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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. Yeah pretty fucked up lol. Jamie has dat relentless inbreeding gene. It's a royal thing I guess...
  2. Yeah, I guess it's literally a battle to the middle. Once a team dominates, it's hard to fight back.
  3. I'm thinking of splitting some playlists into categories as suggested. City Circuits, Point to Points/offroads, Rally's, and Drift tracks. Here's my latest contribution. Drift Gene Racing http://rsg.ms/RMdlfS
  4. War Never Changes - I I enjoyed this one quite a bit, I found that people were mostly behind cover, it was a bit of a dead heat situation. And people either were killed when they ran low on ammo and went out for more guns, or they got picked off with a sniper from behind cover if they were poking out slightly. Nice set up though, interesting design. Hidden Package Hunt Yeah, it's mine. I probably could have made it a bit more clear as how to get up and down buildings I guess. It made perfect sense when I made it, but in the practical, people kept falling off and dying. But in my defence, it's hard to make these running races, especially when checkpoints aren't very accessible by vehicle. Are You Serious? This TDM was ridiculously fun, and pretty well designed. The barriers were absolutely useless, but that made it even more fun, especially when cars came smashing in and destroying all the cover. Run Through The Hills Nice off-road sections, and very tight, high-speed, downhill sections all make it an interesting point to point. The start was a little bit of a different pace compared to the rest though. Van Damme This turned out pretty interesting with Vans. Some of those corners in the vans were very unforgiving, so you need to keep that vehicle glued on four wheels as much as you can, or risk spinning off a hill. Pretty good. I'd like to try this again with other vehicles to see if it's even less forgiving at high speeds. War Never Changes - II Once again, interesting looking design, really looks post-apoc. The balance however didn't seem in favour for the team I was on. It seemed like we were pinned on one side of the bridge with not much ammo for much of the game. But the other team seemed to have sniper rifles and grenades. The weapon placement could do with a tweak, but the design was solid. WMD Procurement The idea was great, and we walked all over the other team, even with a Zancudo level bounty. But I'm not sure how the other team's situation was, as they either couldn't get anywhere, or they didn't even realise it was a capture...
  5. Dinklage carries the tv series well, but I much like the miss-matched duo more.
  6. Whenever I look at the hound, I always think of his role as "Yarp" in Hot Fuzz... lol The hound and Arya are my favourites in the book, and they're starting to prove themselves in the TV series now too.
  7. I've had this one a while, just couldn't be bothered to take a picture until now.
  8. Yeah, loads of cool photos all round. That black and white one of DiO i want to do one for each of you eventually.
  9. I took quite a few snaps this week. Who ruined my photo? lol
  10. I really like it. That and my Intruder may well be my heist vehicles, If they ever come out. I've pretty much lost interest in them in all honesty.
  11. On an iGTA night... How? We always put weapons/armours in our games so no-one needs to buy anything, and we always all come out +$30,000-$60,000 depending on your performance. I've barely seen you join in on iGTA playlists anyway man. I do appreciate freemode, I think that's what keeps GTAO alive. But deathmatch's & races are generally at the core of an IGTA night, we've been doing them along side shenanigans since GTA IV, and the contrast compliments each other imo. But, like i said, it doesn't have to be a full playlist. Even if it's like a four game list, two races, a capture and a deathmatch or something... If I'm outnumbered, that's fine, we can do what bOnEs said, and just do them individually whenever during the session, and people that want to join can, and others can stay in roam.
  12. I'm in. I'd like to see some sort of playlist even if it's short. I'm always down for making money even on iGTA nights. Plus they give the night a bit of structure. Sometimes shenanigans flop, and we spend 3-4 hours doing almost fuck all.
  13. I know man, That fat guy's face looks as good and detailed as the three protagonist's for Christ's Sake (Lol Easter irony). I wish they just gave us better presets to mess around with. Even if the parents/grand parents had hell of a lot more characteristics, then the players could look creative.
  14. Yeah dude, was definitely thinking of doing racing themed playlists. Like actual event fixtures; Street, track/circuit, off-road, rally, motor GP, etc. Hopefully once we get our second garages we can have vehicles for racing in one and vehicles for pleasure/business in the other. So everyone should have a decent set of cars with both characters eventually.
  15. This one is for the Easter playlist. Hidden Package Hunt 1-16 Players, Foot Race Hunt down those packages on foot. That's right, put down your BMX. The winner gets the hidden Easter egg, the last one is a rotten egg! NO KILLING, strictly a foot race without weapons. Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/RwkIIc
  16. There's nothing wrong with a bit of offroad. As long as we can get some custom vehicles going then it's good enough for me lol.
  17. @Dio, Yeah standard circuits but still interesting, think more street and track style racing.
  18. Nice bunny. With regards to the Jackal, if you do have another go at it. Can we not have it crew coloured? As that doesn't fit many paint jobs. I'd rock it more otherwise.
  19. The bounty idea could work as a long term thing though. Like a game of its own. I might do that lol.
  20. Ah I thought you meant post pictures here on the forum and then we hunt them down in game, like a bounty hunt.