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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. I spent the last couple of days frustratingly trying to find episode 8 online, completely unaware it wasn't even out yet. Was that because of Memorial Day?
  2. DuPz0r


    Hopefully the big guns wont be as much of a let down as WD. (The Division, Destiny, Drive Club) I'm expecting big things from console exclusive. My rule of thumb is that if the game is going to be made for last gen too, it probably wont look very good at all.
  3. I played it at my mates pad today, and first impressions are this: Cars handle like shit, if you spend your life on GTAO, you will really appreciate the handling of cars in GTA. The Smartphone is really detailed, and is probably everything I wanted from the smartphone in GTAV. I played the PS4 version, and in all honesty, the graphics aren't as amazing as they looked in the trailers. You get the odd well lit scene when on a mission that really bring out the textures, but in freeroam, unless it's raining, the world looks grey and bland. The stealth hacking is the core, and I found that this is rammed down your throat from the get go. Completing a mission using firearms just makes the whole mission feel pointless and complicated. I noticed a clothes shop but it wasn't unlocked, and I had a look in the stats wheel. It seems like there is a lot of side missions, but overall I feel the city is missing that sugar coated feel. The cutscenes however do have that suger coated feel, and really make the story seem interesting. But then gameplay comes back and makes you wish the game world elt as good as the cutscenes... I'll just borrow this game from my friend when he's finished, as all my suspicions and worries about this game have finally been proven right.
  4. Haven't worked on a 3D project in ages. I need to get my arse off of GTAO and start making things again. So I decided to carry on with my old motel theme project, which I started about a year ago... I'v been designing the motel sign. Just playing with the colour themes, as that will carry across to the entire motel later. Any suggestions on colours? I will be modelling lights into it too, so they will fit with the colour theme. At this sage I'm thinking blue/orange as the washed out colours reflect the 60's/70's motel vibe. I'm also open to Motel Names. I only chose Malibu as homage to Vice City. But if someone has a better name, I'm willing to change it, and design the rest of the motel based around that.
  5. Does the PS4 version of minecraft look any better graphically than the previous versions? When I say graphically I generally mean lighting and post process effects. Not texture resolutions and poly counts.
  6. I have a feeling the basic gameplay for this will have the same repetitive feel as AC, and offer little variety outside of main missions. I hope I am wrong though. I'll be playing this around a friend's house in a couple of days, so I will see for myself. It's a shame that every openworld sandbox has to be compared to GTA, but it does, they created and mastered that type of game. So GTA always looks sugar coated compared to every other openworld game.
  7. Put me down on the list. I've been sleeping earlier all week due to lack of sleep and night feeds, but I'll stay up late for this
  8. DuPz0r


    Yeah, facebook only sucks. But you can save your videos to a usb device and upload them manually. Full 1080P footage, so pretty awesome.
  9. DuPz0r


    This is now possible, without the stupid fuss of add-on capture cards. Do it!
  10. DuPz0r


    Th witcher has been on my radar for a while now. Looks pretty sweet.
  11. I use that, along with the depth of field shader. Looks beautiful.
  12. Nice shots DiO as usual! And thanks people x
  13. My baby was born this morning. I wont be attending. See You all in coming weeks. Have fun!
  14. It did sorta happen. But me, ghost, otiz and goosey were on earlier in the evening. But yeah, there wasn't many idea's floating around, and not enough people to do large shots. Goose's game disc stopped working also.
  15. I tried this today. I didn't like it much, it was way too sweet. It left a rich hoppy after-taste, but the initial swig was like a fruit drink... I'm yet to try anything else from brew dog, I hope there is better.
  16. Again, I'll be there if my wife isn't in labour. Baby is now overdue!
  17. I think that the effort involved with the musical thing would only be worth while if you could record video footage. Snaps wont do it justice.
  18. I still haven't played any new contact jobs... They should make that easier to access. Also, those of you that have already filled up two garages: You can drive a car from one garage to the other, full garage and it asks you to swap out a car to put back into the other one, so it doesn't give you that option to erase a vehicle anymore. Which is good.
  19. Haha yeah loved it. I was hooked, I never did report back. It was well worth the buy.
  20. DuPz0r


    The games are always new release on PS4. Mostly indie releases, but you do get the odd triple A freebie every couple of months across the range of PSN devices. I haven't played yet, but I got pay day 2 free (ps3), and psplus installed itself for me whilst I was at work. So it does have some value. As it stands, you only really need PS Plus to play FPS games like BF4 and Killzone at this stage, but as time goes on, it will probably become more of a necessity. As regards to what the ps4 offers, don't forget 'Project Morpheus', the VR headset which is on the horizon. I bet it'll be more affordable than the Oculus, and then you can start downloading VR Porn
  21. DuPz0r


    You can surf the web and watch YouTube. Games like Elder Scrolls, and Final Fantasy are subscription based, so if that the only kind of game you're after, don't bother with psplus. PSplus does reward you in the long run though, a free new game every month isn't a bad deal.
  22. Awesome stuff, My snapmatic was playing up as usual, my gallery hardly ever loads these days. DiO, you should tag those jazz hands up, throw in some high life text, then send them viral.