoped. Tested it last night with a couple of you guys. Avoiding head on collisions down a small footpath and ridiculous speeds... Fucking awesome! The title is also a nod to a film by Clint Eastwood.
  4. Im at work watching it, better than the alternative (sitting on my phone), so yeah. 2-0 down Brazil have lost their long-time luck lol.
  5. DuPz0r


    Destiny is the first big hit new ip, out in a couple of months. I have bought, so far: Killzone SF inFamous SS MGSV:GZ FFXIV:RR All of them okay titles imo, just not worth full price. Try and find some preowned titles, save yourself some money.
  6. Yeah the only ones with any depth was the hopgoblin and the scarecrow. I like both light ales and strong, depends on how I feel at the time. I do sometimes go for the unusual ones if I see them, but I do like a good Spitfire every now and then.
  7. I knew as soon as they went to a shootout that Argentina would clinch it...
  8. That look interesting, how's it taste bOnEs? The SkrimShander was pretty nice, it had a light and refreshing taste to it, with a fruity aftertaste. I got myself some Wychwood Ales for tonight.
  9. Camwal (yellow) IKILLYOU (green) i believe?
  10. Oh yeah pics from Monday: bOnEs had a bit too much to drink by the looks of it: SaboteurSniper caught by the cops breaking and entering. What kind of alcohol do you guys have in those beer hats? I want some! Preparing for a firework display: Waiting for sun to set: Failed to set off fireworks and then snap on time: Monster Truck Shenanigans: ...and more... ...and BOOOM!
  11. Those Dam Hills 1-16 players Lap Race Use the Liberator to dash around the dam hills as quickly as you can. http://socialclub.ro...rA?platformId=2 There is minimal checkpoints on this small race, you just need to make it around as quickly and safely as you can. A 2-3 lap race.
  12. Most entertaining World Cup Semi-Final EVER! I actually wanted Germany to get that flawless victory, as I could tell they wanted it too. They played in formation so well, left side, right side, and perfect opportunists, that it made Brazil dizzy, and they just fell apart. It was nothing to do with Neymar not being there (as i'm sure a lot of people will try to suggest), they were generally struggling with Germany's level of play. Good Luck to the other team in the Final.
  13. Most brutal world cup semi-final ever. Germany deserve to win the cup after this.
  14. 4-0 to Germany within 15 minutes of each other. Brazil has been broken!
  15. I bought a couple of bottles of SkrimShander IPA. Haven't drunk it yet, was going to enjoy them whilst watching the world cup semi finals tonight after work.
  16. Ok well keep an ear out for what we're doing. Feel free to join in on the photo shoots if and when they happen. Sometimes they just happen when we're messing around in Morgan Freemode.
  17. Sorry I didn't mean tonight, that's iGTA night, I meant tomorrow lol.
  18. I'm working evenings as usual, I'll be taking my break late tonight...
  19. Thanks for trying it out. It is designed to be pretty punishing, it's the way of the crawler. Some of the checkpoints I've thrown in awkward places to fool those who just drive straight from one to another without any thought . You just have to read the terrain, and find the best possible route. There is no wrong way to finish it, but there is a "best way" to make it quick.