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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I think they said something about lasting a couple of weeks, like the Christmas items.
  2. I noticed that... So I didn't even need to buy it. Meh, I've been using it ever since I got it anyway.
  3. Liberate This... 1-16 players A special and intense rock crawler designed for the Liberator monster truck. Use the Liberator! http://socialclub.ro...6A?platformId=2 Happy Crawling!
  4. Poor Costa Rica. I hoped. Argentina got lucky, but I'll stick to my initial prediction and say they'll still somehow win the world cup. I want Germany to beat Brazil. It'd be cool for an all European final or an all South American final. Either sounds appealing.
  5. I had that happen to me earlier today. I waited at the smoke flare for 15 minutes and nothing.
  6. I've seen that one in the Bank's Interior. Last night was pretty fun. Sorry i didn't stay up later Kuz. Did you still want me to do the flying Eagle Shot with you, or did you find someone else to do it? After much consideration, I finally bought a Liberator. It was a big choice, but I definitely think it was worth it. I just spent the last hour whoring it in a freeroam rock crawl, and it climbs like a beast. Slopes I could never get up on the sandking are now possible. This calls for a new Rock Crawler!
  7. You guys can just pay for it from the GTA$1m you're bound to win in the Snapmatic competition... I'm not 'Merican, so I had no inspiration with this one. I just don't really know much about the public holiday. Although I did like that one with the redcoats and muskets in the woods which bOnEs also liked on the SC. Does anyone own the Liberator online? if so, can you see if we can take it into races with custom rides on, before I decide to purchase one please.
  8. This is my 100th Creation! Can't get enough of this shit. The Humane Lab Survival 2-16 players Capture A team of lab techs have developed a deadly biovirus. This virus has incredible value on the blackmarket. Some wealthy people have organised a heist. Group 1 have to steal, whilst group 2 have to defend or take back these precious vials. There's one other problem, some of the scientist have been infected! http://socialclub.ro...PA?platformId=2 This Capture started off as a "heist", but after testing it out with a few people on the forums, we found that once you die, you're going to spawn outside of the complex.... ..So, i changed it up a bit, and decided to make it a survival challenge instead. The rules are simple: Don't die, and try to survive waves of infected scientists as well as opponents. Whilst surviving, obviously capture the cases. If you die, you're eliminated from the survival challenge. Feel free to have shootouts with people on the surface whilst the survivors finish the game. Works pretty well in my opinion.
  9. It is satisfying to drive around. But it's not as if you're able to take it into races, so what's the point... I'll just play with it offline until they decide to add it to Off-road race class.
  10. I've noticed a couple of things in the creator tools: 2 new barriers: single & double highfence gates. 1 new dynamic prop: Destructible barrier. There is no monster truck in races, but R* have made a Rock Crawler style race called "Mud, sweat & Gears". (It's fun) I also noticed some weird blank options under race details, including minimum player rank to partake.
  11. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Pretty reasonable I say. I'm at work now, but I got online with 'Kill' and kuz for about 45 minutes, and we bought houses in Peleto. Same mid-range interior, but at least they are houses on the outside!
  12. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Damn, well i hope you get it all sorted.
  13. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    What happened bOnEs? did lighting strike? I know you said it hit your neighbours yard. I did say don't get hit by lighting before I left last night...
  14. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

  15. So excited, he said it twice. That's why we call him goosey2times.
  16. That Brazil-Chile game was intense. And I was rooting for Chile the entire match. Penalties are always cruel.
  17. I found 'gulf' and it was open So im gonn rock my Warrener with that for a little while. No game companies though unfortunately.
  18. Yeah I left a message on the crew page. I wanted to join a crew to sport a rally number or something. Only problem is now I have to rank 10 to unlock the decal!
  19. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Yeah, that's the main thing that makes this suspicious. Unless it means maximum players, or NPCs. meaning you could all go against 16 NPC's (with hard-pro-aim) in a co-op skirmish.
  20. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Only a couple of them look like heists. There's mention of Cops N Crook style update, and the thing that i really thought was interesting (if it is indeed real) is the mention of 16 vs 16 players (saving the gang members) and 16 vs 4 (ornate heist). That's obviously something that can't be done on last gen. 32 players must be a next gen thing. If heists are in fact going to be cops vs crooks style, then surely it's essentially a deathmatch/capture. Will the cops be rewarded as handsomely as the crooks for stopping the heist... So many questions!
  21. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    And the update everyone has been waiting for (everyone that still cares about heists lol)... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38wdy2EmyK8 Funeral "Gang members must escort Lieutenant's hearse through town Rival gang members must get into the hearse and destroy it" Territory Takeover "Players can fight to take over territory in the game this will produce a revenue stream for them" Prison Van Rescue "When cops are busy, Criminals will have to intercept a noose van driven by NPC's and free the gang member then take him back to the gang house." {16 cops and 16 criminals can join the mission. Give this mission at the same time or after the rank the criminal players get sticky bombs. Opens at Level 5 }XBOX ONE AND PS4 USER WILL HAVE THE ABILITY TO PLAY WITH 32 PLAYERS Drop Off Hooker "Blips will appear in player's territories. Players has to go and pick up a prostitute and drop her off somewhere. The player has a time limit." This brings back the hooker mini game from GTA 3 if anyone can remember Fight Gangmate "The gang lieutenant gets two teammates to fight each other for gang initiation" Cop Territory "Cops are put onto the territory take over missions, they get no choice whether to take them or not. FIB Grab "Criminal Heist: Abseil Down FIB tower, break in download data, and escape. {4 crews, 3 abseillers, 1 driver. 16 cops and 4 criminals can join the mission. 4 Helli to FIB roof, 3 abseil down tower. Smash window into office and hack a data terminal to get classified data. Meanwhile driver dumps chopper and collects getaway car. Skydive out office to the getaway car and escape to gang house. Cops join once one crook is inside the office, cops are told to arrest the crooks. FIB office has AI agents that must be shot 2 waves of AI agents enter based on hack progress. {Opens at Level 15} AND THE BIG ONE EVERYONE'S WAITING FOR -Ornate Bank Heist "Criminal Heist: Get behind the counter of the bank, hack the vault, steal the money and take it to the drop off location. {16 cops and 4 criminals can join the mission Opens up at Level 20} Source Code: http://gyazo.com/da5...691f41c559cffa8 This is still speculation btw, so don't "expect" it, as it could still be fake.
  22. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Nice post Dozy. I'm very interested in what could come of this update. Maybe they will parody the movie and add sci-fi themed content (jet pack?!). Don't hold your breath though. What about President masks, or founding fathers or whatever? That'd be cool for setting us up for heists.