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Everything posted by DuPz0r

  1. This is for the upcoming week's playlist. Celebrating April Fools' with an unforgiving off-road race along the coast! Fool's Errand 1-16 player GTA Race Race north following the golden beaches of the west coast. Deliver the package first and be rewarded handsomely! Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1hJlYNz
  2. DuPz0r


    Don't even compare Infamous's empty sandbox to GTA or FO! Grand Theft Auto has always had a richly detailed world, infamous hasn't managed that yet.
  3. DuPz0r


    The new infamous looks pretty, but from what I see the gameplay looks like the same repetition as previous iterations. I can see myself getting bored freeroaming. This is the main reason I didn't buy Second Son.
  4. Had to do it. Stay Classy! 4-16 players. 4 team deathmatch. A good old fasioned bilingual bloodfest. So here's the ground rules... 1. No touching of the hair or face! That's it. And dress snappy if you want everybody to see how good you look! Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1hG3ihs
  5. Yes! April fools playlist too. This has already given me ideas for creations.
  6. DuPz0r


    I realise that now. But the article I read when I first posted that said undisclosed. Hell of a lot of money to plow into a peripheral though. I hear share holders in the original business are pissed.
  7. DuPz0r

    GTAO Wishlist

    I want R* to give us the ability to chose specific songs from their stations to start on when you get into a car either on a race, deathmatch vehicle or soon to be released mission's cars. Or force the radio station at the very least. And give us more time and weather options, just so you can properly set the tone you want from the creation...
  8. They really need more characature masks, of influential people from the GTA universe!
  9. @bOnEs - I'm in! I can't wait until we can get these heists started. I would like to see a small group of us suited and booted, with novelty masks!
  10. DuPz0r


    Well Facebook just bought Oculus for an undisclosed amount of money... They will plow a lot of money into it to make sure it's succesful. This now means that Facebook and Sony are going head to head with these VR headsets, so I think there may be some commercial success. Whether or not Sony's VR is a marginal success, or a sellout is still the question. There must be some technology that both platforms have up their sleeve to make a real stab at virtual reality this time around. I do hope it does well, I would like to see support across the board, so I can buy one!
  11. I guess we can say that Rockstar Games approves of glitching the blimp into online. Although they gave credit to the wrong people (and may not realize it's GTAO). Damn, they dun stole DiO's buddy's shot! Good that you guys set them straight, but I doubt R* will even amend their response. We know who took it, thats the main thing!
  12. DuPz0r


    I've heard from a few friends that titanfall is a big disappointment. Being made by guys developing call of duty, I'm not surprised.
  13. DuPz0r


    Does anyone see this "Project Morpheus" actually changing the way we like to play? I mean, people love to sit in front of their smart phones all day, will a VR headset for a home console actually do well? It is nice to finally see the 80's dream peripheral making it into the market for real, but what will Sony have to offer that is more than the Oculus? Which is basically two small high resolution screens against your eyes?
  14. Damn, i hope they fix it at some point tonight Ghostman Be right in guys!
  15. So, as DiO mentioned, are we going to try and fill a public lobby so there's not much room for randoms, and get the blimp on the go? Would be awesome to capture a mass skydive from a helicopter with a nice view below!
  16. Meh, already made it. I do have other plans when those creator settings become available though.
  17. Rocket, Pistol, Sniper 2-16 player TDM Just like Rock, Paper, Scissors, this requires not much skill, and plenty of Luck. Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1ha7ndL People always complain about deathmatches where there's that one RPG, or Heavy Sniper that makes the game one sided. So i decided to make a Team based DM with only Rockets, Pistols & Snipers, where you have no freedom to walk around because you're stuck on opposing sky scrapers... Watch those rockets fly! Rhino Territory 2-16 player DM The Rhino in its natural surroundings. Add to Game: http://rsg.ms/1ha8Qk8 This one will hopefully be a little more quirky than the usual 'TANK BATTLE'. The environment should reflect this.
  18. I feel like making a tank deathmatch. but I dumno where. I've not tried.to do one before because I thought it was going to be done to death.
  19. I caved in and bought this today. I'll report back once I've played it.
  20. @Smith - Same vehicle glitch to get cars from offline to online. We landed helicopters on it and walked around on it. Went to maximum height and used it as a base jumping platform!
  21. Look what we got online... (credit to DiO for glitching it in)