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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. When does it leave? Do you have to trigger a gunfight at the dirt track?
  2. So the target vehicle actually leaves the area? Damn, I'll have to do some of that tonight.
  3. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    I'd say a 50k cut each to make it worth while.
  4. Which device were you trying to apply the 'Highlife' plate on other than Bluestacks? I couldn't get my 'Business' plate yo work on the android version or the ios version of the app. In the end they released an app for PSVita after I won my plate, and seems to be the only platform I can select/switch the plates. Still no business background for the plate though, so I feel slightly robbed. We should start a support page together, track down all the winners and get them to post, to get the apps and those unique backgrounds fixed!
  5. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    Haters guna hate. I'm happy to sink hours of my life into GTAO, the way it is already. I just think there's people like us that understand R* N's vision, and are on the right wave length to fully appreciate the freedom we have in GTAO. Too many gamers need more structure to enjoy a game. Who gives a fuck about heists here really, probably no one. The small content packs allow us to make themed events and essentially keeps GTA from going stale.
  6. Almost 100 content creations, you learn a few tricks along the way.
  7. Catching Air! 2-16 player, contended. Get down to the LS River competition pipe and catch some air. Take the best video shots back for editing. http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/rETMf5jDX06hkjbhoGH71Q?platformId=2
  8. Owl & the Pussycat. I used to have an old pub near me with that name. Was pretty cool too until it was burnt to the ground. I'm up for a greenpea boat photo shoot if 'kill' is. We could probably set the scene in deathmatch creator. Green boat, moonlit check.
  9. I just drive up a little past the dirt track and then drive up the ditch until I get to the other side of the objective. And then take out half the guys inside and the trucks that arrive then clear out the place and leave the same way I cam in so I don't get heat from the other enimies vehicle on the way out
  10. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    As much as I hated the in-game currency cards at the start, I actually like the free content updates. We've had loads of clothes, tattoos, some decent cars with mods, and nice themed events, all for free if you grind the money the old fashioned way. I still would like some full blown paid story DLC, because that almost feels like a new iteration. TLaD and BoGT bith changed the vibe and perception of Liberty city, gave it that extra lease of life, which was awesome. LS and Blaine County need that, and hopefully we'll see more of San Andreas too.
  11. DuPz0r

    GTAO DLC Topic

    There is proof of coding that was added in recent updates containing the words "jetpack" in them. I'll find the string of code and post it later. Either they're just fucking with the code trawlers or the are infact planning to implement it soon. You never know, they could have a working jetpack in the office which everyone has played with!
  12. Every time I see Tanner in here I always think of GTAIV multiplayer, because you're never on enough! We miss your skin-'ed. Hopefully you'll be here, and welcome back.
  13. Good luck to Ghana. They seem to be holding up well to Germany so far.
  14. The cash you have to pick up from crates and fallen enimies. You never get cash at the end of a gang attack if that's what you mean.
  15. The reason I didn't have my mic on last night was because I was trying to get my 5 week old baby to sleep in my arms whilst plating GTAO xD not because I'm antisocial. Oh and fuck you for slamming my blade off the freeway in that hipster vintage race last night!
  16. All gang attacks are paying out well. I'm getting $8k per gang attack every few minutes going from one gang attack to another, in a solo lobby. I made about $50k in half hour.
  17. I have two new captures for you handsome people. Salty Swagbag 2-16 players Contented Grab the Seaman's salty bag o' treasure. X marks the spot! http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/kOEJkaZBLk2729VfkPZ4NA?platformId=2 Bayview Brigand 2-16 players Raid You decide to play a prank and steal marshmallows from the other campers. They had the same idea. Things escalate quickly. STEAL EVERY LAST 'MALLOW! http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs/job/I80zTvyDrE-SYoynQg9hOQ?platformId=2
  18. And DAT kerning/tracking... Good job gtagrl.
  19. Add me to the lifetime membership list.
  20. Alpine Ridge Rally 1-16 player Standard Point to point race. This was designed for the custom Warrener. So get modding. I've left the classes open though if you wish to try out something different. But I want a Warrener rally race (not an actual rally mode, just a race in rally cars) in iGTA night one week. http://socialclub.ro...sA?platformId=2
  21. Look out for the new gang attacks and the double GTA$ from tomorrow!
  22. did Thanks bud. Hole Cat has really taken off, sweet!
  23. Here's my entry. Feel free to drop a like. DiO you have a reddit account, any chance you could post it for me? http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/snapmatic/photo/vcNCPYLBXku6NnqtGt57Lw?platformId=2 Also, nice to see DiO's shot of my hipster jackaling up there in the top along with bOnEs shots. Nice one guys!